Cost of tax preparation?

We have been going to the same accountant for tax preparation for more than a decade and each year the price increases. It seemed expensive (but worth it) at first, but this year the bill is $1575 (about twice what it started out at). I'm curious if this is in the normal range in the experience of other BPN'ers. We do not have super simple taxes - we have W-2s and 1099s, own a business, and have rental properties. But nothing complicated in terms of investments, no trust funds, no high net worth, etc. Thanks for any feedback.

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This year’s tax bill for us was $1075. I think our situation is somewhat similar— a mix of self employment and W-2, no high net worth or trust. We don’t have a rental property. We did have some inheritance this past year. I find this fee to be reasonable. 


Hi that does sound high to me. We also have a mix of 1099 and W-2 for each of us and own an investment property (not rented), besides our home, so forms 1040 and 2 schedule C's, no high net worth or trust or inheritance. 2021 tax year was $600. Have not yet rec'd the bill for 2022. Usually increases $50 each year. 


Howdy,  if you're still seeking CPA tax prep cost info, here's mine:  I am self-employed; itemize deductions; have rental property in another state, have some investment income.

For tax year 2022, my CPA charged me $1,100.  My return is many many pages thick, and has numerous "Schedules" and tables; he files for Fed, CA, and Colorado.

Good luck, and best to you!