Advice about OUSD Middle Schools

Parent Q&A

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  • My son, who will be entering 6th grade in Fall, has ADHD, dyslexia, and dysgraphia. He has an IEP and is on ADHD medication (both since first grade, when he was diagnosed), and has benefited a lot from both, but still has challenges that he’ll need support with in middle school.

    We initially accepted a spot at Claremont, and then today we found out he got off the waitlist at Edna Brewer—so now I have to make a quick decision and would love insight from parents at either school!

    His main struggles currently are with executive functioning and slow processing speed. Organization and effective planning are basically impossible without hands on guidance, it takes him a long time to complete tasks, and handwriting is still a struggle so anything that requires work by hand—like math—is difficult (he uses a Chromebook for writing assignments). 

    What’s worked best so far for him is having clear structure and high expectations for quality of work, with flexibility around the amount of work (since it takes so much longer to finish an assignment than it does for many of his peers), and strong support with organization and planning. There’s been some turnover and gaps in resource support staffing at his school this year so I basically have been the only one helping with organization and other executive functioning tasks. I would LOVE for him to have a fully staffed, skilled resource team next year that can help him develop strategies and skills for executive functioning that will work for him. I’m happy to support him at home, of course, but I know that long-term he needs to find strategies that he can use independently.

    I did tours for both schools, and my older kid actually attended Claremont (so I know that school pretty well)—but my eldest doesn’t have any learning disabilities, so any info that would help is appreciated!

    Have you looked at Charles Armstrong School? My son has a similar diagnosis, but has never been in meds (my personal choice), and has been a student there for four years, currently on 7th grade. 

    They have everything you're looking for, and you're son will flourish there. I know several parents from Berkeley whose children go there. I'm happy to connect off line to chat more.

    Best regards 

  • Hello - seeking current reviews (post-pandemic) on Hillcrest particularly the Middle School? What has been your experience and would you recommend this school for an incoming 4th and 6th grader? How are the current teachers/teacher turnover situation?

    Thanks in advance!

    elem/middle school mama

    I hate to say it, but Hillcrest is probably the best little gem in Oakland. The younger your children start there the better, because being in a small school with a super great community (and a lot of generous parent funding of "extras" that other OUSD schools may not have) for 9 years is such a gift. Ours just thrives there. It's not perfect - but for an OUSD school, it's pretty amazing. Now - IMO a school like Redwood Day, for instance, may have marginally better MS academics. I don't think we can really compare most private schools to a public MS. But Hillcrest offers so much more in terms of tight neighborhood community. If you live in the zoned area you will get to know everyone nearby and playdates won't involve driving. We were especially pleased with the MS - but I will say a core teacher has since retired and this may have made a difference. My eldest was super prepared for HS and immediately was able to thrive in rigorous classes, now has an outstanding GPA. Buying in this neighborhood and joining Hillcrest was the best decision we made for our kids. 

  • Hi there...we're a family of four moving from East Coast to Berkeley/Oakland and are in need of info re: schools. Specifically looking to balance a *truly diverse* environment w/ strong academics. Public school system is ideal, but would consider affordable private - ideally, secular - for our 10 yr old (going into 5th gr). Per my research, Edna Brewer or Claremont Middle might be ideal for our 12 yr old; Oakland Tech HS is seemingly ideal next step. *Wondering...can she DEFINITELY attend Edna Brewer Middle or Claremont Middle if we live in one of those districts? Re: Oakland Tech, if you live in the district are you definitely assigned to that school? If we don't live in the district, is there lottery or choice and what's that like or how competitive is it? Considering Cleveland Heights Elementary or Peralta Elementary for our 10 yr old...wondering how people feel about these schools as well as the aforementioned middle schools and Oakland Tech? Finally, I keep reading about Oakland Unified merging schools based on low attendance--are any of the aforementioned schools likely to be affected by this? If so, are class sizes expected to increase by much? I like the idea of kids at lower-scoring schools receiving better/more opportunities at high-scoring schools, but am worried about class size and teaching approach in terms of equity. Thanks so much for reading and for any help/advice!

