Strength Training & Weight Lifting for Teens

Parent Q&A

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  • Hello Parents, What risks can the gym have for those under 18 years of age? My 17-year-old son is highly motivated to commence lifting weights. I'm a little worried because he hasn't fully developed yet. Please advise, he is really pushing the issue. 

    I don't think there is anything wrong with this - our son's HS has a weightlifting class. But I would make sure that he is set up for a few sessions with a personal trainer (usually from the gym) who can teach him about the equipment and show him the proper form and pacing, that is very important. A risk would obviously be injury to himself (or others) absent or without sufficient instruction. Otherwise I'd encourage him in this endeavor, also making sure he does not veer into steroid use, etc.

    Hi - My kids are the same age and I had the same concerns. I hired a trainer at the gym for several sessions to show them how to use the weights correctly and provide feedback on what was appropriate for their age, size, growth, etc. Eased my mind. Happy lifting! 

    Many gyms offer free summer membership for HS students. My current freshman son started going to the gym with his buddies last summer. Our local Planet Fitness is apparently a popular hangout for HS students in the summer for this very reason. In the Fall, we bought him a 24-hour Fitness membership where he can take in 2 guests. During the school year he takes at least one work out buddy a couple of times a week. I also signed him up for a free session with a personal trainer to show him how to use the equipment properly. I think this is a great way for boys to hang out and engage with their bodies. The weight lifting is also recommended by his tennis coach to build strength. 

    Agreed, nothing wrong with lifting weights at 17 as long as he is supervised. (Same goes for adults new to weight lifting, for that matter.) If his school doesn't offer a trainer who can support on this, try a local gym (I think even the Y has classes) where he can sign up to work with someone--ideally someone who has worked with other kids his age.

  • Hi. I'm looking for a personal trainer for my 13 year old son. He's looking to get stronger for sports. I hope to find someone with knowledge about growing bodies and how to safely strength train. Oakland area preferred. Thank you!!

    If you don't mind coming into Alameda (just over the Park Street bridge) our teen son works with Ken Miller and he has been FANTASTIC. Our son went in wanting to build muscles for his sport, but Ken started him out by working on his core to build strength before any bulk, which is absolutely the right way to go for a growing body. Ken is literally one of the nicest people I've ever met, he is great with my son, and super easy to work with. Home | thetrainingstation

Archived Q&A and Reviews


13-year-old wants to start weight training

Feb 2009

Does anyone have any suggestions for places and/or guidance for a 13 year old boy who wants to start weight lifting/building muscles? I'd like my son to have some training or at least initial guidance so that he does this in a way that does not cause injury. We are located in Alameda. Thanks in advance!! nancy

You are right to want your son to learn the proper technique for weight lifting. At 14, he is old enough to start lifting, but still needs to be careful. Working out with machines and weights has done wonders for my son's self-esteem and physique. You could try the local YMCA. I'm not familiar with Alameda, but the Berkely Y has a teen membership that requires teens to have some training on safe use of equipment. It would be worth investing in a personal trainer for a few sessions initially and then periodically after that. The Y may offer that as well. mom of workout fan