Loving camp for 2e girl (10)?

Is there a nurturing camp for a mildly autistic extremely social 10 year old? She needs to feel comforted and that the counselors are nurturing. Thanks so much for your help :)

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While my kids don't have the same diagnosis you describe, they both are extremely slow to warm up/reserved/shy to the point of withdrawn, and both really enjoyed Monkey Business Camp when they were about 10 & 8. (2019) It's all outside at Tilden and has a very mellow, fun vibe. The counselors change somewhat year to year but it seems that the model really values connection and activity.


Seconding the recommendation for Monkey Business -- it also really helps the programming is multiple weeks, rather than the week-long chaos that many other camps have. We used to have good experiences with Trackers for our 2e child, but the overall leadership has changed a lot, and we've had mixed success with counselors. There used to be more continuity from year to year. Our older child (2e) is now trying out being a CIT at Monkey Business, which I would never have expected was possible, but they have strong ties with the leadership, the past counselors, and I really feel safe that my kid is getting both emotional support and engaging activities. Hope you find that to be true for your family, too!


Take a look at Camp Augusta. They have a really great approach and better/more training than usual camp counselors. Our gifted group of 2E kids frequented the family camp many years in a row when my kids were younger. Highly recommend. https://campaugusta.org


+1 for camp augusta where my (low support needs) autistic, ADD + anxiety nature loving 14 year old daughter has gone for many years - it's her happy place. 
