Venue for a Meeting

Parent Q&A

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  • Hi BPN -

    My professional practice group is looking for a monthly meeting space that has and Owl camera so that we can beam some of our attendees in remotely. Ideally, we'd like to be in the Lafayette/Lamorinda area, or Oakland somewhere close to the freeway. Does anyone know of a church, synagogue, other space that could accommodate us? We'd probably be 15-20 in person. Thank you.

    Oakstop in Oakland offers owls for rent to those who are members. Membership rates vary, but the concept is a shared workspace with conference rooms that could host larger groups. I think the 2323 Broadway location downtown offers the best support of all the locations. 

  • Hi there,

    I am a Registered Dietitian in search for recommendations on a no fee space in Berkeley close to Bart to host a free event for “Diversify Dietetics”.  The date would be Mon Sep 9th at 5:30pm. 

    Try Sports Basement in Berkeley! Close-ish to Ashby Bart station. 


    This doc is amazing.  It lists all free and low-cost Bay Area meeting spaces.  Would call around and see if any can host you!

    Sports basement offers their community rooms for free!


    Libraries are free but you have to be open to anyone, and Sports Basement in Berkeley is free if you reserve ahead of time.

  • Hi BPN community,

    I'm a troop leader for girl scouts in oakland and we are trying to figure out where to hold a sleepover nearby. Nearby would involve Berkeley or Oakland. Please let me know if you know of who to reach out to. We are a new troop and do not have a lot of funds, so it would need to be low-cost or donated for our event. I'm happy to share more about the troop and what we are seeking to do.

    Thank you so much!


    I've heard that the Ida Smith Girl Scout facility in SF (near Sunset / zoo) is a good place and is about $98 for an overnight.  I've not been there myself, but I've heard that they  have a full kitchen and indoor facilities, but that you can also camp outside.  Really depends what you are trying to do; a fun event is different from just a place to hold a planning meeting.  I did an overnight with my troop at my friend's house who was out of town, and girls slept on hardwood floor.  Have also done backyard camping and church floor camping.  GS official programs also have some good events; we did the Snoopy museum in santa rosa overnight and it wasn't that expensive.

    Not much farther away--Twin Canyon Camp in Lafayette is a Girl Scout property available with a place to sleep indoors that you may want to consider.…

    Have fun!

  • Hello BPN community! I am looking for a space for our new girl scout troop to meet, somewhere in north oakland. The challenge is that we are hoping to meet on Sunday afternoons (twice a month) and have discovered that Sundays are tricky for finding meeting spaces. Libraries and rec. centers are largely closed. I am not affiliated with a church, but not closed off to the idea of meeting at one. Whether a church or a business, we are hoping to find someone willing to let us use their meeting space, fee rental waived.  A room large enough for around 30 people would be great, bigger or smaller also okay. Somewhere with fairly easy parking and on the North Oakland region. Our troop will meet to allow girls (2nd and 3rd grades) to build leadership skills and make plans to do community projects. Our troop will also raise funds to donate to local organizations. Please let me know if you think you can host us or if you know who we can contact. Thank you for your help!!


Archived Q&A and Reviews


Need free or inexpensive meeting place

Feb 2015

I'm looking for a very inexpensive or (preferably) free meeting venue for a small group, no more than 10 or 12 people, most likely. For me, inexpensive would be $15 or less per hour. I would need this to be in the Oakland/Berkeley area. Thanks for any suggestions! Alesia

The public libraries have free meeting rooms if your meeting is during their open hours. I've only reserved the one at the West Branch in Berkeley, and it was hard to get at popular times so it's important to book ahead. anon

Finding a meeting room for 8-10 people

Aug 2014

I'm thinking of running a writing workshop in the Fall. My house may be under construction. Does anyone have tips on meeting places where I can gather with a group of people for 8-10 weeks? Thanks

If your workshop is open to the public, inquire at your local public library about meeting rooms. michael

Meeting location for support group

July 2010

I need a free or low cost meeting location for a support group. It must be located in Berkeley or just on the border. Does anyone have any recommendations? I am not interested in coffee houses or cafes. thanks! Camille

I believe Classroom Matters on Sacramento by Dwight in Berkeley rent their space out. Give them a call. Rosie

Finding a meeting spot for 8-10 people

June 2008

Where do you go to hold a small meeting or gathering - about 8 people - where you don't have to pay a whole lot for things you don't need?

