Can I totally block YouTube on a BUSD-issued Chromebook?
My children use district-issued Chromebooks for online school. YouTube is restricted but there's enough to be very distracting. How can I totally block YouTube on those Chromebooks? I'm not allowed to add BlockSite or other apps because the district is the administrator.
(We don't own a Chromebook or laptop ourselves. Worth getting our own for that reason?)
Aug 21, 2020
Parent Replies
I gave back the chrome book for exactly that same reason! My kid said they watched YouTube all the time during class last year :( He’s using my old Apple laptop so I can block everything but schoolwork. Too tempting!
We're in a different district, but our experience is that you can contact your school tech support and they can block specific sites on your child's account if needed. If the teachers use YouTube, though, then your child won't be able to access the content. Getting your own Chromebook won't help- once your child signs on with his account, the school's settings take over and you can't change it. If none of your family uses YouTube during school hours, you may be able to block it at your wireless router, but then no devices in the house can access it.