    Welcome! For Peralta and Cleveland, you're most likely to get in as a late applicant (which you will be if this is for next year) if you live in the neighborhood. You will go onto the waitlist behind on-time neighborhood applicants but ahead of on-time non-neighborhood applicants; for 5th grade, you're likely to get into either. Same is true for Claremont; Brewer is more in demand so may have more late applicant neighborhood families. Cleveland, Claremont, and Brewer are all diverse; Peralta is not as much (but still relatively diverse compared to many suburban schools, so depends on where you're coming from). You'll want to get a local address as soon as you can to get onto the waitlist. Note that schools zoned to Cleveland/Brewer are not zoned to Tech for high school, so if you are set on that and don't want to move before high school, you'd want to go the Peralta/Claremont route. Alternatively, you could rent for a couple of years in the Cleveland/Brewer zone and then move before high school. None of these schools are likely to be closed or merged. Class sizes are relatively consistent districtwide except at under-enrolled schools. You might also look at Sankofa United, which does have smaller class sizes than most North Oakland schools  because of a recent merger. It also feeds to Claremont/Tech.

    Welcome to the Bay Area!

    The school enrollment / lottery season is now. If you are showing up in August wanting to be assigned to your neighborhood school that is highly coveted (Edna Claremont, Cleveland, Peralta, etc.), you might not get in.  Peralta has consistently not been able to accept all of the neighborhood kids, so there's no guarantee. Cleveland has been able to accept most of the neighborhood kids. There was a year when not all of the neighborhood kids got into Cleveland, but it's not as consistent as other schools. I think you'll have a good chance of getting into Cleveland if you live in the area. (We are a former Cleveland family.) Many OUSD schools lose students at 4/5th grade as families transition to private school, so you may have better luck getting your 5th grader into your desired OUSD. In addition to Cleveland and Peralta, there are other OUSD schools. Chabot has had a demographic changes and is more diverse now. Glenview and Sequoia are other good elementary schools and have diversity. 

    If you live in the school zone, you are higher on the selection list. Siblings of current students are picked first and then the neighborhood kids.  If there are spots left over after all neighborhood kids have been offered a spot, then it goes to the general lottery.  For 5th grades, sibling preference isn't an issue, if you live in the area, your chance of getting in is extremely high. 

    For middle school, I have not heard of neighborhood kids not getting into Edna or Claremont. I know kids outside the zone getting into these schools. For Oakland Tech, for the past 2 years, I have not heard of any neighborhood kid not getting in and my friend's kid who lives outside the zone got into Tech for this school year. Tech is a big urban school and can be overwhelming but my friend's child who is quiet and artistic seems to have found their artsy group and seems to be doing ok. 

    None of the schools you mentioned is on the impact list for the upcoming mergers.  Most affordable secular private schools that I'm aware of are Crestmont School in Richmond (~21k/yr, K - 8), Mills College Children School ~22k, K - 5) in Oakland, Grand Lake Montessori in Oakland (~$1900 / month, Elementary only). Other secular private schools cost around $30k. Financial aid is available, and application deadline has passed for private schools but many have rolling admissions, so I encourage you to contact the schools.  If you have your hearts set on living in Oakland or Berkeley, a commute to Richmond might be a stretch. but, if you are open to living in North Berkeley/El Cerrito/Richmond, Crestmont will be wonderful for you. When we were looking to switch our child from OUSD to private, we looked at Crestmont due to its attractive tuition. We couldn't figure out how to make the commute work as we live in central Oakland. There are also charter schools that you can consider -- Oakland School for the Arts is highly regarded, if your child is artistic. East Bay Innovation Academy is a popular charter school as well. Good luck!

    OUSD class size is large. It always has been and will be. Many popular schools are at capacity and have maximum allowed student numbers in class. 

    We attend Cleveland and love it. Really strong and open armed community for families that join after kindergarten.

