Oakland Public Schools vs. Private School

Parent Q&A

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  • My son will be starting kindergarten in 2023 and while I had been planning to just apply to OUSD schools, with an eye on MLA and Manzanita SEED in particular, I am realizing it may be good to have some backups in case we don't get in or those schools don't seem like a good fit for whatever reason.

    Are there any Oakland charter schools that have Spanish immersion at the elementary level? Any other elementary charter schools that people love? Any to avoid?

    I remember reading that Piedmont was opening enrollment to Oakland students - has anyone done this? what was your experience like? In particular, I'm wondering if doing this means giving up your spot in the OUSD application process. Also curious if any of the Piedmont schools have Spanish immersion, from my quick search it doesn't seem like it. 

    Finally, curious about people's experience at the private schools KSS and EBI - given other expenses, I think we could only make that work if we had a scholarship - so one of my first questions how likely is that for a family with two working parents, making just under $250k/year combined? is it purely need based or do they take other things into consideration?

    Any thoughts or experience on school culture in Piedmont schools or the two private schools I mentioned also welcome...for various reasons I'm wary.... 

    We also looked at Spanish immersion schools in Oakland. I don't think there are any charter schools that offer that option.

    While MLA and Manzanita SEED were also on our list, I'd encourage you to also look at International Community School and Greenleaf as well. (We've now got two kids at Greenleaf and really pleased for a variety of reasons.) ICS was by far the school I was most impressed with when I toured a few years ago but we ended up ranking MLA and Greenleaf higher because both of them go through middle school, which gives our kids more years of dual language education.


    We had the experience of not getting into our desired Spanish immersion public school and applied for EBI. We have a combined salary similar to yours, but with house payments, student loans, and a younger kid in preschool, don't have anything close to the kind of disposable income needed for EBI. I think they offered us something like $1k in scholarship. I guess technically we could probably afford it on our salaries, if we refinanced our house and stopped saving for retirement, but those seemed like extreme measures so we gave up on the Spanish thing. I wouldn't count on getting much financial support at your salary level. 

    Just a note that OUSD has more Spanish immersion schools than just MLA and Manzanita SEED, though those are the two best-known. If Spanish is your highest priority, definitely take a look at some of the others, too.

    To enroll in Piedmont, you have to meet the interdistrict transfer requirements. For entering kinders, that's mainly that a parent works full-time in Piedmont or your childcare provider is in Piedmont and is responsible for taking your child to and from school. OUSD has been much stricter about enforcing these restrictions in recent years. (The criteria are set by the state.) And no, there's no Spanish immersion school in Piedmont. You don't give up your spot in OUSD until your transfer is granted, so if you think you qualify, you could apply and also do the OUSD Options process.

    If you’re interested in Spanish immersion, I would highly encourage you to consider ICS as well. It’s much easier to get into than MLA and probably Manzanita SEED too, and it’s a really great school. (Our son is in kinder there this year.) very well resourced, lots of extras, and really dedicated teachers. The location can be a pain in the butt but location doesn’t seem like a concern of yours based on the schools you’re looking at.

  • We are currently waiting to find out about our child’s OUSD assignment as well as some private school admission decisions. If we get in to the private schools I really don’t know what we will do. Our child will be in kindergarten. I would love to hear from anyone who was in a similar situation about how you ultimately decided on the public or private path.

    Also, our child has some serious food allergies and I would be interested in hearing from food allergy parents on how your OUSD or private school has handled allergies. 

    Our child with food allergy attended OUSD school in the past and is currently at a private school. Schools are all very accommodating. If the allergy involves peanuts/nuts, don't worry. Schools were/are nut-free! The only time we have to be careful is when parents bring things in for birthdays or if there's a pot luck. Teachers are very on top of allergies and should coordinate with you. You'll also have medication at the school with doctor's note and instructions. If there's an incident, the school will take an action. 

    When we were deciding public v. private, we first went public because we felt very strongly that it's important for middle class families to send kids to public school. We read many studies that child's ultimate educational success depends on the parents' educational level and socio-economic status. We felt that our graduate degrees and decent salaries would mean our child would be fine at a public or private school, and we could not stomach the private school tuition. (We do not qualify for financial aid, but don't make enough to not feel the pain of paying tuition.)

    A few years into OUSD, it was clear that our child's needs were not being met at OUSD. I have an extremely stressful and demanding job. I do not have the bandwidth to advocate for my child's education at OUSD to the extent that was necessary for us to have a chance at improving the quality of the instruction that my child was getting. We got our child evaluated by OUSD psychologist who told us that there are no programs for advanced children. I was deeply disappointed by OUSD's inability to educate and enrich my child who is bright and eager to learn more and faster than their peers. 

    We switched to a small progressive private school where our child is allowed to explore and expand their intellectual curiosity and not be held back by the state dictated minimum curriculum requirements and teacher's classroom management efforts. At our private school, I can trust that our child's education is being handled well. School is no longer a source of stress for me. Peace of mind I have about my child's school and hearing how much my child loves their new school are worth the financial sacrifice we're making. At OUSD, child was beginning to develop deep hatred toward school. I'm glad we course corrected. 

    Hi, we are a BUSD family but I just wanted to say that you and your food allergy kid should plan to fiercely self-advocate at any school.  I have two kids who have severe food allergies and made a point of having a lot of communication with my kids' teachers.  There was a wide range of how well teachers understood the seriousness of the issue and what to do.  I provided alternate birthday treats, and generally said that if there was any doubt, the kid should take any food from school home, not eat it at school.  BUSD dining services was great accommodating my kid's egg and milk allergies so he could eat hot lunch, even without me getting an official 504.  If your kid is going to be in after school I'd have a conversation with that program person too.  I do think it's worth minimizing the amount of "special" treatment your kid needs to stay safe, just because it sets your kid apart and they will want to fit in.  We unfortunately had one bullying incident in elementary school.   Your kid is also going to need to learn to ask questions about what's in food, say what their allergies are, pass on eating food that might be offered to them, and speak up if they start feeling like they're having a reaction even if they don't think they ate an allergen.  My kids had multiple ER visits before they started school so they were able to understand the importance of this, but we talked about speaking up and asking questions a LOT.  And they learned to do it, even in preschool!  As a side note, we have done OIT and it's absolutely changed their lives - we still carry epi but they now eat everything!  

    We just went through this same decision last year. We have a very well regarded neighborhood school and really wanted to support OUSD, however we have a kid with multiple severe food allergies including uncommon allergens. Obviously lots of kids with allergies do great at OUSD, but we were concerned about the large size of our school (near 500) and communication especially with larger class sizes. I was not comfortable with subs who may not be epi-pen trained or oversight at recess by people who did not know my kid. I also need aftercare and felt I would need to hire an after school nanny which I preferred not to have to deal with. If we had a single common allergy and could do a nut free classroom I would not have worried, but this was not our situation. Ultimately we chose to go to Aurora and have been super happy with our decision. Education has been excellent with small class sizes, making learning fun, and excellent social emotional curriculum. It's a wonderful small community and I love being able to go to the Tuesday assemblies. It's clearly debatable whether it is worth the hefty price tag, but my kid is super happy, and it's a very different experience than what I have heard from other OUSD parents. Communication about allergies and other health concerns have been excellent. Teachers frequently check in about items they are using to make sure they are safe. In the younger grades she always has a teacher and full time teachers assistant, so even if someone is out there is always someone that knows her in the class. Her teacher or TA are there at lunch/recess. Aftercare is a small program with a handful of staff who work for Aurora and know my kid. The peace of mind has been priceless for us. We applied to a couple other private schools that we would also have been happy at academically, but were unwilling to have a peanut free classroom or were hesitant to make any special accommodations. Good luck with your decision, and feel free to contact me if you have questions! 

    Our child is allergic to peanuts and several different tree nuts. Food allergy has never been an issue at schools. Both public and private schools handle food allergy pretty well these days, and I've found schools to be inclusive and nut-free. We have always packed our own lunch and never relied on school lunch, however. I have a friend whose child is allergic to eggs, nuts, and dairy, and they, too, haven't had issues. Again, they also pack their own lunch to school. We are always mindful of our child's allergy at group gatherings and always carry allergy medication just in case. We are currently at a small progressive school in Oakland, which is such a warm and inclusive environment. Because it's a small school, all the school staff and teachers know my child and are fully aware of her allergy. At many social events (birthday celebrations, parent coffee/tea, picnics, playdates, etc.), food choices are very inclusive of everyone, offering options for vegan, gluten-free, nut-free as well as conventional options. Voice your allergy, and the community will welcome you and work with you.  Because of my child's allergy, the entire class is peanut and tree nut-free. This is so wonderful, as my child doesn't have to feel excluded and quarantined off at the nut-free table.

