City of Albany Aquatics Center
- See also: Albany Armada Aquatics
Hello! Access to swimming can be a real challenge around here.
My kids did camp at Albany Aquatic center last summer It was $370 per week, hours 10-4 with paid before/aftercare available. It was a good experience all around and was at the top of the rankings from camps last year!
Good luck!
The current session just started, so you'll have to wait till the next session, but the Albany pool has classes and plenty of non-residents come for them. The pool was having some trouble but it seems a major repair was done. The staff are very nice.
Might be too far, but I took water aerobics a few months ago at the Albany Aquatic Center at the end of my pregnancy. The class was in the outdoor pool. They also have lap swim. In April / May it was a registration online thing, but they seem to be opening up more, so I'm not sure if early registration is still required.
My now 10 year old daughter took a few years to warm up to feeling comfortable in the water and from the age of 5-7 was also extremely averse to dunking her head under the surface and didn't want to learn how to swim. After a couple of group lessons when she was 6 or 7 we switched to private lessons (at the Albany Aquatic Center) to get one-on-one time. Best decision ever. It took several sessions over two years but her confidence level rose after each session and simply the fact that the instructors took time to figure out what the best learning method was for her was worth every penny. She can now do the front crawl for about half the length of the pool, backstroke for the entire length, dive for rings, and jump in from the edge of the pool. These private lessons also provide the opportunity to retain fun during lessons which is very important in order for the kid to stay motivated. And most importantly, in my opinion, is following your son's lead in terms of comfort level. While we stressed to our daughter that swimming is a life skill, we simply told her that not drowning is the whole goal of taking these lessons and that she can take all the time she needs. We also enticed her with the potential of having more fun during summer camps, birthday parties and hotel stays that involve swimming. So while it might take some time, with patience he's very likely to enjoy being in the water more and more. Good luck!
I would recommend Albany high school aquatic center. They have Tiny Tots class for kids from 3 month to 6 years. Please check it out here:…
Have you tried the Albany Aquatic Center? It's a bit of a pain to keep signing up for classes (we eventually switched to Aquatech in Alameda) but indoor pool and fun classes. Our LO started there at 10 months. Good luck!
Albany pool. You don't have to be in the water.
Archived Q&A and Reviews
April 2012
Re: Best swimming classes in North Berkeley/Albany?
Two new Albany pools just opened in February - and swim lessons are underway. The pools are next to Albany High School at 1311 Portland Ave at Key Route, and are shared by the HS and the community. Check on the availability of swim lessons for all ages from babies to seniors, as they fill fast. I know people who have enjoyed Albany swim lessons in the past, and the current swimmers seem very happy.
The pools (yes - TWO pools, one indoors and warm, the other outdoors and olympic size) are amazingly wonderful. The pools and locker rooms are clean and beautiful, and there are lots of open hours for lap swim and family swim. Check the Albany pool site for swim lessons and hours by going to the website Happy to be back at the Albany pool
Note: the Albany pool was closed from 2009 until Feb 2012 for reconstruction.
July 2008
Re: Baby swiming classes
The Albany High School pool has a great teacher with a great toddler class for three different ages. My son loves it. Happy swimming! Irina
April 2008
Re: Infant-parent swim class
My kids both took swim lessons at the pool at the Albany high school when they were babies and then toddlers. The lessons were really fun for them, and I do believe helped to get them used to the water. They are 4- and 6-years-old now and are both little fishes. Here is some info from a previous post on the subject: The address is 1311 Portland Ave.; their phone is 559-6440. Also see: Liz O.
Re: Pool for handicapped woman (Jan 2005)
The Albany Pool (on Portland St) has a lift into and out of the pool. They have community swim hours, but I have no idea how one arranges to use the lift. I'd suggest you look them up on the web at to find out. former Albany pool user
Re: Pool for family swim near El Cerrito, A.M. hours (June 2004)
Have you checked out the Albany Pool? It's just a few blocks south of El Cerrito on Key Route. The website is Happy Swimming
Re: Mommy and me class for 6-month-old (Sept. 2002)
We have just started at the Albany pool (near the High School) and are very happy with it. Only $5/class. The sessions are 8-weeks, but they only ask you to commit to and pay for four classes per session, so it's very flexible. Go to all 8, or as few as 4. class consists mostly of singing songs that get the kids paddling, kicking, blowing bubbles. It's offered Sat. mornings only.
Albany Pool has Parent and Tot classes for children 6 months to 4 years. I know there are classes Saturday mornings, and there may be classes at other times as well. The summer session is just about to start (if it hasn't started already). The address is 1311 Portland Ave.; their phone is 559-6440. Also see:
From: Steve
Albany Pool has a swimming class for toddlers in which most of the half hour each week is spent singing various songs together in the pool. As each child must be held by a parent, there is unfortunately not much opportunity for interaction between the children nor for unconstrained expression. Nevertheless, it can be a lot of fun for the toddlers. The class meets on Saturday mornings at 10:30, and I believe that it runs year-round, although it's much more popular in the summer. The park next to the pool has two nice playgrounds, one of which is tailored to toddlers.
I really enjoyed taking my 2 yo to Albany Pool for their infant swim classes. It really is more of a water familiarity class. Parents and babies go into the water (heated indoor pool) and the instructor leads the class in participatory songs that encourage the children to splash with their hands, kick with their feet, blow bubbles with their mouths, etc... later in the session, jumping from the side of the pool is introduced and at the end of every session is brief play time where the kids have a choice of water type toys (boats, floating stuffed toys, etc...).
My only complaint would be that the class goes really quickly (only 1/2 hour) which is plenty of time but they always seemed to have another class immediately following and I felt rushed to hurry up and get out of the water (we know the results of trying to rush a 2 yo or otherwise hurry him into doing something he doesn't want to do!) Dorothy
Re: infant class
There is infant swim on a drop-in basis several times per week at Albany Pool, including Saturday mornings. Frequent infant swim classes at the Richmond Plunge, (e.g., Tue/Thur, 6 classes/$29), contact Richmond Parks & Rec, and remember to duck and cover in case of earthquake. MLK pool in north berkeley has baby swim times summers only. David
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