    We have 2 kids at Skyline HIgh School which is one you should consider. It is a gorgeous campus up in the hills, has amazing administration and class offerings and gets overshadowed by Oakland Tech. It is smaller than Tech, has a closed campus (this last year Oakland Tech has had a lot of issues with open campus and non students hanging out across the street and causing a lot of problems). I would just encourage you to do your research and get to know a few OUSD high schools. We had kids at Montera which was a good place for them and our older child wanted to go to Tech bc that is all she heard you had to do. But we were zoned for Skyline and has always been happy, safe and has done very very well and is waiting to hear from public and private schools. The counselors and admins care, reach out when they see your kid may need something. The class selection is really good and i am always impressed on the offerings. I just encourage you to look around and not go off "must go to this school bc...."


    Welcome and enjoy the Bay Area! 

    We applied for the inter-district transfer for our K-8 child for the Berkeley School District.  The Districts have been quite forgiving for allowing kids to attend the schools outside of Berkeley as long as you are considerably close.  Now is definitely a time to register for the lottery as most public schools will be closing their waitlists rather quickly.  

    If you need some help finding a place to transfer to that is not as bad of a commute, let me know. I would be glad to help! 

    Welcome to the East Bay! We’re actually in the middle of a move to the East Coast, so have similar questions but in the other direction! I’m not sure what gender your 10-year old is, but if you have a boy who would like a smaller school, I’d suggest checking out Pacific Boychoir Academy (PBA). It’s a secular, private choir school (no music experience necessary) with a very intimate elementary-grade 8 day school. It’s located in the Piedmont Ave area, just up the street from Oakland Tech. The tuition for elementary is very modest compared to the bigger private schools. The boys at PBA split their time between music and academics, and have the opportunity to sing and travel around the world. The kids I met there were astonishingly poised and all-around great kids.

    Thank you to everyone who responded...such helpful thoughts, suggestions, and feedback...we very much appreciate it!

  • I am looking for a Middle School for my highly verbal and intelligent daughter who has ADHD and ASD. She is doing fairly well right now in public school with an IEP in a mainstream classroom setting, although I am somewhat concerned that this is dependent on having an amazing teacher. We spent several years struggling in independent schools that were not equipped to support her, so it is a relief to have some stability and for that reason, it's hard to imagine going back to an independent school or considering an NPS. The fact that many of the specialized schools are boy heavy in their population could also be problematic.

    At the moment, I'm most interested in Edna Brewer, as they seem to put mental health and learning differences front and center, but I am worried that we will not get in. Because it is my daughter's first year with an IEP, we are also still honing in on the supports that she needs and EB has everything there. Many of my daughter's friends will be going to Claremont, which is our neighborhood school and I feel that I have to consider it. 

    I have so many questions: What does inclusion in ms look like? How are students who struggle with transitions supported (for example if they get distracted moving between classes)? Did you have a child similar to mine that was successful or not at Claremont? Somewhere else?

    Thank you, parents!


    I have an ADHD 12 year old who has had an IEP in Oakland public schools since 3rd grade. We toured Edna Brewer, Claremont and Montera. I did not like the way Edna Brewer handles kids who are verbal and intelligent but otherwise have special needs. All special needs children are put together in the same classes regardless of what their particular needs are. He would have likely matriculated into Claremont, but ultimately we chose Montera because their program is more established than Claremont (at the time, the inclusion program there was newer - that was two years ago.) At Montera, my son is in mainstream classes and has a social skills class and various supports to help him if he needs it. Having said all that, I'd say talk to the inclusion team at Claremont and see what they have in place to assist your daughter. In some ways I wish I would have kept my son with the kids he knew (at Claremont) because the social aspect of middle school is so difficult and frankly, Montera has a big bullying problem that we're trying to navigate right now. Hope this helps. Good luck. 

  • My daughter will be starting 6th grade in Fall.  We've accepted a spot at Claremont (our neighborhood school) but are in the 20's on the waitlist for Edna Brewer (our first choice), so we may be offered a spot there.  I know the next school year is still up in the air, but since it seems likely to be at least partly distance learning, I would love to hear from parents at Claremont or Edna Brewer how distance learning went this school year?

