Looking for a Nature rich, play based Pre-K

I'm looking into pre schools for our almost 2 year old. Ideally a diverse school with lots of outside play. Any suggestions? I know EBWS isn't the most diverse but I'm, drawn to other aspects. However I don't know when they're reopening, or if we could get enough financial aid. So I'm looking for other suggestions. Ideally a campus that has lots of dirt & trees or is at least close to it. Thanks!

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Pine Crest School in Kensington meets this criteria!


Not sure if you are located near North Berkeley/Kensington, but both Pinecrest School and The Good Earth School are on 9 acres in the hills (located next to each other) and the kids are outside everyday. My kiddos went there and always came home with stories of hiking, climbing trees, finding bugs, and covered in dirt. They loved it. Note- both schools are more expensive than the other schools we toured, but we wanted the kids to be in nature. 

I'm not sure where you're located, but I highly recommend Sequoia Nursery School in Oakland http://www.sequoiakids.org/
