Avid4 Adventure

SF Bay Area

Avid4 Adventure camps teach pre-K – 7th graders of all levels to climb, paddle, bike, hike and thrive in the outdoors. Day camp locations in Mill Valley, Palo Alto, Saratoga, Oakland, Santa Cruz, Campbell, Moraga and Walnut Creek. Overnight camp locations in the Rocky Mountains, Colorado.

Parent Q&A

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  • Has anyone tried the Avid4 Adventure Explorer camps in the Oakland Hills? Was it a positive experience for your child? This camp includes activities like kayaking and rock climbing at various locations, with children shuttled by bus from the Chabot Space and Science Center drop-off point. Here's the planned itinerary:

    • Rock Climbing: Cragmont
    • Biking: Tilden Regional Park
    • Kayaking: Encinal Beach
    • Stand-Up Paddleboarding (SUP): Encinal Beach
    • Hiking: Tilden Regional Park

    Online reviews are limited, but the camp sounds like a lot of fun. I’m considering enrolling my 6-year-old son for the summer and would really appreciate any first-hand feedback. Thanks in advance!

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Parent Reviews

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My almost 8 yo son has gone to a number of summer camps in the past three years: Edmo, Galileo, Cal Berkeley, Trackers, and Avid4 Adventure. He says Avid4 is his favorite (tied with Camp Edmo). So far this week he has gone hiking, kayaking, and biking. He loved kayaking so much, something I have been meaning to take him out to do but never did, that he wants to buy his own kayak (uh, no, but we will take him kayaking when we go to Tahoe at the end of the summer). He was the only kid in his group that couldn't ride a two-wheeler on his own but he's eager to continue practicing. (The fact that this camp teaches kids to ride a two-wheeler is what drew me to the camp in the first place.) He comes home from camp dirty and tired, his water bottle drained and lunchbox empty: all signs of a happy camper. I'm planning on signing up my daughter for the half-day "learn to ride a bike" camp at Avid4 next summer!

I have never posted a review online before but I just have to regarding Avid4 Adventure camp.  The East Bay has so many choices when it comes to summer camps and it can be overwhelming to choose from them.  Look no further than Avid4 Adventure.  Like many parents, I signed my almost 11 year old son up for many different camps this summer.  And Avid4 Adventure is the only one he wanted to go to for a second week.  Each day of the one week camp is a different outdoor adventure - kayaking, stand-up paddle boarding, hiking, mountain biking and rock climbing just to name a few.  My son game home with a tired but happy every day.  The staff to kid ratio is perfect, and the counselors are very attentive and supportive in developing new skills for the campers.  My son had never been paddleboarding or mountain biking before and now asks me when we can go again! 

You can find information about them and their summer camps at www.Avid4.com

Archived Q&A and Reviews

How did your kids like Avid4Adventure?

April 2015

I''m looking for reviews on Avid4adventure camps from those that used them last year, or have used them as overnight camps. What did you think of the organization, the care, the activities? How did your kid(s) like/not like them and why? Thank you. Anon

My daughter, who was 7 last summer, liked the day camp. She is very shy, but she still enjoyed it. I think she was a little scared doing some of the activities, but she did them anyway. I think she felt proud of her accomplishments afterwards. Overall, the camp seemed well organized. I am glad she had the chance to try the rock climbing and the bicycle relay as those are things she is unlikely to do again.

April 2014

I wanted to share some info about an awesome bay area summer day camp. Avid4 Adventure summer camp programs were started in Colorado years ago. Last year they introduced one in Corte Madera. My son went and he LOVED it. My son is 10, but the camp is open to kids pre-school aged all the way to 12 years old. This year there are 2 new locations - one is in Berkeley and one in Oakland. We live in the east bay so we are happy they are coming over to the east bay this year!

This was an AMAZING day camp with different outdoor activities each day including kayaking, hiking, mountain biking, rock climbing, etc. My son is NOT a super sporty, outdoorsy kid. He is much more of a legos and reading boy. So I really wasn't sure how this experience would be for him. I was able to talk in depth with the instructors prior to the start of camp about my concerns and they were great in explaining to me that the camp is focused on building self-confidence, not being an expert. I was very impressed with how they were able to help all kids realize their 'adventures' at a variety of paces. They worked with all the kids at their own levels.

My son is also not usually overly expressive about things he enjoys. He's a pretty grounded, sensitive little guy, but he came back every day gushing with excitement about how awesome this camp was and he cannot wait to go back this year. I would urge any curious parent to check out the website. You can see the high level of experience and expertise they offer with their staff. As I mentioned, they will make themselves totally available if you have questions or concerns about your own child before you sign up. I received a call from the counselor for our session prior to the start of the camp and all kids received a booklet at the end of the week. And they post pictures online every day of the kids doing the day's activities! They were really fun to see. It was an absolutely superb quality camp and an over-the-top fun and learning experience for my shy boy. I highly recommend it for any type of kid of any age!

You can find information about them and their summer camps at www.Avid4.com Heidi

March 2014

Hi all, I'm interested in experiences with avid4adventure camp in Berkeley. I can't seem to find any reviews. Did your kid go there? How was it? I'm thinking of sending my 4.5 yr old daughter for a week this summer. They are one of the few camps I have found that take 4 yr olds and have a session June 16-20. Other ideas welcome too! Am also thinking about monkey business, but don't want to drive up to Tilden every day... Thanks! Loa

I sent my nephew last year and can not say enough about how great this camp is. They really deliver on everything they promise and kids get to climb, bike and paddle and hike -- something different each day. The camp is for 3-12 year olds (grouped by age) and it is more than worth the cost. We are sending our son for two weeks this summer, and we have our niece and nephew staying with us for a week so that they can go as well. kelli