Seeking a Male Therapist

Parent Q&A

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  • I'm searching for a therapist to help my Mexican-born partner excavate and work through some deeply held trauma that is showing up as a high level of anxiety in our relationship. A male therapist with cultural sensitivity or direct lived experience within the Mexican culture would be ideal; bilingual (English/Spanish) would be a bonus but not essential.  Thank you so much BPN for any advice!   

    (I am a Latina psychologist.).  I can recommend two directories to search:  and  They have similar names but are two different directories.  

    Alberto Rangel, LMFT might be a good fit for what you're looking for.

    I recommend Pablo Martinez, he is bilingual, Mexican and works well with men who have experienced trauma:

Archived Q&A and Reviews

East Bay Therapist for Stay at Home Dad

March 2012

I'm looking for a therapist for a friend of mine. He is a 36 y/o male who is a stay at home dad seeking to re-enter therapy to help deal primarily with issues related to his transition to parenting. Self reports a history of ADHD. Thanks

Dr. Bruce Linton, in Berkeley, would be a good place to start. He is in private practice and also leads an on going Men's Group for Fathers in Berkeley. You can find him at or call Bruce at 510.644.0300. Kim

I would recommend Dr. Lisa Lancaster who is in Berkeley. I have been seeing her and find her extremely effective. anon

Someone brilliant working with Fathers

June 2011

I am looking for someone who really gets father's issues to work with my husband on being a guy, raising children, being a father, etc. It could be a man or a woman therapist, just someone who can really think well about dads. Thanks. Loving Wife and Mother

I would like to recommend Dan Quinn as someone who would be excellent at working on the complexities of fatherhood. Dan is himself a father, and has read and thought deeply about these issues. As part of his practice he has both participated in and led a number of mens groups for many years, through which he has engaged around the questions of fatherhood with countless men, exploring in depth the complexities of masculinity, parenting, relationship, etc. You could not find a wiser, more caring and insightful practitioner. Here is his contact info: Dan Quinn, Psy.D. Clinical Psychologist (PSY 23350) Adjunct Faculty, The Wright Institute 925 The Alameda, Berkeley, California 94707 510-290-8297 www.DanQuinn.Info

My husband enjoyed being a part of the Father's Forum with Bruce Linton, MFT. Fathers Forum info at: Bruce is also in private practice and specializes in working with men and fathers. Info at Kim

2009 - 2010 Reviews

Seeking Male Therapist in Berkeley

Oct 2009

I am looking for a therapist in Berkeley, preferably male, who can help me navigate a tense relationship and family situation. I would like to see someone with experience, someone older than me (I am 32), but not stuffy or conservative. I need someone who can provide intelligent insights, rather than sit and stare. I prefer someone who is interactive, shares their opinions, and, if it's not too much to ask, has a sense of humor. There don't seem to be many male therapist recommendations, and I would really appreciate feedback from any of you that know of a great therapist. Thanks so much! anon

My husband went to see this Psychologist in Berkeley named Paul Minsky. He really enjoyed working with him and goes back periodically for a ''tune up''. I asked him about your requirements and it appears that he has what you are looking for. He is interactive, older, and definitely uses humor in his approach. He has 2 offices. His number is (510) 524-0700. Good luck. much happier since my husband is happier

I would highly recommend Tim Henry. His office is in Berkeley near Peet's coffee on Domingo. My husband has also seen him and thought it was the best male to male therapy interaction he has ever had. Good luck! His phone number is 510-750-4783. You can also email him at timothyhenry [at] Lynn

I highly recommend Dr. Jules Burstein. His office is right off Solano Ave. on Tulare. He can be reached at 510-527-1152. There is no one better. anon

2007 - 2008 Reviews

Wise and skillful therapist for husband in his 50's

July 2008

My husband is seeking a recommendation for a wise and skillful therapist through the United Behavioral Health network (through UC benefits). They have an extensive roster of names, but only one of them is on the BPN recommendations. My husband is in his 50's, intelligent and has had an interesting career and life. He would feel most comfortable talking with someone he could consider an equal with significant insight and life experience. We would be most grateful for any recommendations. Thank you. anon

