Tutoring Programs in BUSD

Parent Q&A

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  • Hi. We're looking at starting After School Tutoring in BUSD for our 4th grader. We're wondering what experiences Berkeley parents have had (successes / failures).

    - What's the optimal arrangement after school tutoring? (How frequent / period of sessions etc.)
    - How to maintain continuity between teacher/tutor curriculum?
    - Who makes the best type of tutor (and district qualifications)?... Gen Ed teacher? 
    - Does the tutor send home work that the kids do in session?
    - How does public BUSD tutoring compare with private tutoring?
    - Does an IEP automatically qualify a student for after school tutoring services?

    We'd love any insight you all might have — thanks!

    I also had a kid who had an IEP starting in elementary school. The district did an abismal  job of providing services in elementary. We were therefore able to negotiate that they pay for some tutor sessions but it is by no means guaranteed. I recommend Classroom Matters. They will provide the level of tutor necessary for the needs of your child. We had a good experience with them
