Current experience at Bright Future Learning Center?

Does anyone have experience with Bright Future Learning Center this year? I'm wondering if your toddler is happy there, if you feel that you can communicate well with the teachers, and if you're generally pleased with your choice. Specific anecdotes would be very helpful!

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We started this year in the toddler room and really like it! Our daughter is on the younger side for the room, and initially we were concerned about her adjustment to a mixed age classroom with a lot of kids, but she is happy and thriving and genuinely loves her friends and teachers. The transition from a small in-home daycare setting was at first a little rough but once we got past the first week, it's been smooth sailing. She's also learned to be quite independent, her language has really blossomed, and she's picked up good ways of interacting with other kids. The teachers do a great job of coaching the kids and there's a good little parent community. Overall, very happy with our choice to go to Bright Future!