    In terms of public v. private, this is such a difficult decision. We debated when we were starting K. We initially decided to give OUSD a try, because we did not have enough money to pay for private school but we did not qualify for financial aid. Our financial advisor told us that private school was not a smart financial decision. We also loved the idea of our child going to a neighborhood school where she'll get to know kids nearby and we felt really good about supporting OUSD by enrolling in one. 

    After 3 years at OUSD, we could not tolerate OUSD anymore. Child was unhappy because she was not learning and often annoyed at classmates' behavioral issues. Because she was advanced and followed rules, she felt that the teacher didn't pay attention to her. She craved intellectual stimulation and enrichment which we could not find at our high ranked OUSD school. Her OUSD school PE class required kids to lie down on a concrete surface to do sit ups, and child complained that it hurt her back and she did not like getting dirt on her hair.  I was shocked that there was no mat for PE. Teachers told us that our child needed to work on paying attention in class. At first, we thought our child had attention deficit issues. It turns out that child was simply bored and unengaged.

    We're so happy at our small progressive school in Oakland where our child is seen and heard and celebrated for who she is and is being challenged to stretch her imagination.  It was nice to have saved some money while attending OUSD, but child says she wishes she could have joined her current school from K.  She used to complain that school is pointless and the only reason school exists is for parents to go to work. Now, at her new school, she can't stop talking about things she has learned and built at school and games that she and her friends have come up with. The difference we see in her is night and day, and we feel that it's worth every penny for her to love learning. 

  • I know this topic has been debated many times. Due to our taxable income being rather high, I'm embararssed to ask this question to people we know and am hoping to get people's honest feedback from the community.

    We have an elementary school age child at a highly regarded school in OUSD. Our taxable gross income on our tax returns is very high (~a little over $400k). It's rather strange that we see that number on our tax returns but don't feel well off. Our expenses are very high as well. Our property tax is ~$19k/year and it keeps going up every year which I didn't realize. I made a mistake and believed that our tax rate will be frozen in time. My bad. ~$7000 goes out the door monthly for our mortage plus insurance. Adding up groceries, take-out food, paying off student loans, setting aside money for routine home, health, car maintenance plus internet, utility (pg&e costs over $600/month), netflix, retirement, etc. etc. we barely save money for a rainy day. Our house is over 100 years old, and we had no idea home ownership would be this expensive. It seems that something is always breaking and we end up spending around $10k a year or more to fix things (not fancy remodeling just fixing things that break or patching things up).

    So... we were sticking with OUSD as we felt it was good enough to meet our needs and it's free. We have met many people who were quite content with this particular OUSD school. But, COVID-19 tipped the scale and OUSD is no longer good enough. We applied to private schools and got in but hardly any financial aid is available for us. Our child has never been really happy at school and often refused to go to school even before the pandemic. They're bored, get lost in the shuffle, and their friends keep leaving the school. The child is advanced, and are now even more bored with the zoom classes. They have no best friend left as every friend they've made has moved away or moved to private schools. Our child has asked if they can move to the private school where where their best friend moved because the friend is very happy at the new school and they are learning in person. 

    We are looking at our monthly budget and I'm feeling sick thinking about paying almost $3000/ month on tuition alone. Vacations will be cancelled. Even after the pandemic is over, we won't be visiting grandparents during the holidays. Our annual holiday trip to see grandparents cost us about $4000. The kid is going to need to go to camps, piano and dance lessons, etc. Soon, the kid is going to need braces. So, yes... the kid will cost more than $3k/month. No discretionary shopping for mommy and daddy. We'll do less take out and cook more at thome. My car is 18 years old and I was hoping to get a new car when I start commuting again, but maybe I can keep my car running for a few more years. It's a Honda so it's supposed to last practically forever? Our dream of upgrading to a bigger house of remodeling? That'll probably be on hold for a long time.

    Are we crazy to even consider paying this much for elementary school? How do parents reconcile the cost of private school tuition if it's a stretch for you? All financial advisors tell you that private school does not make economic sense. Was/it it worth it?

    I know how you feel. The cost of living in the Bay Area is so high that it's easy to feel like you're barely making ends meet even when you're earning almost half a million dollars a year! That said, a few things in your post jumped out at me. Could you refi your mortgage, if you haven't already done so? Interest rates are super low right now, and that could really help with your housing costs. Also, $600/month for PG&E seems incredibly high. Are you sure that's right? If so, can you bring that down somehow? Maybe audit your power use and see what's causing those bills. Student loan payments can maybe be cut down too (consolidation?).

    Anyway, to your question: I would say yes, it is worth it, especially now. The public schools have not met kids' needs this past year and there is no guarantee that they will be able to do so anytime soon. If your child is an advanced learner who is bored, disengaged, and unhappy (because public schools pretty much as a rule don't have the resources to deal with advanced / gifted kids), the situation is just that much worse. If I were you, I would take the plunge and enroll my kid in the private school with their best friend, assuming the school is a good fit for your kid. Being with friends and actually learning in-person is so important right now, more than ever. 

    We stretch every month to pay our private school tuition bill (like you, we do not qualify for financial aid, but don't feel "rich" by any means), because we know that public school can't meet our child's needs for various reasons. I wish I could send our child to the local public school, but I have to put his interests and well-being first. We live in a smaller house than we would really like and we don't have a lot of fancy things, but it's the tradeoff we've made to pay for school. 

    Good luck with your decision. But you're not crazy to be considering this, at all. 

    We are in our first year of paying $30K+ for elementary school (5th grade, considered middle school by the school). It's a lot, and our taxable income is about 1/3 of yours but we do not qualify for financial aid. I can't quite bring myself to say it's good value, but I will say I do not regret making the move when we did, and we will keep them in the school through 8th grade for sure. COVID aside, our barely-adequate public school was barely adequate through 3rd grade. I think the early years are about learning to read and getting used to a classroom environment and making friends, which you can do anywhere. I have become a convert to the school of thought that middle school resources matter and that's the time to go private if you can and want to for your child.

    Agree with the first poster that your expenses sound high and maybe you should consider downsizing your home ANYWAY, before factoring in private school. Definitely get an energy audit for that PG&E bill! Also, no kid "needs" to go to dance lessons, piano, etc.... day camps, yes, so you can work, but the city-run rec department ones are a lot cheaper than say Roughing It.

    I hear you! However, there are private elementary schools that do not cost as much as you think. My kids went to Walden Center and School in Berkeley. It is a school based on the arts. They have an amazing art room and teacher. They dance, they do movement, the upper groups put on a play each year that all kids are in and it surpasses most high school play! And yes, the academics are great. (I was worried initially before going) My kids are now in high school and are excelling! Plus, they maintain friendships from Walden and have lots of love for Walden. Check it out!

    We had similar decision to make with slightly different factors and decided against moving kids to private.  Our income is a bit higher and our expenses quite a bit lower as we bought our house a few years ago and own a newer smaller home so have less maintenance and costs, so financially we could afford private school without giving up vacations, etc., though it is of course still a huge cash outlay.  Though in our case the kids like their public school and are doing well there and the only reason for private was to get the kids to attend in person and get access to advanced classes and programs, which their public school doesn't have.  We decided to stay in public mostly cause that is what the kids preferred, and are putting a portion of the money that would have gone to tuition towards after-school activities and lessons to make up for the lack of advanced program.  We hired private teachers for music and foreign language, signed up the kids for math enrichment, art and coding classes, and told the kids that they can take any outschool class they want and to let us know if there is any hobby or area they want to explore with additional classes.  All those private lessons and activities are expensive but it is only a small portion of the monthly cost of private school and combined with a decent public school likely provides a better education to the kids then just private school alone.  I think if my kids were unhappy in their public school I would have moved them, but since they are socially happy and managing distance learning ok we decided that increasing activities and out of school learning is easier, more effective and less disruptive then changing schools. 

    Private school fees are difficult to reconcile economically.  Yet some of the most happily successful people I know had already decided where their interests lay during these formative elementary school years.  One year in the life of a ten year old feels like 10% of their lifetime or maybe more when considering what years they actually remember.  I enjoy reliving my childhood through my kiddos so I don't feel like I'm sacrificing much in the way of time or money.  It's not going to last forever.  And maybe they don't need every last one of those extra curriculars?  Alternatively, you can view it as a form of non-essential insurance that raises the floor for a child's future.  Like all forms of premium insurance, one only buys if one can afford it.  That said, the pricing for private schools spans a massive range.  Also, some local private elementary schools had reopened but still went remote in Dec/Jan in an abundance of caution.  Some secondary private schools didn't reopen at all or are stuck in a hybrid schedule.  Covid was hard on public AND private schools.  If you can move, Marin County has managed to reopen most public and private schools.  Public schools are scheduled to reopen full time in April there.  With such strong county leadership, the public school student population is probably also more stable over time.  OUSD has had decades of issues and went into state receivership previously.  It was not in a good position to weather a pandemic.