My husband sees Paul Minsky in his Berkeley office. I know he takes UBH insurance because that is what we have. I asked my husband who said that Dr. Minsky is around the same age we are (mid 50's to 60's)and has been great for him (hence us)! His number is 510 524-0700. anon

Hi--- my husband has used Dr. Austin Hurst, in Lafayette who is an excellent psychologist. He's very smart, knowledgeable and great,and good at ''cutting to the chase'', so to speak. He's within United health Care's network, so I doubly recommend him. anonymous

I have been going to an excellent therapist who is a United Behavioral Health therapist. Her name is Karen Hollinger Jackson and she is in Alameda. She has been very helpful to me for family issues and anxiety, etc. anon

2005 - 2006 Reviews

Male Psychoanalyst / Psychotherapist PhD

March 2005

I'm in search of an experienced, intelligent, wise MALE psychoanalyst or psychotherapist in the East Bay or SF. I've got a lot of therapy experience but believe I now need someone with the clinical tools to help me deal with a number of unresolved issues that I'm beginning to fear are intractable. In short, I need a super-smart super-trained person to help... WHile I have had a good experience with MFCCs and MFTs, I am looking for referrals to PhDs only. Anon

I went to Lee Rather, phd, some years ago. I saw him for a number of years and felt he helped me to explore things on a deeper level. I was referred to him by PINC (Pyschoanalytic Institute of No. CA). They are in SF on Fillmore St. Dr. Rather was also in that same area. If you contact PINC, they can also refer you to other well established pscychoanalysts in the East Bay. anon

I *highly* recommend Paul Guillory, PhD. He is everything you've described, experienced, intelligent and wise. He is located in Oakland and can be reached at 510-451-5011. Anon

I highly recommend Dr. Winston Valois in Berkeley (510-849- 3211). He is a very experienced psychologist who works with adults and couples.

2004 & Earlier

Male therapist for childhood issues

Sept 2004

Looking for recommendations for a very experienced/skilled male therapist to help well-presenting, highly functioning child abuse survivor with fundamental identity and relationship issues. Experience with children of Narcissistic parents (clinically narcissistic, not simply ''self centered'')highly desirable. Only Ph.D.'s please, preferably someone with specific, identified expertise in this area. Thanks so much. Anon

I highly reccomend Pete Walker (in Lafayette). We have worked extensively on abuse issues and he is beyond knowledgable on the narcassitic parent issue. But he is an MFT. good luck

I've heard that Doug Moorehead is very good. He is a psychiatrist in addition to being a therapist. He's located in Berkeley near B. Bowl. mdel

Seeking male therapist in Berkeley

Feb 2003

I am the father of a 7-year-old daughter and am now reaching a point of desperation in a deeply troubled marriage. Because my wife refuses to talk through our ''issues'' or consider couples counseling, I would like to get outside help for myself. I qualify for Pacificare's ''behavioral health'' benefits and would much appreciate a recommendation to a male therapist, preferably in Berkeley or Albany, who is a Pacificare provider. I've reviewed the previous recommendations on the parents website, but info on male therapists was limited. anon

Our family just started going to Bruce Nemirow, on The Alameda at the top of Solano. He was recommended by a friend and on Parents Digest. He's on the Healthnet list but I'm not sure about Pacificare. We like him very much, and I was especially concerned that my husband like the therapist since he isn't big on therapy! The phone number is 510/524-2082. anon.

My husband and I have been seeing Michael Searle in west Berkeley for over a year now, and my husband has also been seeing him by himself for about as long. We have found him very helpful and I would highly recommend him. However, I have no idea if he is covered by PacifiCare, since we have been paying for him out of pocket (for reasons too long to go into here). His number is 845-3199. Good luck. anonymous

I highly recommend Joseph Cristofalo, MFT. He has an office in Oakland on College Ave (Close to Broadway) and in Lafayette. He has been in practice for about 20 years and has lots of experience working with individuals and couples. He is a warm, sensitive and intelligent therapist. I don't know if he takes the insurance that you mentioned. His phone # is 510.654.2288. I'm sorry that you are at such a difficult point in your marriage. You are taking an important step toward taking care of yourself. Good luck. Andrea

Looking for Male Psychologist

Jan 2003

My husband is wanting to discuss some childhood issues that are continuing to effect his adult life. He's interested in talking to a male psychologist, preferably in the El Cerrito, Albany, or North Berkeley area that would take our insurance (MHN through Health Net). Thank you very much for any advice. anonymous

