Dog Behavior Training

Hi! Curious if anyone has a dog behavior trainer that they can recommend. We are fostering a shelter pup (8 months) and would like to adopt him if he can get along with our cat. Right now, he's chasing her when she runs, and she's skittish of him so she does run! Secondarily, I'd like to address his separation anxiety. Any and all referrals would be welcome - also, please share if you've had negative experiences with a trainer. Thanks!

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Dog Behavior Training (Jul 11, 2024)

Highly recommend Spencer - Cultured Hounds.

Our daughter and son-in-law rescued a pitbull mix that never got trained as a puppy; things are so much better now that he has has some training.  Not cheap, but worth every cent.  

Dog Behavior Training (Jul 11, 2024)

We have used Bravopup for 2 dogs: They have a lot of classes for I think both group and 1:1 training, we have specifically worked with the owner Sandi.

Dog Behavior Training (Jul 11, 2024)

We have worked with Alesia Vaughn owner of Doggy Style East Bay since we got our dog when she was around the same age. We have a very anxious and alert dog. She's super smart but also a street dog. 

I think it's been six years and our dog is around 7 years old and she still walks with Alesia's pack a few times a week. This has been such a resource for us - just this week I was amazed at how far our dog has come with behavioral patterns. Some things I didn't think would be possible even a couple years ago.

Dog Behavior Training (Jul 11, 2024)

We love Mariah Burns! We met her through East Bay SPCA when we took a class with our puppy. She does private lessons as well. Her website is here:

We love that she uses positive reinforcement only, no force. Our dog loves her!

Dog Behavior Training (Jul 11, 2024)

Elijah at Proper Pup ( is the best! We used him four years ago and recommend him to all our friends. He is friendly, knowledgeable, and patient. He has given us great advice and we are so grateful!

Dog Behavior Training (Jul 11, 2024)

We used Kathy Kear at with our anxious and reactive dog. She was great!