Diabetes doctor recommendations

Hello, My brother in law was just diagnosed with diabetes by his PCP.  We're all kind of in shock since he's a pretty healthy guy.  He and my sister have done a bunch of research in the last few weeks, but are having a hard time finding a great doctor who can guide him through this.  He would like to try to manage it without medication, at least at the beginning and wants to work with a doctor who is very current on research and on the latest ways to live a healthy lifestyle with diabetes.  I'm hoping that somewhere in this network there is someone who can point them in the right direction!  Thank you so much.

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Hey there! I was also recently diagnosed with diabetes, and it is an emotional blow. I had a terrible doctor during the years I was prediabetic and she discouraged me so much from seeking help from dieticians, etc., saying that if I "would just get serious" about losing weight I wouldn't have a problem. It was awful! Because I was serious as can be, but I didn't understand the difference between dieting and eating in a diabetic-friendly way! Finally I ditched her (sadly, already after I had developed diabetes) and found a new doctor, who had extensive experience with diabetic patients (20 years of work as an MD on a Native reservation where diabetes ran rampant) and was much more willing to listen to my different symptoms and connect the dots. I recommend her very highly: her name is Dr. Fumi Suzuki at Sutter Health, and she hooked me up with a really great diabetes management class (4 sessions) through Sutter Health and a ton of other resources. This can all be managed. I wish him the best. 


I don't have a doctor recommendation but a personal experience to share.  Diabetes runs in my family and I was diagnosed as pre-diabetic.  I am not over weight, exercise most days of the week, did not eat white carbs.  In other words I did everything my doctor recommended and my numbers continued to climb.  For reasons not related to the pre-diabetes I became a pescatarian.  My blood sugar count went from 106 to 94, A1C from 6.1 to 5.8.  I don't know if it will work for others but I am happy I do not have to be on meds.