    Are you currently working with a financial advisor?  If you're having cash flow challenges I'd recommend seeking out a professional that can give you and your partner concrete/tangible goals to work towards.  I imagine the cost of your home is roughly 1,600,000 given the mortgage info you posted about?  Depending on your interest rate, refinancing may free up a couple hundred dollars a month.  If you decide to move forward with private school you may want to consider relocating to a more affordable area either within Oakland or a nearby  area.

    With regards to OUSD, I don't think anyone's children have really thrived during COVID learning.  Also you mention that you're child wasn't happy at school before covid but you don't dive too much into that or what if anything could be done to address it.  Besides your child's friend being at the other school, is in person learning the biggest difference between the school your child is in now vs the one they want to go to?

    You mention that your annual holiday trip costs you about $4,000, how much of this is flights vs housing vs food etc?  

    I think it's hard to put a tangible value on whether elementary school is worth it because it's unique to your child.  I think the bigger issue is that even with your combined income, it seems like you're living beyond your means.  The challenge is it's not as simple as "if we eat out less then we will be okay."  My wife and I are facing similar challenges and we've found it incredibly helpful to work with a financial advisor because we don't have the training/experience to fix our problems on our own.

    My kid is in public school, but I went to east bay private schools my entire childhood, and comparing my education with the one my kid is getting right now in a Berkeley public school I do not see the value proposition of private school. My kid is getting at least as good an education as I got at the schools my parents scrimped and pinched to pay for. I actually think she’s getting a better education. 

    This past year has been awful (not the schools’ fault, in my opinion) but schools are going to be open in the fall. Your child can still see their best friend outside of school, and will make new friends at their school. It’s okay for kids to face some difficulty and even adversity. You don’t have to stretch your finances so thin just to keep everything comfortable for your child. And frankly, there are plenty of issues at private schools - it’s not like those communities are immune from challenge. There are bad teachers and challenging social situations in private school too. 

    I got a great chuckle from reading your question. As a family of three who live on a third of your income we did three years of private middle school with little financial aid. I cannot imagine what our life would be like with the income you have. We have not “sacrificed” much and although we lived on a tight budget have a healthy, happy child who had everything you mentioned. Music, art & dance classes, summer activities and more. 

    Friends come and go so I would suggest looking for the right academic fit especially if your child is a gifted learner. 

    If you asked me this two years ago I would have said absolutely not. But we've learned a lot about the people who are running our public schools since then. One thing we've learned is that they have many priorities and doing what is best for our children is not necessarily the first or the only priority. It is an absolute tragedy that children whose parents don't have the means to put them in private school cannot receive a safe in-person education in California right now, but that state of affairs is apparently acceptable to our political and school leaders with no clear end in sight. Public schools elsewhere and private schools in California have been safely making it work so it's clearly a leadership problem and not a resources problem.

    Given this, I don't think it's crazy if you can make it happen to pay for what your child seems to need. We put our kids in private school (in person, 5 days a week) starting September 2020, and that was absolutely the right decision for their academic, physical and emotional well-being (and correspondingly, our own). I try not to think about what it's doing to our overall financial situation. At the same time, I felt so grateful to the teachers and administrators at our school for finding a way to make this work for our children that I gave them extra money during their fundraising campaign. So yes, it's definitely been worth it for us. 

    We too have been wondering whether private school would be worthwhile now. There are a few reasons we are continuing at our child's highly rated OUSD elementary, but one of them is - why are private schools so excessively expensive here? Where does the money go? Several of them either own the land and buildings or have favorable leases, and they cost significantly more than many top east-coast private schools. I'm wondering if anyone with an inside view can explain why elementary would cost $40k / year (at some schools). We can't justify the cost at this point, even though our income is higher and our expenses lower than what you described - and unlike in much of western Europe, many of us don't get that much in return for all the taxes we pay. (E.g., the roads are often terrible, the schools highly variable, government services at times inadequate, healthcare still not universal, university even more outrageously expensive, hence your student loans.) With the income you described, it makes sense that you feel caught in the middle, which probably sounds ridiculous - but, by having to pay more in taxes and not qualify for financial aid or other subsidies, you might not feel like you have much leftover. I don't want to bail on public school, but instead try to stay involved to have investment in the community, to make a claim that public schools can and should be great, for as long as we can. That said, this claim isn't substantially being done at the cost of our particular child's well-being or education, for he has done well academically and this year his teachers have been great - if it were otherwise we would take a harder look at private. Also, we find ways to keep him involved beyond school, so that school is not the only component of his life, especially since he was subjected to earlier bullying, which was a tremendously difficult thing we experienced. He has actually made more friends through tennis, camp, and skiing than through school - outside activities that cost money, but also build skills, broaden his community, and that, aside from camp, we can do as a family. For a while he was obsessed with chess, and we thought about joining math circles for further stimulation, but instead found other ways to stretch his skills. The point is that if you don't want to make the huge financial commitment now, you might be able to make your OUSD school work, at least through 5th, by finding other ways to challenge and engage your child and provide opportunities for outside friendships, which might build the 'whole child', in a more diverse environment, more effectively than what some schools advertise. I've wondered why so many turn to private school, with significant sacrifice, when in many situations it's possible to challenge the child in other ways, and to stay involved with OUSD and the schools. If everyone who possibly can bails in this snowball effect, then what's left of OUSD? It's also possible that scale has already tipped with the latest OEA contract, and private would be a tremendous relief, esp. if you don't have time for these other avenues. With increased demand, perhaps the private school tuition will just keep increasing, likely beyond any reasonable connection to the actual expense of educating the child, while families hollow themselves out to afford it, which is upsetting to me. 

    I hear you, cost of living in the Bay Area outrageous, especially when it comes to housing. Private school was worth it to us while we were living in Oakland. None of the OUSD elementary schools we toured seemed like a good fit for our kids and we went the private route. But with 2 kids, the tuition just became too much, that's $60k a year of after tax dollars and not including all the enrichment classes and summer camps. After 4 years, we just couldn't justify the cost while living in a tiny house in a neighborhood we didn't like. If we hadn't moved, we would continue to send our kids to private. So we moved to the other side of the tunnel for the well regarded public schools and more space. We might still send one of the kids to private but our mortgage is much more reasonable for a comparable house in Oakland. 

    We are having this discussion as well. We are financially in a similar position as you. A high $300k household income. Recently bought a 1500 sq ft old house in Oakland for over a million dollars with a little less than 20% down payment. Both of us have big student loans. The house upkeep cost is huge. Character creaks out of every floorboard and doors and windows that don't fit.  We were not offered financial aid from the private schools that accepted us.

    Our advanced kid at a highly ranked OUSD is largely being ignored by the teacher. We asked the teacher if there's anything they can do. The teacher said, "no". There's nothing the teacher can do. The teacher shared materials that they will not cover this year due to the pandemic and said we could have our child do these at home outside of the zoom class, even though 10 min. earlier during our call, we went over our child's assessment result that says they have tested out of the grade in math and are nearing the completion of grade level in reading.  During zoom class, our kid must sit and be bored. Our child screams that they're not learning anything but the teacher won't even let our child read their own book. Our child was advanced before the pandemic, and we supplemented by having a math and foreign language tutor, music lesson, and dance class. However, when a child often refuses to go to school (pandemic or not) and say why can't school be more like her tutors, it breaks my heart. Before the pandemic, we were 2 full-time working parents who rushed out the door in the morning and one of us barely making the 6 PM pick-up time. The kid was miserable and exhausted having to do extra enrichment classes after the 8:30 - 6 school day. Our kid complained often that school was boring and the only good thing about school was getting to play with friends during recess and aftercare. During COVID, we are 2 full-time working parents who are barely juggling schooling and feeding the kid while being the playmate, short order cook, dishwasher, and bathroom attendant for the kid. I NEED my kid to go to school. I have lost faith in OUSD after having gone through the teachers' strike and a year of zoom school. The last draw was the 3/30 reopening that was supposed to happen for OUSD but is not happening at our school! Everyone is saying that schools will open in the fall. Will they really? How can school be open full-time 5 days a week with the class size they have if the pandemic continues which is likely? Many people say that everyone has experienced learning loss. This is not true. Private school kids have been going to school in person since October. We know that some went remote during the Dec. surge but are back in person. Kids in other parts of the country are going to school. Marin County and Piedmont kids are going to school. My family abroad are sending their kids to school. Everyone in OUSD is experiencing learning loss but the world is large. OUSD kids are falling behind. We feel that a private school will be able to respond to our kid's learning needs better and shift more nimbly. We can always go back to OUSD, if the private school doesn't work out. 

