6YO wants guitar, martial arts, or tap dancing lessons


They don't seem entirely related, but my 6 yo has expressed interest in learning how to play the guitar as well as in martial arts or tap dancing lessons.  Does anyone have recommendations?  Also, is guitar an OK starting instrument?  I suggested piano since I know 6 year olds who have started with that, but while he is somewhat interested in piano, he is definitely more interested in guitar.


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We love our guitar/ukulele teacher Ian Rowe. My daughter started on ukulele at 6 and is switching to guitar now at almost 9. He is fun and funny and also pushes her to do her best. https://www.irguitarlessons.com/

My six year old attends the School of Rock (there are several Bay Area locations). He's in the Rookies program which they get experience with guitar, bass guitar, keyboard, drums, and vocals. They don't have to pick an instrument, and get to play around with all of them and learn simple songs. Once he completes this program he will move into a single instrument (Rock 101 program). He's leaning towards guitar too.

My other kid is already in the Rock 101 program and on keyboard.

I'm not sure about the tap dancing and the guitar, but my family does do martial arts with Studio Naga at the border of Oakland/Berkeley and Emeryville.  https://www.studionaga.com/ Right now the kids classes are outdoors at Hollis Doyle Park, not indoors at the regular studio.  All 3 of my kids (ages 7,12 and 14) go to classes and have been attending since they were small.  Full disclosure, I train too.  So fun.  The community is great, the self defense is great and the people there really care.  Best of luck with your activities! 

Guitar or uke is a fine instrument to start for 6 year olds. Our kid started piano at age 5 and guitar at age 7. Our kid also does tap dancing at east bay dance center in Glenview. The space is big and has windows and doors open with a heaps filter. Kids are masked. 
