Immigration lawyer to obtain Certificate of Citizenship

I adopted my kiddo from Ethiopia years ago.  He is a citizen and has a social security number but I have continued to hit walls trying to obtain a certificate of citizenship from USCIS. In order to get him a US Passport I need that paperwork.  Anyone have a recommendation for a lawyer who can help assist us?

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Have you tried asking your U.S. Representative for help? Or either of our Senators? This is the type of thing their constituent relations teams can help with. 

I would look into finding an adoption attorney. Our daughter is also internationally adopted and I belong to a group of families with internationally adopted children and many families on that group are finding out that unfortunately a ssn alone does not prove citizenship. Immigration attorneys may not be familiar with the specificity of the international adoptee paperwork and if they file it wrong it seems like it can be really difficult to get out of (at least according to some peoples experience)

This was years ago, but we were able to get a passport for our daughter before we redid her certificate of citizenship. We had our adoption decree and our readoption paperwork with her US birth certificate. I don't have an adoption attorney to recommend. Can you reach out to your adoption agency and see if they have a recommendation?