In-depth ACADEMIC ASSESSMENT for reading / dyslexia and math to provide parents with understanding and the right plan for their child's success:

Math K-8, Reading & Comprehension, Writing All Ages

If your child is struggling in class it is important to pinpoint the foundational causes: skills, information, and concepts they are missing.   Then we can design a clear, specific plan to meet their specific needs. 

With over 4 decades as an education specialist  for children with learning differences, I now focus on assessment to help parents identify, then plan remediation for, exactly what is frustrating their child's success in school.  The Feifer Assessment of Reading is my main tool when reading or dyslexia is a concern.  It assesses up to 15 academic and cognitive abilities underlying reading success; this allows us to understand and then plan exactly what instruction a child needs to become a successful reader.  My math assessment looks beyond calculation and facts to understand how the child reasons with quantities, what number concepts / skills they lack, how memory is impacting math learning and performance, etc.

My services are for families who want an in-depth understanding of what is in their child's way academically, but are not looking for the intensity nor expense of a neuro-psychological evaluation.  Really understanding the child's academic needs allows us to create the right plan for targeted instruction with the right educator.      


Region Served:  I am located in Oakland

Region Served:
East Bay,
North Bay,
San Francisco,
680 Corridor
Elementary school,
Middle school,
High school
Rick Mason
writerickmason [at]