    Thank you for your replies and much gratitude for folks who run BPN. 

    When our child was in preschool, we could afford private school comfortably because we were renting a nice 4 br house for $2900 in a great neighborhood. 

    Hindsight is 20/20 but here are some thoughts.

    We chose OUSD because we believed in public education and felt that it was our civic duty to stay involved. We loved Oakland. We had good first 2 years and the TK/K teachers were amazing. 

    2 years later we took the plunge and bought a house.We were afraid of being asked to move out and wanted to move on our own terms. Our financial planner encouraged us that we could afford more house than we were comfortable paying and we believed her. We increased our budget by 250k more than we had a down payment for. Now I wish we stayed within our original budget and bought a bigger house in Walnut Creek. We can’t afford a house we want in WC now. 

    We were full time working parents commuting into SF by car working 10+ hrs a day everyday and rushing home panting to get the kid to bed and then work more. With public school and renting, we could afford a nanny who helped with pickup, dinner, taking the kid to enrichment classes and could also afford other luxury while continuing to save.

    With the mistake of buying a house we don’t love in an expensive neighborhood (our top priority was commute to SF hah!), we realized after we purchased that our lifestyle must change, we could not afford a nanny and it was prudent to stay in public school. In the meantime, we began to notice that our child was stressed out from having long days because we she was at school till 6 PM and often needed to stay with a friend when we couldn’t make the pick up time. The child began to ask nervously who she was going home with that day and we couldn’t tell her because we would not know what the bridge/Bart condition would be or whether we had to work late that day. She seemed to be doing ok academically and the teacher kept saying she is on grade level but she needs to work on participating and paying attention. When Covid hit, for the first time, we were forced to study and understand our child’s academics. It turned out she was bored. We worked with her on Khan Academy and she easily completed her grade level and moved up to the next grade in math. She is now 2 grades ahead in math. Her reading and writing were at grade level, and the teacher could not offer differentiated instruction. During Covid we got to know our child —  gifted in math, advanced in verbal linguistics and slightly below the curve but within grade level in writing and a kinesthetic learner. We see her constantly working on inventing new systems and building things on her own and tweaking to perfect it over the course of days/weeks. Zoom allowed us to see how teachers interact with students. I get that teachers can better manage kids in person but it’s pretty bad right now. More than 1/2 of class time, the teacher yells at kids to turn on camera, mute, stop playing game, where is your reading packet, etc.  

    We have decided to trim all expenses and save less money for the future because our current need for the kid not to hate school is paramount. Child is looking forward to joining her BFF at a progressive private school in the fall. 

    I'm sure you will get all kinds of answers...my "kids" are 27 and 30 and I still remember that dilema. I was just talking to my new neighbors that moved from SF, should they enroll their kids in the local elementary school?

    So many years ago my kids went to the local school, it was one of the best at that time in Oakland, because there was a great community, the more families leave the local schools ( and they leave with their nice donations)the school looses, not because families from out of the area join, actually the more diverse the better, the kids do learn to live in a diverse world, learn from other cultures, is not only about skin color but also about financial diversity, respect,  etc.  $3,000 a month could give you and your family incredible learning opportunities: after school programs, being with family, travels, dates with your significant other, times with friends in gateways...

    During my time, that extra money allow me to send my kids to Venezuela- where I'm from- they learned spanish ,enjoy the extended family, the grand parents. We went to Europe, camping, New York to visit the other side of the family. Those memories are incredible for my kids and made them such great citizens. i'm sure they were behind in some areas, but I can't tell you now if not having that super math class, change their lives...nobody has a crystal ball. As a matter of fact, my son, the oldest went to private middle school because we thought he needed more discipline, better classes etc etc, my daughter stayed for the local Middle School ( Montera ) and then both went to Catholic High Schools ( Bishop O'Dowd and St Mary's ) All their friends that went to public High Schools got into the UC's, Ivy Leagues Universities etc. My daughter did great at Montera and wanted to go to Skyline but we thought it was not a good idea.... anyway she graduated with honors from USF and is doing her masters and is resourceful, caring, bilingual, committed to her family and community. My son went in a different direction, not the academic route we wanted....I will always wonder if he would have done better if he would have stayed in the public system, who knows....

    I'm so happy I did not sacrifice life for my kids to go to private elementary school, I would had never done that part different, actually, I feel the american society is full of sacrifices already, school sports and activity take all this chunk of quality time with family and creativity in other ways. The children leave at 17-18 years old, some of them never get to live with the parents again. With the pandemic the american society got a big shock when it  discover the beauty of having this times together, learning together, welcoming the young adults college kids back to the family home. Yes, probably we lost a lot of academic learning, but we, as a society learned so much more.... 

    Some families may think it was not a sacrifice, but their duty. You have to do what you feel is better, without resentments or regrets. I will choose go to your local public school, make the effort to change the school, to involve other parents, to give money for programs, build the community. Probably 4 times a year, the parents of the friends of my daughter when she went to elementary school, we get together, it has been almost 20 years. We created that wonderful community, we helped the school to be better for all our kids.

Archived Q&A and Reviews


Disappointed with Oakland public kindergarten experience

Oct 2015

My daughter is a 1st-grader at Chabot in Oakland (we also have a preschooler). As parents, we love the school community at Chabot, but we have been bummed out this year by her very large class size (27!) and by the kinds of shaming, authoritarian behaviors we see teachers, librarians and yard monitors engaging in simply for the purposes of crowd control. (We are sympathetic, because we know the system is deeply flawed, and they are dealing with a lot. And yet it really bothers us that our daughter spent an entire 10-minute recess period the other day ''taking a knee'' - along with 200 other kids - because the yard monitor felt everyone had to be punished for the kindergarteners not following the rules about no running when it's time to line up. Another example: I volunteered in the library and the classroom yesterday, and I am just continually bothered by the amount of time the teachers have to spend - and the shaming, unkind tones of voice I hear them use - just to get everyone on the same page. So much time and energy appears to be spent getting everyone to line up, stand up, sit down, be quiet, etc. ''Did I say you could move yet? No, I didn't. Everyone back to their seats.'' Ah, the fascism of the large public school. Super depressing.)

So we have begun researching alternatives. We would love to stay in the public school system (OUSD) if possible (charters?), but we have also opened up to the idea of a private school, in Oakland or Berkeley. We are particularly interested in hearing more about schools that practice project-based learning in a major way. Our kids went to a Reggio preschool, and we love that philosophy.

I'm also interested in hearing from parents whose kids experienced both public, ''traditional'' school and some kind of private/alternative school. I sometimes wonder if I'm just kidding myself and that there will be some element of authoritarianism at many, many schools. Any other parents of kids at other OUSD schools care to comment on whether this stuff happens at your school? Maybe our school is actually not so bad, in the grand scheme of things? (For instance, I have yet to hear any of the teachers YELL at the kids, which was not all that unusual back when I was a kid.) But I have no point of comparison. And I feel like it's so freakin' hard to wade through the marketing speak on schools' websites or even to tell much from brief school tours. So any BPN'ers who have dealt with or thought about this and might have some insights or experience to share... it will be received with huge gratitude! Thank you in advance. Uggggggh

Oh gosh. That sounds extreme. I would be very upset with this kind of discipline, and can absolutely say that this is not acceptable at our school (Redwood Day). If private school is an option (and there is a good deal of financial aid available), I would highly encourage you to look at Redwood Day and some of the other progressive private schools. Redwood Day really focuses on both academics and social emotional development - it's actually quite inspiring to watch how confident, kind, generous, and excited about learning the kids are. I absolutely understand the constraints public schools have with limited staff and a huge student body, but if it's an option for you, there are amazing private school options out there that very fortunately are able to use positive discipline and exciting curriculum. RDS Parent

I know EXACTLY what you are talking about. We live in the Chabot neighborhood and chose not to go there for various reasons, despite the fact that it is a much loved and highly sought after school within OUSD. What I've realized is that what people mean when they say a school is ''great'' isn't necessarily what I mean by that. Our older child went to a small K-5 progressive school in Oakland, and we LOVED it. For financial reasons, we had to move our younger son to a public school last year. He went to a very popular Oakland charter school, and while it had many wonderful qualities and a great community of families, we were disappointed to encounter exactly what you are describing. Lots of shaming language and tone, SO much time spent on classroom and behavior management -- it was incredibly tedious, and just an overall lack of joy. We have moved him back to the private, progressive school this year, and we couldn't be happier. The learning going on there is amazing, the culture of kindness is evident and pervasive in everything the students and teachers do, and it's just a joyful, happy place. So, yes, what you are looking for does exist. I'm sure you will hear a lot from other parents about how they love their public school, and I know there are wonderful teachers and great public schools everywhere, but I think you may continue to find that way of talking to students and that punitive and shaming style of discipline in one form or another at many of them. I'm happy to share more about our experiences with you directly. Feel free to ask the moderator for my contact information if you'd like to talk further.

