Expert Computer Science Tutoring from a Friendly, Experienced Software Developer, Grades 3–college

Computer Science

I am a friendly professional programmer with decades of software development and teaching experience. I teach students in grades 3 through college by videoconference.

$105 per hour.

I recommend Python, Scala, and TypeScript, but can also teach other languages such as JavaScript, Java, Kotlin, Ruby, C♯, C, and C++.

We do a variety of projects, including:
    3D game development with Unity and C♯
    electronic music with Ruby and Sonic Pi
    games, stories and simulations (video of a dice throw simulation)
        text adventure games
    animation and art with Processing (video)
    plotting data
    webapps, such as an adventure game or joke or quote server
    web clients, such as fetching current weather from the Web
    learning about how networking programming works, and learning Internet protocols such as IP, TCP, and HTTP
    microcontroller (Arduino, Circuit Playground Express) and Raspberry Pi projects (a pumpkin-hacking project)

Quality of Instruction
I train my students to write high-quality code, as I write professionally for my clients. I teach them about software engineering principles like DRY.

More info:
Dave’s web site
Dave’s YouTube channel with programming lessons

Region Served:
Elementary school,
Middle school,
High school
Dave Briccetti
daveb [at]
925 385-8567