Echo Lake family camp tips and recommendations?

Hello! We’re going to the city of Berkeley family camp over Labor Day weekend with a bunch of family friends for the first time. Curious if any one out there has been and has some suggestions or tips for how to make the most of it? We’ll be with kids ranging from 8 mo to 8 yrs old. Anything you brought or wish you had brought that was super helpful? Also curious how choosing tents works. If you’re going with a group is there a way to make sure you can all be in campsites near one another?

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Typically, you choose from available cabins when you arrive. Be prepared for highish altitude: I'm pretty sensitive and it had me debilitated the first half of camp on my first year. I took diamox the next year and did much better. I love the hike around the lake. We usually bring mats for the floor of the cabins because it can be splintery. Mosquitos may be high that late. Be creative about what you bring for tie-dye...dishtowels,  handkerchiefs, sweatshirts, aprons, etc...are fun, but you need to bring it.  Happy hours have been fun, but take some coordinating. Have fun!

We went to Echo Lake family camp for 5 years ending in 2019. I think the biggest issues will be the altitude, which can cause sleep problems and make it chilly at night. Childcare was a big benefit of family camp for us; I hope they offer something in that regard for the Labor Day weekend.

We went with friends but personally I liked our tent not being right next to them in case kids cried at night (ours or theirs).