Aftercare recommendations for Glenview Elementary

Does anyone have advice for aftercare programs for young kids at Glenview? Thank you so much for any ideas!

Parent Replies

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There’s an onsite program with limited space and some growing pains. Dimond parks and rec is a popular but likely full. The other two programs that pick up there are east bay dance center and lakeshore children’s center. We’ve had ok experiences with eb dance and excellent with lakeshore. It’s likely they both have space still for next year. Also temple Sinai is starting a new after school program picking up at glenview called keshet club 

Lakeshore Children's Center does van pick-up from Glenview (and Crocker and Cleveland). My daughter did aftercare there all through elementary (and some summer camps and before that, preschool), and we were very happy with it. They are located on Lakeshore near Mandana.