    Some specific questions:

    How many hours a day did your kid(s) spend in Zoom classes?  Since they have multiple subjects with different teachers, did each class still meet on the same schedule they would in person, or was it modified so that students aren't spending all day on Zoom? Was the overall workload manageable, between Zoom classes and assignments?  How easy was it for your kid to get individual support from their teachers?  What did social/emotional support look like?  (My kids is pretty shy and I'm worried she won't really connect with new teachers and new classmates if school ends up being fully remote.)  How did the school handle classes that don't transition easily to an online format, like PE, art, and music?  I'm especially interested in hearing about the Edna Brewer music program--their amazing orchestra is one of the main things we like about that school.

    If you have any other experiences to share those would be very welcome too!


    My son just graduated from Hillcrest MS, so I can only speak to this experience, although I have heard that both Claremont and EB are decent choices. I just wanted to flag for you that what teachers did in the spring may be quite different than how the program works this fall. Huge changes are happening at OUSD - they took a massive budget hit and most schools lost $40-$60,000 in funding. But - some MS are going to receive a generous grant from Salesforce that will offset that budget cut. Might be worth asking about. Distance learning looked different for each grade in our MS. 8th had about 3 hrs of instruction 3 days a week plus 1-2 hrs 2 days a week. This was more than enough screen time - Zooms are exhausting. They had loads of group projects and interesting assignments - they worked a full day and learned plenty. The teachers were outstanding. I do know that teachers are working most of this summer to design the next school year for distance learning - I anticipate a mix of distance and small group instruction. And substantial changes from the spring approach. 

  • Full disclosure--I submitted this question in August and didn't get any replies so I'm trying one more time.  : )

    Hi--I've reviewed some previous posts but am hoping for current recommendations around what middle school(s) to target for my son who just started 5th grade.  He is a sensitive kid and has trouble making friends because of it. He attends Montclair and learns best with a strict teacher and more personal attention.  He is inquisitive and can do his school work when he applies himself. He likes reading about people and events and can do the math involved but often makes careless mistakes which makes me think he has more potential and needs a good teacher.  I have concerns over sending him to Montera both because of his personality and for his education and would consider other OUSD schools, charters and private area schools that are at the lower end of the tuition scale.  I have also considered moving to a better district but since I work far away Alameda/South Berkeley would be better than other options unless I move towards Hayward/Fremont.

    I would greatly appreciate advice, suggestions and any experience or learnings from the BPN community.  Thank you.

    You might want to try a small private school like The Academy or Crowden, where the classes are very small and your child would get a lot of personal attention. This has worked for us. My son has a difficult time in larger classes, but excels in small ones. Also check out Maybeck for high school. Catholic schools are much more affordable, but usually the class size is large.

    My daughter attended Edna Brewer for all three years of MS, and is now a fresh at Skyline. Edna Brewer is a wonderful school, every teacher she had was excellent. The block schedule, the 6th  grade house organization, and the looped teacher-class cohort organization for 7-8 grade is wonderful. The music program is one of the best MS programs in Northern California. The community is supportive and tightly knit. 

    I'm not sure if you're looking for public or private.   East Bay School  for boys in Berkeley is a great school.  It is private.  I looked in to it but was too late for my son.  They are 6, 7 and 8.  I wish I could have got him in.  Good luck

    Our child attends a very small OUSD public middle school that I love, but very unlikely to have space for your child. We have friends at Claremont and Edna Brewer and I don't get the sense that either of these environments would be great for a sensitive child - but hopefully parents of kids at these schools will chime in. I recommend you consider applying to St Paul's. We did a deep dive on private middle schools and most were pretty intense - but St Paul's was really a lovely, nurturing environment. I'd apply for financial aid - I think they offer quite a bit. I also wanted to say - don't judge your kid's academic potential on 5th grade. Everything changes like you really cannot imagine between 6th and 8th. I literally had my kid tested for an IEP in 5th because he was so chaotic and almost failing all his classes. I was tearing my hair out. By the middle of 6th he'd snapped, very very unexpectedly into an amazingly focused student. He's gotten straight A's for years now. Completely mind boggling to his parents. But I've heard this story many times from other parents. It's just a brain development thing. Good luck!

