Baby/Toddler Sibling Relationships
Related page: Siblings Sharing a Bedroom
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Advice for parents of a toddler who are expecting twins?
–Oct 27, 2024Hi Berkeley Parents Network Community--
Currently pregnant with twins (huge surprise- the twins, not the pregnancy). Our toddler will be about 2 year 9 months when the twins arrive in January. I'm wanting to get more insight on what will be most helpful in those early weeks and months while we are finding our new normal. If you've been in this position, what worked for your family? Please share any advice, tips, ideas, thoughts, etc. MUCH APPRECIATED!!
Some relevant info:
- Mom and Dad work full time. Mom has leave for about 5 months, Dad has 8 weeks.
- We have already secured a night doula a few times a week for 8 weeks.
- Toddler recently started full time preschool.
Oct 27, 2024Older sibling constantly frustrated with younger sibling
–Aug 20, 2023Hello! I have two boys, ages 3.5 and 1.5. My older son is gentle, extremely sensitive, thoughtful, and intelligent beyond his years. Then there's his relationship with his brother...there have been weeks and months of relative calm, but generally since our younger son was born our older one has been upset - first it was (seemingly) grief that his place in the family had been disrupted, and now it is annoyance at the sight of him. He has no intuitive gentleness or kindness when it comes to his brother (which I've seen in other older siblings), and he's always plotting ways to hurt him (that he doesn't act on), like telling us he's going to put lemon juice in his brother's eye, or leave him behind on a family vacation.
To some extent, I can understand - our 1.5 year old tries to grab his toys, join his games (and in the process, ruin them), and even grab him with joy (which ends up seeming more like pinching than an actual expression of joy). We've tried so many things - talking sternly to the older one, talking "sternly" to the younger one (more for the older one's benefit), telling the older one that it's his job to use his words and teach his little brother how to behave properly, separating them during conflict and bringing them back together when it's calm... Nothing seems to work...
Is there anything that can be done here to improve this dynamic?? Does it get better with time?? Do we just need to buckle up?
Aug 20, 2023Bonding between young siblings
–Jul 10, 2019Hi, my kids are 19 months apart (both boys, now 9 months and 28 months), and we initially had rosy images that Big Brother would just love being with Little Brother since they are so close in age. Instead, Big Brother is very jealous, which we understand is normal, and we do try to give both the attention they need and foster healthy interaction at every opportunity. I am the younger of 2 and estranged from my own sibling (3 years older), and I believe a lot has to do with how my parents always defaulted to reprimanding my older brother if he and I had any conflicts. As a result, we are not close, but I want something different for my own children. After talking to a friend with 2 girls, she recommended the book "Siblings without Rivalry", which I have yet to read, but a lot of her advice was to start 'planting the seeds' when they are young. I am mostly wondering if certain big decisions could help plant the seeds and have a positive effect for sibling bonding, or if it might backfire. Some things I'm considering: sharing a room (we want to, but again, Big Brother seems to not want Little Brother around; we are only holding off because Little Brother doesn't sleep through the night yet and we don't want Big Brother to resent him more), attending the same daycare once Little Brother is ready (that would mean possibly delaying preschool for Big Brother,) attending a Montessori preschool where the ages are mixed (looking at more affordable options), seeing if Little Brother can be only one year apart in grade school from Big Brother (though not sure if this is possible since Little Brother is an October baby). What has worked for you? Was there ever a time/situation where you felt you were forcing the bonding to take place and it backfired?
Jul 10, 2019
Join Twins by the Bay, a volunteer led group of twin parents in the Bay Area. The pregnancy, delivery, and early years are completely different from the norm and having a local community that understands the nuanced differences of expecting and raising twins was life changing.
If you haven't already, please join Twins by the Bay, the local twins organization! The groups for expectant and new parents are very helpful. There are also always other families in the club with a toddler + twins.
Our second-born was a singleton, not twins, but the spacing between births was nearly identical to yours.
Our unanticipated big challenge was that we moved into our new house the day before the second child was born.
This caused a complex series of changes in routines for the toddler, who soon began acting out his resentment of the baby. We were new parents and did not see this coming, until it was on top of us.
My advice: bend over backwards to keep routines consistent for the toddler.
Be sure that the toddler is set up to get LOTS of attention from others besides Mom, b/c you will be busier (and more tired) than most people will ever experience.
All hands on deck! If you will have paid help to watch the toddler, or family members, have them bond with him/her before the new babies arrive.
Congratulations on having all your wonderful children, who will fill you with joy and make your life complete.
Mom of 3 year old twins here! Things that would be helpful based on my experience: 1. Meal service or someone to cook/prep meals and clean up your kitchen, including food prep for your toddler/making preschool lunches if necessary. 2. Someone to do laundry including folding a putting away so you don’t even have to think about it. 3. Someone to get toddler fed/ready for school and drive them there. The sleep deprivation is so insane (most twin parents I know did sleep training at 5 months) having the night doula is going to be the most important thing. It will be hard! It will also be so fun!
So glad to see others recommending Twins by the Bay. There’s twice a month evening support meetups on Zoom for expectant and new parents. You don’t need to be a member to attend those meetups. Email support [at] (support[at]twinsbythebay[dot]org) to get the Zoom link. Hope to see you at one!
Original poster here :) Thank you for all of the advice!