East Bay School for Boys & Black Pine Circle - Parent Feedback


For the upcoming school year (Fall, 2025-26), we're looking at both The East Bay School for Boys and The Black Pine Circle School as options for our rising 6th grader.

Currently our son utilizes some learning supports at his elementary school and we're curious how academic supports have worked for similar families at EBSB and BPC in the last few years.

We'd like to hear from parents — particularly recent experiences involving academics, tutoring, staff and/or overall school operation (parent perspectives that are good, bad and in between are welcome.) 

Thank you in advance.

Parent Replies

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I can only respond with our experience with the East Bay School (formerly EBSB), as both of our kids have attended. We have loved pretty much every aspect of this school--it was a great fit for both of our boys despite different needs for each. One of our kids did not require any learning support, and loved the learning methods of work (carpentry, metal work, etc) that was supported by what they learn in class. Our other child required tutoring and support, particularly with math, and the support has been incredible. The tutor at EBS is certified and is incredible at working with the math teacher to help devise a plan for the child to provide alternative presentations of test questions, which has helped him immensely. One thing that I think most differentiates EBS from other smaller independent middle schools such as The Berkeley School and Berkwood Hedge is that the teachers are incredibly strong--they are seasoned (which is so important for middle school), they know how to challenge the kids, and they are incredibly dedicate to the students and the well-being of the school. Many of the high schools that we toured in the area commented on how well-adjusted EBS(B) students are when they start high school. The head of school is incredible--he is kind, thoughtful, and has been in the independent school world for quite some time. The parent community is strong and lovely, and the staff is small but incredibly mighty. A gem of a school, and I encourage you to learn more! Best of luck in your decision!