I have one school recommendation for you: Walden. No shaming, blaming, only respect for each child. Small class sizes—my daughter's academic classes were no larger than 8—and not surprisingly in this atmosphere students flourish and develop their intellectual and social strengths fearlessly. Now that my daughter is in middle school, I notice the differences between those kids who have been through a punitive, ''traditional discipline'' school experience and kids who have been in a respectful classroom environment. l I find Walden kids remarkable for their ability to self-regulate, their academic curiosity, and their emotional intelligence. Grateful

We have been at Peralta for many years and while we also have to deal with large class sizes, what you describe at recess (everyone taking a knee for 10 minutes because of a few students' transgressions) would NEVER happen there. So be careful of lumping all OUSD schools together. We certainly have teachers and other adults who speak sternly and are considered ''strict,'' but the overall feeling at Peralta is one of warmth and caring. But I'm not trying to sell Peralta because I think you can address this situation at Chabot and improve it for everyone. Chabot has lots and lots going for it (we know several families there) and it seems to me this is a one-off situation that the administration at Chabot would want to work out. ''Throwing the baby out with the bathwater'' is the phrase that comes to mind--leaving a perfectly good school because of one negative aspect. Certainly other schools can offer smaller class sizes, but there are downsides to all schools, whether it be price tag, commute, lack of offerings, or class size. So my advice is to stick with Chabot, where you know your child will receive a good education, and let the administration know you will not tolerate the punitive atmosphere. Large classrooms can be successful without yelling and punishment and it happens every day at the school that I'm not trying to sell you. Oakland mom

I would encourage you to visit Park Day School in Oakland. From what you describe, I think you'll have a completely different experience at this fantastic private school. My kids have gone there for 7 years and we feel like it is totally worth going private for what our kids get there. Very project-based, small classes (ie half of what you mentioned), and a devotion to progressive education. I'd recommend reading Tom Little's book, ''Loving Learning'' to understand what progressive education means on a deep level, and hear how it's being accomplished at Park Day (the author was the exceptionally visionary, long-time Head of the school). At Park Day, the children's social/emotional development is just as important as other kinds of learning, and crowd control is not the issue. Blossoming minds and hearts is the focus. Best of luck in your search.

I understand your quandary. My children were in a combination of public and private schools and I teach in a private school. In my experience teachers in private schools have a very different style of respectful interaction with students than those in public schools. Of course not every teacher in public school is shaming or harsh, we had many great teachers however the framework of institutional expectations were often harsh/punitive in style. In private schools we have been in there is a more nurturing, respectful culture with student input as to the rules and expectations. My child switched from public to private recently. Comments from my child have included noticing that the students are more on task due to smaller class sizes, that teachers are better prepared and lessons are much more meaningful. I notice that the assignments in public school were more about content and knowing facts where the private school has a component of self-awareness about the learning process. There is more variety in the type of assignments and more hands-on projects and group work. Teachers are less stressed and have time to respond to students and parents. That said private school is expensive. We tried to make public school work as long as we could. Being in a neighborhood school was also great when our kids were younger. They developed lifelong friendships in the neighborhood. Ultimately our child wanted a change and is happy to be in a more challenging and nurturing setting. done both

Our public school experience was never like that — not in the 9 years we’ve been a part of it here, not in my many years of being in school and working in schools, and not among my family members and friends who are such kind and gentle public school teachers. I know there are teachers who don’t have good classroom management skills or gentle manners in general, but I believe most don’t use those methods, especially in elementary school. I think part of the problem is that the loud ones are the ones you hear. Talk to the principal — that role is extremely influential in creating the atmosphere on your little campus.

My son is in Kindergarten at Aurora School and I cannot tell you how happy he is (and we are). It is a lovely, nurturing place that fosters curiosity. There is absolutely NO SHAMING. Rather, social and emotional learning is an emphasis of theirs. They approach children with such respect. My son is very slow to warm and I anticipated a difficult transition. He has felt so safe there and so engaged. Further, they work from a project based model. It is truly a wonderful place. leigh

Thank you so much for your post! It echoes closely the way I have been feeling about our local OUSD (Laurel) for our kindergartener. Including the sympathy I have for all that the teachers have to deal with... But it is *very* ''old school'' here, literally- most teachers have been there for decades; and a lot of the school-wide emphasis is on behavior and control and those awful tones of voice. And I hear this from other grades' rooms as well, so this is likely to last all elementary school. Our son's teacher is the strictest, but she is also loving, so that has mitigated it some. Also, I wouldn't say our son is good at ''self-regulating'', so I waffle about what is best for him... As I, ah, cringe!

We too came from a Emilio Reggio preschool, so it is definitely a culture shock. It is soooo different from the entire philosophy and how kids are treated as people. Then again, it has been nice not to be spending a massive amount of our budget on school anymore.

So, I sympathize and feel the same. I share your uncertainties (including whether I am kidding myself!). And I thank you so much for putting all of your experiences and thoughts into words! I have been reading the responses to your post with great interest. Thank you! - Ugh too

Staying calm with the school crazies

Nov 2004

I'm a mom of a preschooler, and am starting to wonder if I'm going to really do a disservice to my child next year by not sending him to private school or moving to Lamorinda for the schools. We live in Oakland, and he can go Montclair school, based on where we live. I believe that there are pros and cons at every school, and a lot is dependent on the family environment, and your child.

However, just about everyone (that has a soon-to-be- kindergartener) I have come in contact with at his preschool, the park, the grocery store seems to be frantically trying to get their child into a private school, or is moving through the tunnel or into Piedmont just to get into a good school district. I grew up on the other side of the Caldecott Tunnel and do not consider sending my kids to school there an option for our family. Ugh. I also don't see how we can come up with the thousands and thousands of dollars that it takes for private school, even if we got accepted to one. It seems like such a frenzy, this school thing! Is it like this everywhere in the US? Am I nuts to think that my son will get a decent education in the Oakland schools? Will my child suffer later in life for not getting as good an education as someone in Orinda or at Head Royce, etc.? I'd love to hear from Oakland public school parents that are happy about their decision to send their kids to an Oakland school. Thanks. --nuts about school

Get over it already. Do what is right for your child and your situation and don't look what the Jones' are doing! I mean this in a nice way. You'll make the right decision for your family, but don't get swayed by popular demand. Private schools are not for everyone as are public. See what fits your child and family. Good Luck! P.S. Be proud of your choice and stand behind it. Anon

We are a family whose youngest child is about to graduate from high school in Oakland, and we've endured quite a lot over the years from Oakland hills ''school crazies.'' Many of our neighbors look at us like we're child abusers for sending our kids to public school, but we wouldn't be doing it if we didn't sincerely believe that they are receiving a BETTER overall education than they'd get in the private schools we have access to or in suburban schools like we ourselves attended.

There are lots of roads to a good education and different children thrive in different kinds of environments. In Oakland, there are good public schools and bad public schools, and good private schools and bad private schools. But mostly it's about the student, and the family, and the particular teacher(s) involved. Some kids really need the focused individual attention of a private school environment in order to thrive, and others find it restrictive to their spirit of inquiry and imaginations, and even hard on their capacity to have a good time and feel good about themselves.

(Bottom line, your child's success in school -- by test scores, grades, or any measure -- is best predicted by YOUR level of education, YOUR family income, and YOUR reading and learning habits and attitudes about their school.)

Our children actually started their education in a private school, but we switched them to Joaquin Miller Elementary in Montclair before too many years. There was nothing WRONG with the private school, but we were worried about the small universe it represented. With only 50 or a hundred kids in a school, you can have small classes but you will also have fewer choices. That may be okay depending on what your choices ARE, but we didn't feel like our boys were being stimulated enough by the unexpected. Everything in their world was something we had put there and controlled. For parents, that can be a comforting feeling, but long-term I question whether it's in the children's best interests.

There are many things that some public schools may be BETTER equipped for than some private schools. For example, Joaquin Miller was better equipped to diagnose and treat a learning disability in one of our sons, which saved him a lot of grief and frustration -- I imagine they would have caught it eventually at the private school, but they didn't have specialists in this. And we didn't have a clue until we started working with the learning specialists in the public school system.

