Seeking a coach or therapist for newly diagnosed adult ADHD
Senior newly diagnosed with ADHD ( didn't just develop it, never diagnosed previously) seeks both coach and therapist to work with. I noticed Linda Lawton is highly recommended as a coach but for $175 for a 50 minute session is unaffordable. I would really appreciate any information from other older folks in a similar situation.
Jan 18, 2018
Parent Replies
Just a thought: Maybe call Linda and see whether she thinks one session (alone) might be helpful.
There's a big difference in cost between one session and "weekly for a year" or whatever.
(I don't know Linda, but I also work for a high hourly rate, and I can often give clients results in a single session. In those cases, it's very high value for the client. Sometimes I can then recommend a lower-cost "maintenance" course of action. Perhaps Linda is the same?)
Oh, sister, I feel your pain. I joined a group for adult ADHD people but of course haven't been to a meetup yet. They are on the meetup website as "Oakland/Berkeley Adult ADHD CHADD Group" and I think they meet Tuesday nights. Tough for me to go out then, with the kids and all.
I would love to share resources. You can reach me at amythek [at]
I'm so tired of being like this. And the idea that I can just spend thousands out of pocket for help ... that's so frustrating. Are there that many kajillionaire adults with ADHD? Guess so. I start each day feeling crappy about this and would love to be part of an encouragement coven.