Art Instruction for 2nd grader

I know there are a lot of art programs in the area.  From my experience, the art programs that we've used are project-based - meaning - the teacher shows the children how to do a particular project and they follow the directions.

Are there any programs / teachers that do more instruction on specifics - how to draw, watercolor, etc. for elementary students?


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Huge recommendation for One Big Love art studio in Glenview. Iranshid, the owner, has inspired my kiddo to make incredible things in a variety of mediums, and her studio is cozy and creative. Hidden gem. 


Cass Frayer is a fabulous practitioner and teacher of art for all ages.  She has a wealth of experience teaching both class and private students (solo or in small groups) coupled with a wealth of experience over many years with all kinds and ages of kids.  She can teach drawing, painting oil and watercolor - basically the whole shebang.

Find her at or on Instagram at IG@cass Frayer.