I belong to several groups that occasionally meet in one another's homes, which is not bad except that parking is always an issue. One of them is an evening knitting group, and we sometimes meet at a local yarn shop but seldom actually arrive in time to buy anything. We just really need a conference table, good light and a reasonable fee!

Do churches rent out a room casually for something like this? (but light / table space is not always sufficient). Where else would we go? We don't need a whole school, we don't want to go to a restaurant when we really need space to spread out papers (or knitting) and enough quiet to be able to talk and work.

thanks in advance for any advice. - Room with a table, not a view!

Try the Starbucks on Shattuck @ Cedar. My book group used to meet there. They have a table for ~8 that can be reserved in advance (with no fee). I think they close at 9, though. Berkeley reader

I've been to small groups that meet in the free (I believe) Edith Stone public room at the Albany library. And my magician group meets in the (free) public room at one of the San Francisco police stations; don't know of EBay stations have this. john.bear

Public libraries have meeting rooms that are available for free to the public. See for use of Berkeley Public rooms & reservations. mcherman

Playgroup venue

Place in Contra Costa for a playgroup

Dec 2005

Hello Everyone! I am a mommy in a Playgroup that has been meeting at the park and rainy days we don't meet at all. What we are looking for is a place that we can hold our Playgroup during the cold and rainy winter months. We are looking for possibly a church that has a daycare on Sundays but, during the week the room is empty. We have to have a facility that is FREE of charge. We are inclusive of everyone and not all pocketbooks can ''chip in'' for rental fees. If you know of absolutely anyplace in the West Contra Costa Area that we can use please send all suggestions my way. We would like to start in the New Year as we have many families away for the Holidays and we won't be meeting during December. Thanks In Advance!

Try the Hilltop Mall in Richmond. They have a play space and you don't have to spend anything to go in. Plus - they have a family bathroom which is just great. Lori

Hi! PRAM (Parents, Resources and More) is a non-profit group that serves families with young children in West Contra Costa (although anyone can join PRAM or use their facilities). They have a great indoor (and outdoor) facility which is open nearly everyday for free. It's pretty much like a preschool classroom with lots of great toys, little cars, trains, dress-up clothes, books, puzzles, etc. Many playgroups meet there and share their time with other families as well. It is also available for free to their playgroups, so if you wanted your own private time, you could do that. So, you might consider having everyone who is a member of your playgroup join PRAM (which is free if you can't afford to pay, otherwise, they do cost $48/year for their membership). Once you are a recognized PRAM member, you get a monthly newsletter (which is really informative), you will have social events coordinated for you, there are monthly family outings, monthly mom's night out, free and low cost art, spanish, music and movement classes, etc. They really are a great organization and they'll all volunteers and survive on donations and grant writing. Your group could remain a set playgroup and you could accept new members or not (PRAM has a playgroup coordinator who helps new members connect with others in playgroups, but if you'll all set, you're good to go). Once you are a PRAM playgroup, all that is required from your group is to occasionally (like once every 6-12 months) provide snacks at an event or provide some volunteer help for an event. The FieldHouse is located in Point Richmond at 110 E. Richmond Ave. and you can get some information online at Diane

Try the basement room of the Temescal Library near the conrer of 52nd and Tellegraph. There is a SMALL fee for rental and it's definately usable as a play space. You'd have to bring your own toys but there is a ramp good for hours of toddler fun. There's also an old paino which s fun. JM

Feb 2005

Rental Space for a Playgroup

I am looking for recommendations for a space that is appropriate for a playgroup meeting and can be rented (free would be okay too!). I belong to a cooperative playgroup/share care situation that currently takes place at members' homes on a rotating basis. As we consider expanding the number of families involved and increasing the number of days, we want to explore the possibility of renting a space where the playgroups could consistently take place. The ideal space would have toys and room for 5-8 kids to run around -- perhaps even outdoor space, be available in the mornings, be available for our exlusive use for a couple of hours, and not be too expensive. Something like Wee Play on Solano would be perfect! But, I'm interested in hearing about anything that even approximates the ideal. Thanks!

I think approaching a church is a good bet as a church doesn't require a licence for this. My understanding is a licence is needed for most such arrangements (which become a preschool) unless it is the parents' homes. If all the parents always stay with their kids I don't think you need a license, but otherwise you might. You might check this at the Childcare licencing office in your area. (In Oakland it is called Community Licensing - number available through Bananas). best wishes