Looking for School (kindergarten) accepted IEP

Hello 👋 need help and suggestions! Currently I am looking for good enough charter schools and district schools for my son who will be 5 years old next year. We live in Pinole area. The schools can be from Hercules to Oakland areas (for school district is within West Contra Costa). Any recommendations what they are? And tips how to look? We just recently had a IEP meeting and plan to bring the updated IEP report to share to the school and come to check out the school. Any tips on this?

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Check out Valley View Elementary! It's in Richmond/El Sobrante. My child has had an IEP since she started speech and OT through the district at age 3. The staff and teachers have been very open to parent input and requested accommodations. It's a small, friendly school and it might be transitioning into a project based/experiential learning model which I think will be more engaging.