Math Tutor 3rd grade


I'm looking for a tutor for my son, who's in 3rd grade. Having a good relationship with a tutor and seeing them as a role model is something that's really important to my son and I think it will go a long way in helping him get excited and confident in math. In this vein, I've been having a hard time finding diverse tutors (people of color), so I'm posting here in the hopes that people will have recommendations. Ideally, I'm looking for someone who has some teaching experience working in math and with younger kids. I look forward to any advice or recs. Thank you!

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We have used Ali Mansour from Firecracker Math in Oakland. He has been amazing with my now 5th grader. By the end of 4th grade, my child was at least a year behind in math.  We did a session each week with Ali and by fall, my child was not only caught up, but is now one of the stronger math students. Also, my child HATED math, and working with Ali completely changed that.  Ali helped build confidence and appreciation for math.  He is very kind, patient and organized.  I can't recommend him enough.