Kaiser Pediatrician

Hi all- Any recommendations for a Kaiser-based pediatrician? Prefer Walnut Creek, but open to Berkeley, Oakland, etc. Thanks!

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Kaiser Pediatrician (Jun 30, 2022)

We are very happy with Dr. Chouw in Oakland. She sees both our daughters and is responsive, personable and caring. 

Kaiser Pediatrician (Jun 30, 2022)

Dr. Nelson-Munson is great in Berkeley. Awesome with kids and super smart!

Kaiser Pediatrician (Jun 30, 2022)

Our son goes to William Ong in Walnut Creek and we have been very happy with him. 

Kaiser Pediatrician (Jun 30, 2022)

We have really enjoyed Dr. Silvia Delius based at Kaiser Oakland.

Kaiser Pediatrician (Jun 30, 2022)

I highly recommend Dr. Rangarajan, a GP at Oakland Kaiser who specializes in pediatrics.  He was recommended to us by our previous physician when he retired from Kaiser a few years ago as the smartest GP he knew.  We've found him to be super smart, knowledgeable, intuitive, and skilled at handling all kinds of personality types.  

"Dr. Ran" as folks call him, is young-ish (40s?), and is a native of Michigan -- his M.D. is from Ann Arbor.  If the  BPN system doesn't block the link, you can read about him here: https://mydoctor.kaiserpermanente.org/ncal/providers/sureshrangarajan including his philosophy of medicine.  (If you can't see it, you can simply google Rangarajan MD Oakland Kaiser and his page should pop right up.)

Dr. Rangarajan sees adults, too!  I recommended him to my 52-year-old cousin, and she's been very happy to be under his care.