Our kids did the Joaquin Miller - Montera - Skyline path. All three were good schools (though I question how good a middle school CAN be, given the difficult age.) If you look at hills elementary schools test scores, they're exactly the same as other schools with the same socio-economic background, public or private. In the schools we attended, there were good teachers and bad teachers, interesting experiences and boring ones, successes and failures. Just like life.

Now, we notice that our kids' friends who graduate from Skyline are going to the same colleges as their friends who graduate from Bishop O'Dowd. They seem to have the same kind of academic background in terms of AP classes and opportunities ranging from international travel to scholarships. Anecdotally, we hear that kids who do really well in a large diverse urban public school are more scholarshipable than kids out of homogenous suburban schools or private schools.

The thing that makes us happiest, though, is the sense that our kids have had a lot of exposure during years when we were here to help them filter it. They're entering the world more confident and savvy than we did. They've known all kids of kids and experienced all kinds of diversity -- not just ethnic diversity, which is hardly worth a comment any more in our town. They have gone to school with rich kids and poor kids, smart kids and dumb kids, achievers and trouble-makers -- they've been exposed to many languages, religions, cultural behaviors. They've always had a strong family caring about them at home, but they know kids who don't, so they understand the value of it a little better than we did at that age. They know how negotiate a bureaucracy, how to resolve a conflict, how to communicate with people very different from themselves. They are unlikely to feel overwhelmingly uncomfortable in a new environment, and we feel confident that they will get along in the world as good citizens of the 21st century. One is a junior now in the UC system, and the other is applying to a dozen excellent colleges and is full of anticipation and excitement about the opportunities ahead of him, for which he is eminently competitive.

I strongly encourage you to visit whichever of the Montclair schools would be ''your'' elementary school. Go to a show or a concert, or a spring fair or walkathon, and take your child. Talk to parents of kids in the school. (Don't automatically believe the doom-and-gloom anti-public school crowd. Most of them have no actual experience in your school, in your situation.) Then whether or not you decide that private school is the best thing for your child, you'll have made the decision with knowledge, not just based on fear, and you will feel good about it. And believe me, your child will be more successful if you feel positive about her school. Kathy

Stay calm! We moved to the Joaquin Miller school neighborhood two years ago precisely so our son could enter kindergarten there. Besides having the high test scores everyone is looking for (but don't necessarily matter all that much) it is a FABULOUS school community made up of great kids and parents who all work hard to support the school. I feel that the parents and teachers there feel it is their responsibility to do all they can to do the MOST they can for the children. The faculty are incredible, the principal as well - we've had some serious issues regarding food allergies and she has gone out of her way to support us, work with us and make the rest of the school community aware. Our son absolutely LOVES his school, feels safe and happy there, and is absolutely thriving. I realize how the OUSD situation looks to a ''newbie'' parent who, of course, wants the best education for his/her child - unfortunately, it seems that the parents who do have the time/money to spend working for their child's school and its improvement are fleeing en masse to the private schools (and often because they are afraid of the middle/high school situation). I say, STAY and support OUSD and its schools - you are able to enroll in the Montclair trifecta and I've no doubt you'll be more than satisfied with the education your child will receive. It's so much more than test scores; it's whether the school is a community that surrounds and nurtures its students to be good people. That's what we've found and we hope more people run to it, not away. Please visit your local school and see for yourself! andrea

It is true-our public schools are really very bad right now. And it is also true, private schools are just better than public schools. Some children can do okay at public schools, but in truth, private schools are simply better and give children a better chance at getting the supreme education that they deserve. For the first three years (K, 1st. and 2nd) I attended a wonderful private school that me advantages that public schools couldn't afford or didn't have the time to give me.

In short, you child might get a fine education at public, but in reality, private schools really just provide better opertunities for children. Amy

As a parent who has used both the public and private schools, I don't agree that private schools are always better. Private school has been a good fit for my daughter but not for my son. In fact, I regret moving him from public to private as he needs accommodations not allowed for in the private school. I've also found that the private school teachers at the K-8 school he attends are less informed about learning differences and generally have fewer years of teaching experience than the public school we left. The teacher turnover has also been high. I really can't say that it's been worth the price we've paid. You can buy loads of enriching activities for 15K.

I'm sure there will be lots of responses to this but I wanted to chime in about the private vs. public school issue.

I attended a small Christian private school in Southern California from first through fourth grade and while the academics were more challenging (we got pretty good at memorizing bible verses), the social environment left a lot to be desired. I was elated to be able to transfer to the local public school in 5th grade. The public school was larger, had more electives and activities, and more opportunities to meet people who didn't look like me (caucasian).

Basically, I wanted a wider world to conquer and I enjoyed having friends who were Asian, Black, and Latino which wouldn't have been possible in the private school I attended because they didn't exist.

Public schools mirror the real world and private schools can become somewhat insulated which feels protective and comforting for some kids and suffocating for others.

Also, if you can afford it financially, great. However, if mom and dad are so stressed about paying for private school that they can't afford to get the family car fixed or won't be able to save money for college, it's not worth it. For us, it was better to save the money that we would have paid toward tuition and put that into a college savings account.

If you want to stay calm about choosing a school (or almost any parenting issue), it's best to avoid parents with dogmatic views on the private vs. public school issue.

Do your own research and make an informed decision. anon

I'd like to respond to a response about public vs. private. I think that most public schools are given short shrift due to the current crisis in OUSD; however, this is certainly NOT a reason to generalize that ''in reality, private schools are better than public''. It most definitely depends on the school - test scores are not a wholly accurate depiction of how good a school is, and just because one is paying a high tariff for ''the supreme education that children really deserve'' does not mean that is what one's child gets. We are thrilled with not only the education our son is receiving at his PUBLIC school, but also the way the school environment is shaping him as a whole person. It's a diverse, friendly, supportive and stimulating community that is clearly being overlooked by those who think that a good education comes only from private. There are pros and cons for both situations but I find it quite unfair and a bit closed-minded for one person to summarily dismiss the benefits and value of a public education. It seems that this kind of thinking is what drives people away from supporting their local public school and, in turn, the school loses funding and support. Each school, public and private, is different, and parents of school-age children need to do their homework in investigating what is best for THEIR child rather than assume that private schools will ''provide better opertunities'' for children. andrea

I think that it is impossible and grossly uninformed to make a categorical statement that private is better than public school or vice versa. There are multitudinous advantages and disadvantages to both, and, of course, there is the not-so-minor thing of considering who your child is as a learner and who your child is psycho-socially. I am of the mind, as an educator, that a good public school beats a good private school, any day--academically-speaking. The reasons for such a belief is that the curriculum is ''protected'' by the public school's legal obligation to follow state and national standards. You would be astonished at the number of accredited, coveted private schools that play fast and loose with curriculum and are not taken to task for such a breach because of multiple factors, one of the greatest factors being that parents do not have the ability/access to assess grade-wide curriculum in a given grade because their child only inhabits one of 2 or 3 fifth grade clases, for example. And some parents are fearful, justifiably, sometimes, in taking on the hard-to-get into private schools about the shortcomings of such a school. Yet another academic advantage of the public school is that the teachers have (!) to be credentialed and are higher paid than the teachers at independent schools; this is not so in the independent school, even accredited ind. schools lack credentialled teachers.

Some kids would perish, socially, at certain public schools because of their size and chaos while other kids absolutely thrive on the vibrance of a school that has an energy reflective of disparate learning and social styles.

Another consideration about selecting schools is diversity--racial, socioeconomic, scholastic, etc. The public schools in the upper middle class neighborhoods (Piedmont, Orinda, Lafayette, etc.) and the private schools have much in common with the largely privileged student and parent population they are serving. Would it bother you to have your child largely surrounded by upper, middle class kids and the good and bad stuff that goes along with that? This is a question that I am asking myself as my child is likely moving on to a high school whose price tag is $23k/yearly.

Some private schools feel that tracking is a dirty word and, so, where does that leave the kid with tremendous math endowment who needs to be challenged. King Middle School, a mixed bag, invariably sends their talented 8th grade math students to Berkeley High to take Honors Geometry, early in the morning. Ind. Schools don't do that. Lowell High school and Berkeley High have the most rigorous Math and Science around, more than the Independent schools such that there been years when AP Bio students, in one class, have scored nothing less than a ''4.'' At the same time, BHS has poor English, mostly, mediocre modern languagues, and superlative Latin. Just some examples of the contradictions that can co-exist in the same school.

Finally, the ind. schools cannot provide the learning specialist and services (such as occupational/speech therapy) that the public schools can. And, contradictory to a lot of parents' expectations, private schools, too, can have a bullying culture. Paying tuition doesn't eliminate human frailty, certainly.

