Writing Tutor for Middle School & High School

Parent Q&A

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  • Hi, my young adult son has never learned to write. He is about to move away in April and will not have funds for or access to education then. What kind of writing education would you recommend for someone like that? Tutors, workshops, classes? He has learning disabilities, but he really wants to learn to write.

    In my humble opinion, the only way to learn to write is to write every day, at least one page per day. I would recommend he find a topic of interest and find something to write about it every day. It could be about experiences, shoes, sports, clouds, dreams. Any topic is fine. Use a computer or a spiral bound note book and pencil, or really any tools he likes. You stay out of it unless he asks for help. If he asks, make sure to find a detail about his writing you like and compliment him. 

  • Hi,

    We have a 14 year old boy (9th grade) who excels at math, science, and music, but has a lot of trouble expressing his ideas and thoughts verbally and in writing.  If we ask him to explain something or describe something about his day, he gets frustrated with himself and says things like "I don't know how to explain it".  He has trouble turning his thoughts into a compelling story.  This is nothing new, as he has been this way since he was very young.  We just know that this will become a major problem for him as he starts to take classes that require him to write essays and term papers and when it comes time for him to write essays for college applications.  Can anyone recommend a way for us to help him work through this difficulty, be it a tutor, a therapist, or whatever?


    We had similar issues.  I'd recommend starting with getting a full neuropsych assessment.  If you can afford to do this privately, that is ideal, and I would recommend Dr. Liz Angoff most highly (we've been to several ed psychologists with our kids). If not, you can request this testing as part of an IEP assessment through your school district (even if you don't think or want him to qualify for an IEP, you can go through the assessment pre-IEP part, whether or not he's in public school). This neuropsych evaluation will tell you a lot about what's behind this difficulty for him, and the psychologist will make recommendations for how to work with whatever is going on. Since this process can take a while, if you want to get help in the meantime, you could also talk with an educational therapist who could do tutoring with him.  They will probably want to see a neuropsych but may be able to get started based on their own observations. I think there are several ed therapists recommended here on BPN.

    The book, Childhood Speech, Language & Listening Problems by Patricia McAleer Hamaguchi would be a good reference in understanding your kid.  In particular, chapter 6 has a section called:  The “I don’t know how to explain it” child:  sequencing, referential, and divergent language problems.

    My kid has been helped by getting very detailed writing instruction that is tailored to each task.  Using graphic organizers are helpful, but not enough.  Getting years of instruction based on gradual release / I do-We do- you do writing instruction has been very helpful.  Unfortunately, we had to move out of California to find schools that teach this way.  It is not the way that California teachers provide instruction.

    My 7th grade boy sounds very similar. We think he has some undiagnosed learning disability/ies but in the meantime we have had him working with a writing coach, in our case Kristin Hawkinson, and it has helped as far as written expression. He still has a ways to go though! Your son is not the only boy like that.


    The only way to learn to write is to write. He needs to write every day. Choose a topic. Music or science would be fine. But he could also write about the pandemic, fashion, politics, food, whatever. Maybe a blog would work. Best of all is both reading and writing. Novels are good, but there are many other choices. Have him read a chapter, summarize it. Then write down his thoughts about the story, the characters, or what he learned. One page every day. If you read the same book so that you can discuss it, even better. Don't criticize the writing. Praise every effort. Help him if he asks for help. Good luck. 

    My son is also 14 now, a freshman at BHS. He had a very difficult time explaining his ideas and putting them together in order. I decided to go for an assessment which explained his difficulties, he needs special accommodations (additional time mostly) to be able to complete his assignments. One of the recommendations we got was to have him work with a writing coach. He has been working with a wonderful, very capable coach for the last 2 years. Her name is Jamie Keller M. Ed, Educational Therapist/Professional 510 524 8697 office , 510 847 2505 cell  www.LearnWithMe.com, I highly recommend her. My son has improved a lot thanks to all the work he's done with Jamie. 

  • Hello BPN Community,

    My oldest son was recently diagnosed with a learning disability with impairment in writing. He always had a hard time writing. The specialist who worked with us to do the assessment is recommending a writing coach ideally with educational therapy background and/or experience working with kids with dyslexia. East Bay would be better.

    If you have worked with a great professional on this field or have someone in your network you can refer, please write back. I'm hoping that my son can start his writing sessions  as soon as possible.

    Thank you all,


    My dyslexic son worked with Jane Ashley, licensed Educational Specialist, who was AMAZING. (510) 601-9780.

Archived Q&A and Reviews

Middle Schooler is struggling with writing

Feb 2015

My Longfellow middle schooler is struggling with writing. She reads a great deal of fiction but hates to write. We're looking for guidance -- how do you help your child with writing, how do you motivate your child to write, what outside help do you recommend, etc. Do you have a tutor that you recommend? Is there a summer camp that's for struggling writers? I can only find camps for accelerated writers. She needs to be with other kids who are struggling with writing. She needs motivation from someone who can teach her to love writing (or at least not hate it so much). Thanks for your help! Writer's Block

Do you think the writing programs at 826 Valencia would be fun for her? They're certainly intended to excite kids about writing. I wish I had other referrals for you. a writer

Barbara Lewis is an amazing writing coach. Also an educator, therapist and author. Barbara helped my oldest daughter from middle school through college essays. My high school junior works with her now. Even my husband has Barbara read his most important writing. She helps organize and tease out ideas. She is gentle, kind and highly qualified. I can't say enough good things about her. She is a writing coach at Berkeley High this semester. Her number is 510-350-6375. tm

The middle school years can be challenging ones for students. The workload increases, and the social pressures change as quickly as their hormones. Students are more sensitive than ever to perceived challenges and their ability to meet them. Has your daughter always ''hated'' writing? Is there a specific year in which you noticed her attitude toward writing forming? Are there particular types of writing she dislikes more than others? What kinds of feedback has she gotten about her writing? The good news is that your daughter loves to read, and sees the value and usefulness of the written word in her life. Barring any learning or processing issues (which I assume you may have already explored), her attitude toward writing can be improved. She may not learn that she has a secret burning desire to BE a professional writer, but she can certainly learn to approach writing tasks with confidence and enthusiasm. I have worked with reluctant writers since 1996, and would be happy to discuss how you can start to shift your daughter's approach to writing. Call Selaire Writing and Academic Coaching at 510-290-0208. Joellen H

Hi, Middle school is a very difficult time for students as they struggle both with maturing and academic issues. In my own tutoring practice, I strongly advise against parents helping their children. It just doesn't work. For help with writing in Berkeley, I recommend Jamie Keller at jamiekeller1 [at] gmail.com. For students who need help with expressing their ideas in the Lamorinda area, I am available also at julie.hemker [at] att.net. A trained educator, I work with students one-on-one so that they can achieve a level of self confidence that makes them successful. Good luck, 510 604-1174 Dr. Julie Hemker

Hi there, Classroom Matters offers individual coaching in writing as well as summer workshops for struggling writers. We work with many students with similar challenges and we are just down the street from Longfellow Middle School. Please give us a call to schedule a free consultation and check out our post in Announcements. 510-540-8646