Easy muffin scoop for toddler?
I’ve been cooking with my 2 year old granddaughter. We have made several types of muffins and cookie shapes. It’s a messy project but she loves it. Is there any kind of muffin scoop that a toddler can use? So far I tell her ‘that’s grandma’s turn’ but I am trying to find some kind of device that would make it easy for her.
Sep 6, 2021
Parent Replies
We use an ice cream scoop, one of those old fashioned kinds that you have to squeeze so the metal part runs across the scoop to release. She may need to use 2 hands at first or have you help, but I bet she’d get it quickly…just a question of hand size/strength.
How about a turkey baster to pick up batter and squirt?
I'd use either a dry measuring cup (1/4 or 1/3, maybe) if your batter is wet enough to scoop and dump, or a spoon (just a regular adult spoon- she can pile it high) if it's thick or sticky. You may have to take a turn when she's done too even it out. Older toddlers and thin batter may be able to use the turkey baster, but the ice cream scoop will be tough (speaking as a toddler teacher).