Diaper advice/recommendation for 5 year old

Hi parents, my 5 year old wears a diaper to bed. He’s 60pounds and insanely tall. He is potty trained for daytime and has been for years but nighttime is a different story. He sleeps so deeply and I’m looking for a new brand of diaper that can hold it all and works for how much he weighs. 

Does anyone have a recommendation for a good diaper brand? The Amazon mama brand always leaks (size L), and almost every other brand I’ve ordered has a very strong perfume/chemical smell so I won’t use them at all.  


Parent Replies

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My 7 year old sensory kiddo who is about that same weight and is also very tall. We use Pampers Ninjamas size S/M and I add in a Booster Pad size 4-6, looks like they have another higher size but we haven't used it (Naturally Nature brand) that has helped a LOT with leaks. He has reduced by half how much he has been drinking at bedtime from this summer. I've been using this set up for at least 6 months and it's worked well.

My son wore the Goodnights brand at night until around that age - some kids just take a bit longer to get dry at night. They definitely come in larger sizes, but I don't think any pull-up or diaper can truly contain a full night of pee from a kid that age/size, so it's best to do all the adjacent stuff too, like limiting fluids for the 1-2 hrs before bed, religiously peeing before bed, and perhaps also getting him up once in the night to go again (like maybe when you are heading to bed). Also, make sure (really sure) that he's not constipated, as that directly contributes to nocturnal enuresis. Good luck! 

My daughter is 5 and very tall. I use Pampers Swaddlers size 8. They work for her!

Try a diaper and a wool pull-on cover?

You may want to try pull ups. My nearly 7 yr old, 55 pound kid that also sleeps very deeply does well with the Huggies plus pull ups size 5T-6T. I see they go up to 60 pounds so your kid would be at the max weight. But maybe worth a try? I get them at Costco, you can only buy them online, not in store. https://www.costco.com/huggies-pull-ups-plus-training-pants-for-boys.pr…

You can also add a pad (we use supersposies) 

Goodnites nighttime diapers work very well for this. We also have a 90th percentile 6 yo who still needs them at night.