Looking for recommendations for someone who can cook Indian food.

Hi, My husband and I are going to be first-time parents. Before the baby's arrival, I am trying to see if we can find someone who can come help cook Indian food for us a couple of times a week. If you have any recommendations that will be greatly appreciated it. Thanks so much! 

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Hi, my husband and I were in the same situation regarding food a couple of years back when we were expecting our first child. Although I have not been able to find a good Indian cook in the Berkeley area, we are very satisfied with the food service Mylapore Express. They cook home style Indian food in bulk and deliver it to your home at a reasonable price. They also have a variety of foods to choose from and different size and delivery options.  You can check their website for details here: https://mylaporeexpress.com/

Hope you get something that works for you!


Try Shef service.  You can pick from a bunch of Indian chefs and some of them are pretty good.