My kids are in private school for psycho-social reasons more than any other reason. They are very bright, easy learners, but inclined to a healthy reserve that is better served in a smaller school. I think that if a child does not have any acute needs, learning-wise, for example, school selection should be very sensitive to who the child is psycho-socially. A happy child who likes his/her school, feels safe and happy at school, will learn in that school, be it public or private. Public school educator, private school parent

Obsessing on OUSD public vs. private school

Dec 2001

Hello parents, I have a son who's almost three, and we just moved to Oakland, near Mills College. We bought a house there because it was one of the only places in the East Bay that we could afford. We weren't thinking too much about school districts, simply because a more expensive house in a better school district was out of the question. But now I am really beginning to obsess about schools. From things I've read on the list, and conversations I've had lately, I'm beginning to feel as if it's standard practice to send your kids to private schools unless you live in a wonderful district -- and people seem to give up a lot to do that. They rent instead of own, or have an only child, so that they can afford a private school. Aren't there other people out there who send their kids to public schools in Oakland? Am I the only one to plan seriously on doing that? Am I going to ruin my son if I do? I am terrified that we have really screwed things up. If there are any students or professors reading this who are in the education department, or studying the sociology of education, I would love to hear what studies say about the relationship between public / private schools and how kids do later in life. I read one study years ago that said that attitudes and habits at home override school effects, and he has two parents who love to read and learn. Am I just rationalizing? Are there parents out there who can tell me reassuring stories of sending their kids to public schools and having them turn out just fine? ANY THOUGHTS ON THIS SUBJECT WILL BE GREATLY APPRECIATED.

I too live in Oakland and have been sending my son to a private French American school in Berkeley for the language immersion. I too had many reservations about sending my son to the local neighborhood school. Recently however I have been planning a career change into teaching and have been substitute teaching in the Oakland public schools, all over the district. I have been surprised to find good elementary schools in many parts of the city, where the teachers and the school provide the kind of structure, stimulation, and support that children need. With the small class sizes up to grade 3, it appears to me that younger children are getting a pretty good education. For example, I taught at John Swett near Mills College and liked the supportive atmosphere and the daily affirmations for everyone at the school. Many of the schools offer musical instrument instruction in the elementary schools in addition.

Middle school appears a different story unless you can get your child in one of the "college prep" middle schools like Montera or Claremont. The average Oakland middle school has no electives like music or foreign language or art and they are heavy on the harsh discipline model. Class sizes are usually too large, can be very chaotic and loud in the average middle school and often little learning can take place compared to the elementary school. I really feel for the kids who want to learn but find it difficult to in this kind of environment. They really broke my heart because they are losing out because of others.

You really need to carefully check out the school your child will be attending to see if it will meet your child's needs. You also need to champion your child to get them out of problem classes and into the better classes. Close contact with the teacher and monitoring your child's work is essential. cwynne

There are roughly 20, 000 children being educated in the Oakland Unified School District and about 10,000 in the Berkeley Public School District. Public Schools educate the vast majority of American Children. Someone must be sending their children to these schools. I think, though, that you are asking a slightly different question, which is whether responsible parents send their children to public schools, particularly in Oakland. Well, the answer to that is they certainly do Not every school in Oakland is a good school, but there certainly are some acceptable and even quite good choices.

There's a very common misconception, in my opinion, that every private school is better than any public school, especially in urban school districts.

If you are interested in Oakland Public Schools and your child is going to be school age, now is the time to act as intradistrict transfer periods are coming up soon. The OUSD website has information about this here: http://www.ousd.k12.ca.us/default-ad.htm

You don't really have to read any studies about this issue. You can ask for a copy of the reading and math test scores for all the schools in your district from the Oakland School District. I live in Oakland and needed to for personal reasons. The school nearest me had reading scores at the 2nd percentile for the state! At the time, my daughter was about to start 2nd grade and was already reading at about the 5th grade level. I wasn't about to expose her to a classroom where she would be bored, frustrated, and depressed. So, I made the financial sacrifice and put her in a Montesorri school. In the 4th grade I was fortunate to get her into an excellent private school that ended at 12th grade. Now she's a freshman at Cal and is light years ahead of her peers in her preparation for the demanding curriculum here.

So, I feel for you. You really do have to decide to live elsewhere where the schools are better and your cost of living is higher or you stay put and pay for a private education. Plus, there is the stress of hoping that your child will even be accepted to the school of your choice! Good luck, you have my sympathies.

As a former teacher (before motherhood) I would first say make an appointment to go and visit the elementary schools in your area. Don't rule them out before you have seen what is happening in the classrooms. There are great teachers in every school. Often it is the Principal that can make or break a school's moral and atmosphere, so meet the principal. Within a big district like Oakland you can apply for an "intra-district transfer". This means that if there are spaces available at another school site your child could attend that site instead of your neighborhood school. These transfers are usually lotteries so call district office for Oakland and get your name on the list for Kindergartens. Another option is Magnet schools within the district there is often high quality teaching going on, they also are based on lottery. Talk to you neighbors and see what they think of the schools. On the private school angle - Mills College has a lovely Children's school check it out. Their School of Education is great and you might get info on the neighborhood schools from them. They often send student teachers into the schools close to campus. As a Parent you hold the key to your child's success in school in your hands. If you are an active/involved parent in your child's school that has more to do with their success in the future than who their 1st grade teacher was. I would be more concerned about looking at Private school for Middle school vs. Elementary ,personally, simply because I use to teacher 6/7 grade and that age is tough. Good luck! Hope this helps. Gwen

I am in the same boat. Our local elementary has about 14% of its students reading at their grade level, for instance. But, Oakland has open enrollment (which we are about to go through), and some very good elementary schools. I am hoping to get through at least 5th grade, and hopefully 8th or 9th and then think about private school. If it helps go to greatschools.com to learn about the options you have. Good luck. Kean

I have taught in both public and private schools in the Berkeley/Oakland area for 15 years. I strongly support public education and have taught at Sequoia Elementary School (excellent!) for the last six years. It is crucial to visit and talk with the teachers, other parents, principal, etc. to get the real scoop. Yes, your child CAN get a good education in Oakland Public Schools, you just have to go on a search. Also, do not believe everything you read in the papers which can be very misleading. The strongest, most inspiring and highly trained teachers can be found in Oakland Public Schools. I've been quite shocked at the "songs and dances" put on by some private schools which behind the scenes actually provide a lesser quality education with weaker teaching, and less trained staff. Jan

If I may offer one really important piece of advice.....Please Please Please don't worry about this yet. You'll have plenty of time the year before kindergarten. At that time....you should be going to all the schools you would consider, talk to the teachers, principal, parents, look in the classrooms. All public schools (and private) have open house days for new parents. You can also come and sit in on classes with a day or two notice. Also go to some private schools to compare the difference.We've found that one of the very important things that makes a school work is parent involvement. You need good teachers too, of course and hopefully a principal who supports both. What are you looking for in a school? Diversity? School Gardens? Art Programs? Tidiness? Newness? Music? Many of our areas public schools have a few strong points. Unfortunately none that I know of have it all (thank you, prop 13).

Please do not take the word of one or two people who say "Oh that school is really bad". Go check it out for yourself. I've found all too often that people choose not to go to their neighborhood school because of what other people say, never having been there themselves. Do your research....find out what's available that will seem to work with your child. I once read an article titled "Private vs. Public". Essentially the article said that if you can only afford to send your child to private school for a limited time, do it in high school....that is where they will need the more positive role models and peers. By the way, My 1st grader is at our local public school and is doing well. Our 5th grader did great at that same school till 3rd grade when he was really bored and not being challenged. In 4th grade he was in a private school and is thriving. You'll find out what is the best situation for your child. Guaranteed if your child has a loving home and parents who are involved in his/her education they will not be ruined even by a less adequate public school.

Good luck, and again, please don't fret about it now. June

Although I did a lot of research into private schools, we ended up sending our son to public school - we could not afford private - although not in Oakland. I do, however, know many people whose kids go to public schools in Oakland and this is what I have gathered. If you go to a school in a "better" neighborhood, there are many more people in the community who can afford to support the schools financially, as well as by volunteering their time and energy in the classroom. This factor makes a huge difference in the quality of education your child will receive. With parents helping in the classroom, that teacher is able to focus on a smaller group of kids and give them much more individual time and attention. The schools that are in more lower and working class neighborhoods just don't have those resources, and you would not believe how little in the way of supplies these teachers are given by the district! A friend of mine works as a sub in Oakland - the Kindergarten classrooms have NO paper, scissors, glue, etc. She arrives with a suitcase full of her own supplies which she purchases on her own! It's unbelievable!

You can apply for an inter-district transfer to school that you choose ( I think you get to choose three) and most often you'll get one of them. There are several good schools in Oakland, such as Redwood Heights, Crocker Highlands, Thornhill, and others - although not all accept inter-district transfers every year. You need to check with the school district.

