In-Home Daycares for 6mo old near Fruitvale/Laurel?

Hi, I'm a first time parent looking to start my son in daycare in November or December, when he will be 6-7 months old. It is so hard to find availability! I would really appreciate any recommendations of in-home daycares that might have availability anywhere near Laurel, Fruitvale, Dimond, or nearby neighborhoods. Our only requirement is a safe and loving environment where our baby will get enough attention. Outdoor space and healthy meals would be very nice. We are a bilingual English/Spanish household so would be fine to work with a Spanish-only daycare.

Thank you!

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We have been really happy with Irma Leon/Happy Hearts Daycare near 38th and foothill. Our son started at 6 months and is now 3, he loves Irma and his very happy there. She provides meals but we send some snacks too. I think she may have openings now but am not sure. 510-712-8711, can call or text her. Spanish is her best language. 


My daughter went to Monte Tavor at 6months, we only stayed 2-3 months because then covid started, but the time we were there we loved it, as did she. Additionally, DLPA is where my son went 5 years ago, in DImond--- they have since expanded from an in home day care (multiple locations), so I dont know their age groups... but could be worth checking out (I LOVE THEM).