Seeking sewing/fashion design camps for teen

Hi, our 14-year-old is getting into sewing and fashion design. Can any recommend an east bay summer camp? My kid is queer and prefers queer spaces, if that makes a difference, but they are open to any space that fits. Thanks for any recommendations!

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I recommend Sew Much Fun, a camp taught by Marianne Henri out of her lower floor studio in Albany. She runs an open-ended sewing workshop and meets each kid where they are. My daughter did this camp many summers running and came out of it with cool things to wear and a few new skills. This was some years back, but I notice that there are still notices about the camp in BPN. Seems like just the right place for your child.


My teenager also developed an interest in sewing lately mostly due to the need to alter (trim) the pants he buys in the thrift shops. We found a place called The Alameda Sewing room. He hasn't visited it yet because of his packed schedule, but he is signed up for a camp this summer. The city of Albany recreation department is running some afterschool classes and summer sewing camps. Again, no personal experience, but could be what you are looking for. Best of luck! Sewing is an awesome skill.

This young woman is wonderful! She just did  the costumes at the Acalanes High school recent play, Legally Blonde. She does sewing camps around the bay