Tutors for LD Kids

Parent Q&A

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  • Hi-I am looking for a tutor for my high school sophomore who has significant dysgraphia, dyscalculia, and dyslexia. She needs someone who can sit with her and help her with her homework, as it has been a big struggle for her, and it's getting progressively more difficult in high school. Please let me know if you have any suggestions. Thank you!

    Try Classroom Matters. We have used a tutor from there this year and last school year. Both tutors have been excellent. https://www.classroommatters.com/


    I recommend Classroom Matters in Berkeley on Sacramento @ Dwight.  You pay privately and I think they do a good job matching up students with tutors. It seems to me that most kiddos these days who need tutoring have ADHD and/or dyslexia or other LD’s. My daughter had tutoring 3x/week via Zoom last year and it really helped. Executive Functioning was the primary help.  They reviewed her Google classroom tasks together then worked on HW. Often it was reading, her biggest challenge. It is expensive. 
    Are you working with your school system for accommodations via an IEP or other avenue? In my experience the dyslexia support in Berkeley is extremely limited. For example, in reading my daughter tested at 15th percentile which they considered “average” therefore not requiring additional help. 
    So frustrating!
    Good Luck! 

  • My daughter is in 4th grade and really struggling in math. Looking back she's always had trouble but it's coming to a head. When I think about her as a learner, I feel like she'd benefit working with someone who uses Making Math Real, or understands a bit about learning disabilities. (We are starting to wonder whether she might have a learning disability - she's far above grade level in reading, and far below in spelling as well as math. Handwriting is also a struggle. We may get her tested but for right now want to at least start the math help.) 

    I'd love any recommendations of math tutors or Ed therapists in the Berkeley/Oakland/El Cerrito area. A tutor with a good sense of humor would be ideal. Thank you!

    Hi Betty

    I am in a similar situation, but with twin daughters in 4th grade :) We just started going to a tutor/ed therapist named Amy Draizen, who works out of an office on Piedmont Ave. She is great but for now is working with my girls on reading and writing. We have not had time to address math issues and one of my daughters is struggling with math facts still. I am thinking of attending a Making Math Real 1-day workshop for parents and teachers on Saturday, April 28: http://www.makingmathreal.org/about/ncbida-2018/

    I realize this is not the answer you were looking for but wanted to share that I am in the same boat and would potentially like to share the cost of a tutor if you find a good one. In the meantime, I plan on training myself on Making Math Real as I have heard such good things about it. Their website is full of amazing testimonials by parents similar to us!

    Sarah in North Berkeley

    We just started working with Stefan Oste for my 14 year old son who has dyscalculia and dysgraphia (and lots of anxiety about math).  Stefan is amazing!  He is trained in Making Math Real and has a fun and supportive approach with his students.  My son has already improved his math skills (in just over a month) and has much less anxiety around math.  Stefan also teaches math at Bayhill High School and comes to our home in Oakland.  I can't recommend him enough.  You can reach him at stefanoste510 [at] gmail.com and contact me for more info if you'd like.

  • My 15 yr old son was diagnosed with Mild Intellectual disability. His overall IQ is 69. His weakest area is comprehension. I was looking at the Linda Mood Bell Program especially their V & V comprehension segment & want to know how helpful it is with children of low IQ . Are there any other programs that will improve cognition that I should look into?

    My daughter was diagnosed with this same disability and an inability concentrate at age 14.  We researched this for several years tried everything we could only to find nothing helped her including medications.  Somehow with her disability she was able to graduate a year early, attended a community college for a year and was accepted to one of the better state universities in spite of her disability. 

    Looking back, we now realize yes she probably has and will always have a disability but that doesn’t mean she can’t succeed.

    Two NPR show on Memory and Forgetting which might be helpful.

    We love our daughter just the way she is.  Do we wish we could help her? You bet.  But everything so far has been a waste of time and money and hasn’t helped.  We are doing what we can to help here succeed in life just the way she is.

    Best of luck to you with your son.

    You may want to call Scottish Rites in Oakland.  For free, the offer various programs for those with speech, reading and language challenges.  They utilize various current methods.  Its free but if you can donate something it is helpful as they are no profit.  If not thats ok too.   The link to their website is:  http://www.oaklandspeech.org/

    They offer a generous limted number of hours per child or 2yrs therapy, whichever comes first.

Archived Q&A and Reviews


Tutor for child with learning disability

August 2008

Does anyone know of a tutor who can work with our child who has a learning disability and is sensitive to the issues that we face with teaching our child? We'd prefer someone in the Berkeley/Albany/El Cerrito area. Our child is in Elementary School.

If you're child requires tutoring, have you asked the local school district?

In any case, Raskob in Oakland offers tutoring for children with LD. I've heard great things.

I believe there is also a Lindamood Bell in Berkeley, however, they typically address global LD needs and will require an assessment and then place your child in on of their programs.

There's is a non for profit in Oakland called Aspires. They offer after school tutoring and work on sliding fee scale rates. Hope this helps, Mandy

I didn't see your original post, but OUSD's first offer is to hold your kid back so they can have the same instruction that didn't work the first time. That was my experience anyway. My child worked with Bill Baldyga. I highly recommend him. He will come to your home or school. 415-216-8493. www.Halcyonlearning.com Sign me as my child now can read!

I highly recommend Renee Zarlow, an educational therapist, located in the east bay. She has more than 35 years working with children including students with learning difficulties such as dyslexia. She uses a multi sensory modality. In addition she administers Kindergarten assessments to determine levels of school readiness. She is available for consultation.Sliding scale and can travel to your home. She can reached via email at zarlow [at] prodigy.net

Programs for kids with learning disabilities

June 2003

i have seen previous recommendations and wondered if anyone who sent their child to lindamood-bell or another program for kids with learning disabilities would be willing to talk with me- thanks-alice

Another great place that provides services for children with learning disabilites is Educational Services Associates, under the direction of Dr. Ann Gordon, on Grand Avenue in Oakland. They can be reached at 873-0801. Good luck.

Tutor for high schooler with mild learning disability

May 2003

I am writing to recommend Kris Willits as tutor. I found Kris's listing on your website about six months ago, and what a find that was! I just can't say enough good things about her. I was looking for a tutor to help my daughter \\226 a senior in high school, with a belatedly-diagnosed mild learning disability \\226 get some sense of control over her school work and recover from too many years of slipping through the cracks at school. Kris doesn\\222t just tutor the academics: she has an amazing bag of tricks of all different ways to approach any kind of assignment. Kris helped my daughter find study strategies that would work for her. Since my daughter has difficulties with organizing her thinking around how to do the assignments, Kris quickly identified my daughter\\222s strengths and focused on organizational and study methods that utilized those strengths. And she never, ever let my daughter feel like a failure. Kris is so much more than a tutor: she is part mentor, part therapist, part big sister. Feel free to contact me if you want more info, but you can contact Kris (The Socratic Method: Learning for All Kinds of Minds) directly at kwillits [at] earthlink.net. Alison