Internship opportunities for teen in health/child/social justice

Hi Berkeley and Bay Area Parents!

I have a 16 year old about to enter her Jr year and she has decided to complete an academic program where she gets to intern somewhere for 4 hrs a week. We aren’t well connected in the area, and so many opportunities arrive by ‘who you know’ so I am putting our requests out into the network to see if anyone can suggest somewhere/someone.  The program is pretty broad, but her interests lie in social justice and early childhood development, and she’s a great people person and writer.  Friday or Saturday would be her best working day, and she’s ok going outside of her immediate neighborhood. 
Happy to hear everyone’s thoughts! 

Parent Replies

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My nonprofit organization Together We Stand has worked with many interns and we would be happy to discuss an opportunity for your daughter to intern with us. We are a social justice organization, you can find out more about us at our website


I would suggest contacting the following:

Not sure if they do internships but may be a good start! 

I don’t know what the timeline is for taking on new participants, but the Lawrence Hall of Science has a teen intern/volunteer program that includes opportunities for youth to work with visiting children. The program runs year round and has various areas of specialization.