Laser Hair Removal after Several Failed Attempts
Does anyone have experience in getting a successful outcome using laser hair removal, years after previous failed attempts? I have a long history of hair removal techniques for facial hair, starting with electrolysis in high school, laser hair removal in college, and again about 5 years later at a different location-- nothing ever seemed to work. I then just gave up and relied on waxing and threading over the last several years. Now that I've had two children and think my hormones will be relatively steady, I'd love to try laser hair removal again. Perhaps there also have been some advances in technologies. I'm wondering if anyone has had success after previous failed attempts-- I've heard it could be my hormones, skin tone, etc., but I don't have an absurd amount of hair, and the hairs are dark against my olive complexion (which should make laser easier vs. lighter hairs). I'm also new to the area and in general am looking for good recommendations. I appreciate all suggestions. Thank you!
Parent Replies
I wish I could help but I read your post and I feel like Im in the same situation....Ive done like 6 sessions over the years and not much has worked. I want to go to one of those chains Laser Away or whatever that are always advertised, but I don't want to keep paying money for nothing.. If you get any good feedback can you please pass it along? I would really appreciate it! Thanks so much...