I can recommend Dana Fetz who has an office in the Hilltop Mall area. He takes MHN and has been an excellent therapist for me. He can be reached at 510-741-0721. In order to qualify for MHN I believe you will need to have a referral from an MD. Jim

There is an excellent male therapist in Rockridge. His name is David Krause, Ph.D. The last phone number I have for him is 510- 872-4872. He is a psychologist so his fees may be a little pricier than someone with a masters degree, although he is well worth the money from my experience. Nicole

I recommend Bruce Nemirow in Berkeley. He's very encouraging and supportive. Please email me if you'd like details. poppy

Male therapist for general life concerns

May 2002

I've searched the archives and the recommendations for men's therapists are pretty specifically for serious childhood issues. I'm interested in someone who works more with work, mid-life and other general concerns, but from a male perspective. Prefer Berkeley/Albany/El Cerrito area. Any suggestions? Anonymous Guy

I can recommend Jim Jenkins. He is a clinical psychologist with an office in Kensington (510) 559-9963. He would be happy to speak with you to see if working with you would be helpful. ellen

Hi, I saw Joe Saah for a couple of years and thought he was quite good. He helped me deal with lingering issues from my first marriage, my father, etc., and helped me sort myself out a bit. I'd had therapy before, but he was the first male therapist who really worked for me. He also has an organization called the Men's Center (or something like that) and has therapy groups specifically for men. He's located in Berkeley, on Shattuck near Ashby. He is an MFCC, and his number is 510-644-8262.
Good luck! Another Anonymous Guy

Jim Sparks is an excellent local therapist, he has an office in El Cerrito. Not sure exactly what you mean by ''from the male perspective'', but he works with couples and individuals and has a very straightforward, respectful approach to therapy. His phone is 510-433-7477 and email is jimATjimsparksphdDOTcom anon

Therapist for husband's childhood demons

My husband has been battling the demons of childhood neglect for years and now he's ready to do something about it. He was a middle child in a large blended family that practiced the philosophy of every child for him/herself. There was too much freedom, too little parenting, and some pretty negative role modeling. As a result, my husband has issues about self-worth, money and anger that endanger the well-being of our family. He's a very wonderful and loving husband and father for the most part, but he definitely needs some healing. Can anyone recommend a good therapist? The website doesn't list any referrals specifically for men. Thank you.

Anthony Carpentieri (in phone book) in Berkeley is male and experienced with step family situations.

Don't know what area you live in, but Stephen Flannes in Montclair has been a tremendous help to my husband, who also has some childhood abuse issues to deal with. Steve is caring, smart, insightful, and practical. My husband has made tremendous headway with him.

George Gardner in Oakland is an excellent therapist, specifically with men's issues. HIs number is 482-1002

I'd like to refer Karl Knobler, who is located above the ACCI Gallery on Lincoln and Shattuck Avenue in North Berkeley (2046 Lincoln)-- he is a patient and kind person -- and I've heard great feedback about him from the people I've referred to him. I've referred men, women, and couples to him, and they all have appreciated his very relaxed manner and professionalism. his phone # is 510-849-0945. Christine

My husband has similar issues to your husband and he was able to get some help by Dr. Bruce Linton in Berkeley. I don't have his number but his office is near Chez Panisse. Unfortunately we moved out of the area and he was only able to see him about 5 times, however he did find his counselling to be very helpful. Dr. Linton also runs the Fathers' Forum which is for fathers to get together and discuss various issues.

My husband is seeing Michael Simon (recommended on the website) for some very concerning depression he had from a rotten work environment. He seems quite happy with his approachability ,intelligence and quite practical suggestions. He backed off on a diagnosis of manic-depression when it appeared my husband was uncomfortable with it (and thought it was off target) and is instead focusing on the things that my husband has decided are important, which include family relationships. He's been working with him for a few months and it seems to have helped quite a bit in terms of mood stabilization. He doesn't take any insurance, and I believe he is an intern under Joshua Coleman (?).

I can highly recommend Pete Walker as being great at working with family of origin issues. He is in Lafayette at (925) 283-4575. Mimi