Pediatrician in East Bay that accepts United Healthcare
My family is relocating to East Bay from Brooklyn in May and will need a new pediatrician in the area. Hoping for a few recommendations that accept United Healthcare.
Thank you,
Apr 3, 2023
Parent Replies
I would start by looking on the UHS site. It’s common on the East Coast but NOT here. My husband recently took a job w UHS and it was just terrible. None of our doctors or dentists had even heard of it. Lots of stress and $s. We switched insurance.
Hello! We moved from Brooklyn too. Our six year old has been seeing Dr Nicole Learned at Berkeley Pediatrics since birth and we couldn’t be happier. When we’ve had to see other doctors in the practice covering for Dr Learned they’ve all been wonderful.
I have United Healthcare and have been going to East Bay Pediatrics with our three kids for over four years. We see Dr Pickering who is wonderful, but have liked all the doctors in the practice when we haven’t been able to get in to see her (which is usually only if we need a same day visit for illness).
We have been at East Bay Pediatrics since my son was born. We were behind the ball, and were asking the hospitalist pediatrician for recommendations on the day he was born. And he recommended us to East Bay Pediatrics and they were able to offer us one of the newborn slots they hold open. We have been happy there and the scheduling, online portal, nursing line, covid vaccinations have all worked well for us. They have two locations: Orinda and Berkeley and we can see our doctor at either.
Bayside pediatrics is fantastic. Lovely care. Great staff. Quick to answer questions.
I love East Bay Pediatricians. They have offices in Berkeley and Castro Valley, and have pediatricians specializing in all ages -- infancy through adolescence. I took my infant daughter to Dr. Oceguera, and now that she is a teen, she sees Dr. Miller
We have been very happy with Kiwi Pediatrics. They are super responsive, sensible, and flexible. They have called us after hours to get back to us about issues, allowed us to send in pictures of rashes while on vacation to tell us if we needed to do anything, still do telehealth appointments for some issues, and when two of our kids had serious health issues, they were on top of them and helped us coordinate with their specialists.
We particularly like Dr. Salsburg and Dr. Winokur but pretty much everyone we’ve seen there has been great. 510-652-1720