Visiting Nurses Association Hospice

SF Bay Area

Archived Q&A and Reviews

May 2008

Re: Struggling with loss of mother
My mom died 10 years ago now. I was 29, she was 54. It took more time than I ever would have imagined to get through the bulk of the grief. For me, the second year was harder than the first in some ways. I found that a support group for women that had lost their moms was very helpful. I think they still do these groups through VNA Hospice. They used to be in Emeryville-maybe still are. It does get better with time.

Oct 2007

Re: Grief support for 10-year-old - father's suicide
Sutter VNA & Hospice in Emeryville has a number of bereavement support groups. I looked on their website, but didn't see any groups for children. Perhaps they would have a referral for you. Also, Jewish Family & Children's Services in Berkeley may have a good referral. Have you considered family or child counseling in the interim until you find a support group for your daughter? Wishing you healing.

July 2004

Re: Support for young mother who lost her husband
I'm so sorry for your friend's loss. My husband died suddenly last year when my daughter was 2 years old.... I would also suggest calling the closest Hospice VNA to you. I'm in a partner loss group through them that has helped me tremendously even though I'm by far the youngest person in the group. They do have a younger group but it meets at night and its easier for me to find childcare during the day. I go to the group in Oakland in Rockridge. I don't know if there are groups in San Lorenzo.

June 2003

Re: Grief support for young mother

I am so sorry to hear about your neighbor's tragic loss. That is truly awful and how kind of you to find support for her. VNA Hospice has a wonderful bereavement support program. Their phone number for the east bay program is (510) 450-8596. Their website is Hope this is helpful. Hannah

November 2001

Re: Grief counselor needed for recent traumas

I was part of a grief group for, as I remember, 6 or 8 weeks, put together by the Visiting Nurses Association hospice center. The VNA has these groups going on continuously. It doesn't matter what caused the person's death. The group was very very helpful to me - both the facilitators and the participants are right there with you when you talk about the experience, and one of the things we each did was have a time to tell about the person we had lost, and show pictures, etc. After each presentation there was a time for other people in the group to ask questions or talk about what they had heard or seen about the person and your relationship with them. It was incredibly supportive, if scary. It really does seem to allow you to say what you need to say, and what you can't necessarily say to the rest of your family or friends. I was in a group that started about 6 months after my mom's death. I wanted to get into one three months earlier, but didn't understand that you have to go to their Emeryville office and be interviewed to join a group - that just calling to be added to a list is not enough. There were a couple of people who found it too soon to be able to be part of the group, and were not able to continue coming. Anyway, I highly recommend it whether or not you find a good counselor. Susan