Experience with ANTS multisport camps?
Has anyone had a child participate in the ANTS multisports camps? There are a lot of session and the location is convenient. My 6 year old is interested in basketball as a hobby but is not an athlete by any stretch. If you have experience with these camps, did they seem more focused on learning to play and having fun, or where they competitive? I'm also interested in hearing about the structure of the days and the quality of the instruction and supervision. Thank you!
Feb 14, 2025
Parent Replies
My kids love ants. It’s very informal sports more like pe style and very accessible to all levels of kids that just love running around and active play. There’s lots of rewards (candy and stickers) that keep my kids motivated. They’ve done summer and non school day camps.
Yes! We love these camps. Our 7 yo son loves them more than many of the more expensive and popular camps that we’ve signed him up for over the years. The sports are not competitive and are totally focused on having fun - think camp with color war, kickball, tennis baseball…Our son sounds a lot like your son and thus I think they’d be a good fit. There are lots of young counselors who are all very kind and enthusiastic and it has a good mix of structure as well as freedom. I recommend trying it out and seeing if your son likes it.