Seeking a Daycare or Preschool in Hayward

Parent Q&A

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  • Hi, all! I'm hoping to get some recommendations for infant daycare in Hayward. We are looking for a daycare for our daughter starting in August this year when she will be 10 months old. The postings I've found on BPN are a bit old, so would love to hear from some people who have more current experience with daycare in Hayward. Thanks a bunch for your help! 

    We have had our daughter at His Kids Too in Hayward since she was four months old–over two years now. She has since graduated to the preschool service, which has also been great since she has been able to stick with some of the same kids. Overall we have been very impressed with the level of care and hours and availability. It was also one of the more affordable daycares we looked at in the area. The website is pretty no frills (, but I would recommend checking out the facility.
