Berkeley Hills Cell Service

We have had AT&T in the past and now have T-Mobile in the Berkeley Hills and both are not great. Does anyone have good cell service in the Berkeley Hills? If so, who is your provider? Thanks.

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Cell coverage in the hills is spotty.  I suggest you take a look at
and find a carrier with service in your areas.  Hill residents have done a great job at blocking new
cellular towers on a false health claim. As a result the hill towers are farther away, and the radio power is greater,
acheiving the exact opposite of the original aims of blocking the towers.


We live in the hills and use Google Fi which seamlessly switches to WiFi when it is available.  It has cell coverage when you're out and about, but I need service mostly when I am home, and the WiFi bandwidth is excellent.   Plus I'm not contributing to ATT or Verizon, and Google is cheaper I think.

I started with Republic for their WiFi tech, but they are not as good for international as Google is...not even sure if they still exist....