Of course, when you go private, you don't have to deal with any of that. Nor do you usually have to deal with discipline problems - it's a much more sheltered environment. They are very careful about who they accept. Most private schools do an admissions interview, even with Kindergarten age children - which I found to be bazaar!

I have to admit that I moved to Albany because their schools have such a good reputation and a very supportive community. I found the transfer system in Oakland a little scary - you often don't find out until the 11th hour which school your child has been accepted to - which was unnerving for me at the time. So good luck in whatever you choose!

Don't feel bad about obsessing. I believe it has become a national past time to verbally beat up public schools and teachers. If you do not know anyone who sends their kids to public schools, it can seem like a "far-out" thing to do. I was concerned about the Oakland public schools before we moved here and went a little nutty doing research! We are planning on sending our kids to Oakland public schools. Though we were limited by housing costs, one of the reasons we picked Oakland was for the great public schools. I know you are surprised, but hear me out. I have my master's in education. I have taught in several districts and schools. I believe with all my heart that what goes on at home determines what happens in the classroom. Oakland has made great strides in the last two years. Now, the vast majority of teachers are fully credentialed. Test scores are up throughout the district and community groups are ! ra! lling to improve facilities which will be even more doable with the recent passage of Measure B. Test scores can be misleading. There are better statistics out there. I felt very reassured by looking at the breakdown of students with a similiar socio-economic background as ours. There is almost no other school district in the world that houses as much diversity as in the Oakland schools. You can supplement the academics at home, as you would no matter where you lived, but you can not expose your children to many different nationalities, languages and ways of life on a daily basis. I am currently teaching at Cal State Hayward. Approximately half of my students graduated from Oakland High School. They ALL know how to write and speak well. This is not true for all my students, even those from private schools. Oakland High is our neighborhood school. We thought we would need to pull some strings to get our ki! ds! into Skyline or Tech, but now I feel totally comfortable sending our kids to Oakland High. Oakland High also sent 25% of it's graduating seniors last year to UC Berkeley, the most of any school, ANY School!, in the state. Please visit schools. Oakland is an open district. You do not have to go to your neighborhood school. Eight new schools opened last year, some magnet and some charter schools. Obviously, I am passionate about this subject; I could go on and on. I have done more research than I am comfortable sharing here. If you would like to talk to other parents or even high schoolers who have been through the Oakland schools let me know. Please feel free to email me. Mariflo

Although I'm a sociologist, I don't specialize in Education. But from my limited familiarity with research in this area, I'm willing to assert that parents' educational attainment is a much stronger predictor of educational success that any school or district-level measure. Rather most of the "good" school districts are ones that mostly have children of highly educated parents in their schools. I can tell you from looking at the handouts from a talk at the ASA meeting this year, that of the high schools (public or private) with the best success at getting students into the UC system, quite a few were in college towns (which implies higher parents' education levels).

My theory is that much of a school's (or district's) reputation has to do with the success of its students which in turn has a lot to do with the parents rather than the school.

It may be true that your son will be bored at times in the Oakland school system or you may be frustrated. But I doubt it will do much damage. Your values are important, too. Would you rather be a force for positive change in your son's public schools or put that energy into a private school? When I was a kid, my parents helped organize an alternative class within the public elementary (although admittedly in Sonoma County, not Oakland).

I don't know what the charter school scene is currently like in Oakland, except that I understand that New Village went under. But this is another possibility for a public school outside of the traditional Oakland public schools. Some are highly commercial, but others are more democratic and parent run. Again, I don't know what's out there in Oakland. Peter

I owned a nice house by Mills for 9 years. I adopted my infant daughter in 94 and started doing research on schools around Mills. The math tests at our local Oakland school in Maxwell Park were about 14 on a 1-100 scale. Reading wasn't much better. Oakland has some good schools but overall they vary widely. You can try to get into one of the magnet schools like Kaiser, but you don't know until just before school starts.

I sold the house in '98. I was willing to rent indefinitely in order find a decent school district. We moved 3 times in 10 months. Eventually we accidentally lucked into a duplex in Berkeley. My daughter goes to Berkeley public schools now. I know this isn't what you want to hear, but its our story. Tavie

Private was going to be the way we went, but then we were discouraged by HOW HUGE the sacrifice would be, as well as how boring our lives would become as a result of this sacrifice - something we were not willing to do, so we chose public. We live in West Contra Costa County (WORST schools in the East Bay) but work in Oakland and chose to send our kids to school in Oakland. Check out the Oakland magnet schools and/or look into doing a transfer within Oakland to a school that you would be happy sending your child to. After finding one that we really liked that met the needs of our child, we have been very pleased with the public school thus far. I am a bit of a rebel and think that all of this homework obliteration given everywhere is HORRIBLE and am grateful that the school we attend is respectful of family time. Our child is very precocious and we know she is on par for her age and don't feel the need to have her education "pushed in her face" so early in the formal learning career.

My advice would be to start looking now at schools in the district in a calm and methodical manner. Do some homework on the different focuses some of the magnet and charter schools have, too (wish someone had told me that when my child was 3-1/2). Doing this with some time on your side will help you later in the school "hunt" for kindergarten. If you know now what you might like/dislike in a school, this will help you narrow down the search. Also find out and become familiar with what the OUSD requires for completing transfers. Better to be ahead of the game!

Good luck and go public!

Personally, I think the most important thing is how well you respond to the kids' interests, and what learning resources you have for them. A good private school probably has more experience than you personally, but particularly at a young age, even a lousy school with a good teacher can teach something. I grew up in a marginal working-class public school district. I think I might have benefited from better education, but it wasn't really a problem until high school, when I was more interested in learning than in all the anti-learning social structure. Then when I went to college, I had a little bit of catching up to do. Bottom line, you're not permanently damaging your kids by sending them to public school. They'll do just fine, particularly at the younger years. But pay attention. See how they're learning, and how they feel, and re-evaluate as they get toward HS. Also keep in mind that there are some negatives about private school. For one thing, depending on the school, many of the kids are wealthier. My niece is now in an upscale private school, and she's much much more conscious of all the material things she doesn't have (and won't be getting), and it even goes down to details like what she will and won't eat in her lunch box. Although I would have LOVED the greater educational resources, I was extremely self-conscious of my lack of social status even in public school (e.g., my parents were not going to go out and by the pricey cool clothes). I probably would have been a wreck in a fancy school (though I fantasized about wearing a uniform, so I wouldn't have to deal with my clothing inadequacies!)

We received a note in the weekly family packet last week that Redwood Heights Schools is accepting intradistrict transfers in kindergarten and fourth grade... for the first time in many years. Just thought some parents might be interested in this information. Myriam

Another option is to meet your neighbors, volunteer at the school, and organize your community to support and attend the school. For example: [Notice about a meeting of Sequoia Elementary School neighbors]

I have taught in both public and private schools. I also live near Mills College in Oakland and, although my daughter is too young for school, I have neighbors who have attended our neighborhood school, Redwood Heights. I'm an educational researcher as well, and, although this is not my area of expertise, I speak as somebody who has spent a lot of time in myriad public schools.

Here's my opinion: your child will be fine in public school, assuming the school is not in a constant state of crisis. This is especially true if you stay involved (get to know teachers, do the at-home stuff you do, etc.) When your child gets older, make sure to give him/her opportunities to participate in out-of-school learning activities that help nurture his/her talents and interests. If s/he has the misfortune of having a bad teacher, don't hesitate to hire tutors or other people to help with these challenges. (It'll still be cheaper than private school tuition.)

In some cases, children do slip through the cracks at public schools, as there are many pupils with a lot of needs, and limited resources to address these. I find that children with involved parents are seldom among those who fall through in this way.

Hope this helps, Ilana

I live in Oakland-in the Glenview district- and my two kids go to Oakland public schools--although they do not go to our neighborhood school. Our neighborhood school, Glenview, seemed OK but their after care and at the time my son started school, my daughter's pre- school, is at Lakeshore Children's Center which only transports to Crocker Highland, the next school over. So we applied for and received an intradistrict transfer. Crocker does have higher test scores and fewer % of kids eligible for free lunch. So far, our kids seem to be doing fine, although they are only in Kindergarten and first grade. But on our street, which has many, many children, only one other family sends their kids to public schools. Denise

I just want to write to say thank you to all the wonderful people who took the time to write about the public v. private school debate. I found it very comforting -- it was like having a crowd of supportive people in my living room giving me incredibly useful advice. It was also great to see how many people support public schools. Not only financial, but also political reasons make me want to "go public," and it's good to see that doing this doesn't have to mean shortchanging my son. Thank you again, parents, for sharing your experiences and thoughts!