Chiropractor recommendations for turning a breech baby


I have about 7 weeks to go in my pregnancy and my baby is still breech. Looking for recommendations on chiropractors who successfully turned your baby using something like the Webster technique or any other natural solutions you found worked for you.


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Not based on my personal experience with this issue, but I've been going to to Awaken Chiropractic in Oakland in part for sciatica that continues to linger post-pregnancy, and I know they work with a lot of prenatal clients on different issues, so it might be worth calling or emailing to find out if they can help with this. Dr. Armene is wonderful and I know a good friend who loves Dr. Kenda. Good luck!! <3

Hi, I’m sorry you’re in this position; I was there recently! Webster won’t turn your breeched baby per se. But Dr. Jazz at Onsight Chiropractic uses this method if you’d like a prenatal adjustment. If you’re looking for something natural to spin your baby, I recommend the Miles Circuit and Moxibustion (from an acupuncturist, eg Golden Leaf in Berkeley). Best of luck!