Reputable place to buy CBD

Hello, I would like to know where is a reputable cannabis store in Berkeley to buy clean CBD.  I am new to it but don't want THC in it to start. 

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Lhasa Karnak on San Pablo near Dwight carries it.


I highly recommend ODE Oasis Cbd line, by McEvoy Ranch. They use the best ingredients, and their prices are much better than at a dispensary. I worked for them as they launched this line and every step of the way they made sure the products are of the best quality. I use both Calm Tincture as well as the Clarity Tincture.


Hi there - you didn’t say what type of CBD you’re looking for, but can recommend Molly J. ( They’re based in Marin and you can order from their site, as well as purchase in a retail locations. Their customer service is also very responsive and can answer any questions you may have about CBD. 


The Cannabis Buyers Club of Berkeley on the corner of Shattuck and Essex (just south of Ashby) is clean, spacious, and reputable. I've found the employees to be friendly, knowledgeable and non-judgemental. It feels like a very normal, non-intimidating place. They have a big selection, I'm sure you could find what you're looking for.