Does King Middle School have a twins policy?

My twin daughters will enter 6th grade at King in the fall. Does anyone know if King has a policy for twins or other multiples being in the same class or different classes? I know some schools have policies, others have recommendations, and others leave it entirely up to the parents. 

I'm not looking for advice on the topic, though feel free to chime in if you feel strongly about the issue. I just want to know what position King takes on the subject and what is the right point in the enrollment process to for a parent to communicate a preference.



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Hi - I have identical twin girls who are now juniors in high school. It sounds like you haven't formed a strong preference for whether your twins are placed in the same class or not. My feeling is that it depends on what kind of twins you have (identical, fraternal, boys, girls, etc.) and what their relationship is like and how co-dependent they are (which can be a function of the kinds of twins they are).  We always had ours in different classes in the public school, and then we sent ours to different, private middle schools. That was a learning experience as we thought they were quite independent but it turns out that one was quite dependent on the other socially, so being in different schools was difficult for one, but for the other it was liberating. I'm a big fan of having twins establish their own identities with others and have different educational experiences, that's hard when they're in the same school, even when in separate classrooms. Because the material covered and homework assignments by the different teachers are exactly the same, there is still a lot of comparing going on. In any event, you should be able to ask the school for them to be together if you really want them to be, but even if they're apart they will see a lot of each other, and getting them used to being apart will be very useful and important for when they eventually go to college. 

My understanding when my kids started at King (they are now at BHS) was that the school would put them in different classes with the same core teachers.  So for 6th grade they had the same two teachers for Eng/History and Math/Science, but at different times.  The advantage of this is that you can schedule conferences at the same time and go to one welcome event instead of two.  After 6th grade it was more uneven and my kids ended up in some of the same classes but for 6th grade that was the stated policy.