Breech Baby: Acupuncture or Chiropractor Recs

Hi, I am looking for recommendations for a Webster Certified Chiropractor or acupuncturist in Berkeley/Oakland specializing in flipping breech babies. I am 36 weeks and just learned baby is Frank Breech. Looking for someone to see ASAP! Thank you.

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Upon a recommendation from my midwife, I saw Traci Moran (link below) for Accupuncture for this purpose in my first pregnancy. The baby flipped. I’ve never been sure if it was the Accupuncture that did it, or Spinning Babies, or the baby just turned on her own. But something worked. Good luck.

Armene at Awaken Chiropractic on Grand Ave in Oakland is great. She is Webster certified and it only took one session to flip my baby and also just helped me feel better all around. It was my first time going to a chiropractor and I was really nervous being 36 weeks pregnant. She was really gentle and made sure I was comfortable throughout the session. There was only about 10-15 mins of hands on work. Overall, highly recommend!

I don't know about chiropractors, but I do know that in most cases, a frank breech baby can be delivered vaginally if you choose to and find for a skilled provider! You can request a directory of providers here:

Your best option for a physiologic birth would be Dr. Annette Fineberg in Davis. UCSF and San Francisco General Hospital offer vaginal breech births, but it may not be as physiological (may be in the OR on your back).

Vaginal breech birth has been falling out of fashion in the US, but some doctors still know how to do it. In most countries, frank breech is considered a variation of normal. 

Why not try an external cephalic version (ECV)? I did this successfully for my breech baby.

It’s not the question you asked but I had a footling breech baby.Attempts to rotate her did not work.I insisted on a C section when labor stopped progressing and after reading a lot about it I would now probably just insist on a C section if my baby was still breech.Doctors like to say they have a low C Section rate and some will push you to have a vaginal birth in this situation.Read as much as you can so you can make an informed decision.My baby was fine and I am glad I made the choice I did.Hopefully your baby will rotate.

I went through this two years ago and found great providers to help. And they were able to squeeze me in last minute:

Chiropractor: Dr. Ariel Provasoli is fabulous and is trained in the Webster technique.

Acupuncturist: Autumn Ross at the Oldershaw Clinic is also great and made me feel a lot better overall late in pregnancy.

Best of luck to you and I hope your baby turns. I also did an ECV if that’s an option for you. 

I've been in this situation for two pregnancies. One baby flipped, one did not. It's an emotionally challenging place to be as "trying harder" doesn't always lead to the flipping.. I wish you good luck and self compassion during this time!

Here are two providers I found helpful.

Dr. Ariel at Flow Chiropractics in Berkeley is very knowledgable about this and all things pregnancy and post-partum.

I also worked with Ronit as a doula and for body work, she was helpful with teaching me Spinning Babies exercises that my partner and I could do at home and doing body work with me.

Go see Ivy Lee at Luminae Wellness ASAP! She is an amazing acupuncturist and an overall beautiful kind person. She helped me get through intense morning sickness and her sessions have been life changing in shifting my anxiety. When I found out baby was breech, she did acupuncture and then gave me directions for doing moxa at home, and baby turned a few days later!

I absolutely love Dr K at Patchworx Family Chiro in Oakland on MacArthur. Full disclosure - my breech baby did not end up flipping, but I still see Dr K postpartum because she is amazing! I also saw Autumn at East Bay Acupuncture on Grand and loved my experience. Are you considering a version as well? I did one at Kaiser Walnut Creek that also did not work, but it went well I felt like I did everything I could. Feel free to message me directly if you have any other questions. I will say that my C section went so well and although I needed some time ahead to process the fact that I wouldn't have a vaginal birth (I had been planning a home birth!), it all went very smoothly. You still have time for your baby to flip, though! Good luck!!