Belly Fat

I'd like to hear from anyone who's had success in reducing belly fat -- the kind that creeps in at middle age and is really unhealthy.  How did you do it?  Of course exercise will be key, but I'm wondering what kind?  Pilates/core work?  Interval training?  Or...?  It's not so much a matter of a lot of weight loss, but a lot of weight to lose in that one specific spot.  I really want to do whatever work(out)  is necessary to get in better shape, but reducing that fat is the main goal.

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Belly Fat (Dec 13, 2017)

weight training, weight training, weight training.  you can run, yoga and do any other type of training you wish, which is great, but it will not rid you of belly fat unless you loose weight all over.  to 'redistribute' (misnomer) aka loose belly fat, you need to lose weight period.   if you don't want to lose mass elsewhere like me (i'm a skinny chick with belly fat) then you need to build muscle on your body everywhere else.  building muscle raises your metabolism so your body burns calories more efficiently, keeps your arms and legs in good proportion while you whittle the belly down. helps slender folks keep proper weight on and is just good for you in any and every case.  there are ZERO ways to 'just' reduce just belly fat, short of surgery, though you wouldn't think it given the informercial universe of hucksters trying to sell you otherwise.  best gift i ever gave myself was hiring a personal trainer for two months.  life changing and cheaper than cable even in the short run.  you got this!!!!  :)  

Belly Fat (Dec 13, 2017)

Can I ask if you've had a baby, or are you a man?  I thought I was just fat and then I realized I have abdomen separation post pregnancy (diastasis recti).  Don't get me wrong, I have a lot of belly fat regardless.  I'm focusing on clean eating - less take out, protein breakfast - and light cardio (biking, long walks) to start - starting a big exercise regime has never worked for me.  I've lost 14 lbs since mid December and I no longer look pregnant in every photo I take.

Belly Fat (Dec 13, 2017)

Agreed. Build muscle especially the big muscles like legs and butt. Squats! Plank etc. You can’t “lose” fat but you can shrink the size of the cells and make way for muscle which burns at a higher rate. Cardio and diet is good to watch but adding strength and muscle focus is really important. I actually excercise in less time and have lost more stomach fat and built muscle by doing HIIT workouts. I follow free videos on Amazon sometimes that are only 15-20 mins long tops. I am also entering perimenopause and have had to accept I have to watch my calorie intake more.

Belly Fat (Dec 13, 2017)

I'm going to second the parent recommending weight training (no need to repeat what that person pointed out about the benefits), and add that you need to eat well also: reduce consumption of *refined* carbs, and watch overall calorie intake. Your calorie consumption must be less than what you use, but quality of calories is important too: complex carbs, good quality proteins, good fats and plenty of water, vegetables, and whole foods. Finally, I recommend working your way up to about 20 minutes of HIIT (High Intensity Interval Training), which you really only need to do about 2-3 times per week, if you're dieting and weight training properly. Some studies suggest that spreading out your HIIT work-outs to more, shorter workouts throughout the day is better for you than doing one, longer workout, but anything you can incorporate is better than not doing it. Good luck!

Belly Fat (Dec 13, 2017)

Type of diet and balancing hormones are the other pieces to beating the belly bulge.  For me, that meant addressing estrogen dominance issues with a  sufficient fat and protein and a lowish good carb diet, and taking bioidentical progesterone to help balance out the hormones and normalize sleep. With adfitional Pilates thrown in, I was able to redistribute and lose fat.

Good luck! Do it  now, because it will never get any easier..,

Belly Fat (Dec 13, 2017)

Agree with super_auntie; there is no way to target weight lose to one area. You have to reduce calories and exercise. Weight training helps gain muscle but cardio burns calories faster. So if you do a combo of both, along with a healthy diet, that would help.  If you don't have much time, e.g. you are a parent, aim for workouts that do both weight training and cardio.  Running with weights, rock climbing, intense yoga, those all help.  About 8 years ago, I struggled with this and ended up doing circus stuff. That is what I had the most fun with. (I am also a runner and rock climber.)  My point about the circus stuff, is to find exercises/sports that you enjoy and you will stick with them.  Also I learned that developing back and shoulder muscles helps making your overall core lean.  Good luck!

Belly Fat (Dec 13, 2017)

I've found for belly fat, reducing carbs is the best and fastest way to disappear that belly fat. Conversely, when you reach that certain age, eating carbs and sugars is the fastest way to add belly fat. Don't go for one of those crash diets--I've tried it, the belly fat magically disappeared, but just surged back right after.