    My kids went to Montclair. We looked at a variety of options for both kids including privates and charters but ended up going with Montera. The oldest is a freshman at UCLA. Don't believe the disinformation campaign about the academics about Montera or the chatty parents talking down the neighborhood school. Go see for yourself what's happening in the classroom. Talk to parents who have their kids there NOW, not ones who've left. Ask yourself challenging questions. Be open to new things. 


    Check out Claremont Middle School. It's quite small for a middle school (approx 450 kids) and my 7th grade daughter absolutely LOVES it. Since getting Chabot Elementary's former principal 6 years ago, CMS has made incredible strides, getting a blue ribbon award this year and becoming a sought after middle school. We have been extremely impressed with the teachers, who are smart, compassionate, and dedicated.

    I second the recommendation for Claremont. It is a small school as the previous poster noted and class sizes are not maxed out. My son received individual attention for his learning issues and his teachers reached out to me, instead of me having to reach out to them (not the case at Oakland Tech where he is now!).  Both of my older kids made lovely and lasting friendships at Claremont. My youngest is now in 6th grade and the 6th grade teaching team is strong and cohesive. My 6th grader looks forward to going to school! Claremont is definitely worth checking out for your son.

  • We are new to the area.  I work full-time.  After school program at school has no openings, and I am told that the older kids tend not to like to go anymore.  My daughter is currently in 5th grade.  The after school programs that I have found, while they say they take kids up til 5th grade, really only have little kids and are run more like pre-schools.  Would like something music and sports based, not more academics.  What programs do you recommend?  Thank you

    No responses received.

  • OUSD Middle School Feedback

    Nov 8, 2017

    Our family is starting to look at Middle schools in Oakland for our almost-11 y/o fifth grader. We are considering Edna Brewer, Claremont, and Montera. We would love to hear any experiences of the schools, their strengths and challenges. Our kid is academically very strong and motivated, and finishes work quickly--so we are seeking a rigorous/creative academic environment to keep him engaged. He has a robust personality but is also a sensitive soul so he definitely would benefit from a setting where there is reasonably good leadership re: social/emotional learning. We are wondering about academics, social-emotional learning, creativity/innovation, the effects of school size on overall experience/classroom experience? etc. Any thoughts/experiences you can share?

    My experience is with Claremont and it's mostly positive. The only negative is something you'll find at all Oakland public middle schools and that is how many kids are performing below grade level (which means that teachers are having to teach to a huge spectrum of learners). This is our fifth year at Claremont and even in that time it's changed considerably. Overall, Claremont has a very talented teaching staff; both my kids have had rockstar science teachers in all grades. We've had occasional duds in the other subjects but it seems those teachers don't stick around. My current 8th grader has all good-to-great teachers this year. Claremont is small overall, but I don't think the class sizes are ever maxed out (I know they are at Edna Brewer for instance; my friend teaches there and says her classes are almost always 36 or whatever the legal maximum is). Sports are now a thing at Claremont, which wasn't always the case. My eighth grader is taking algebra AND 8th grade math.  She was in music for two years, now taking art and loving it. It's hard to compare three schools that are probably very similar to one another when I only have direct experience with one, but I think what sets Claremont apart from the other schools you mentioned is its very approachable size. I believe my kids are "known" there by teachers and administrators (good principal and asst principal by the way). My kids have been happy there (one is at Tech now and his best friends are his Claremont friends). I have a heartfelt fondness for Claremont that I didn't expect to have five years ago!

    It is good to hear your experience. We were recently on tour at Brewer and although concerned about size, we were impressed by the "families" that divide the grades and make the school feel smaller and more approachable (also each grade in its own building). AND the class sizes did seem very big (32 max apparently)--we assumed it would be so for all the schools but good to learn what your experience has been w smaller class size at C. Glad to hear the warmth and connection you are feeling there, and also teacher quality. Thanks for your reply. :)

    My  daughter is a sixth grader at Edna Brewer and, so far, it has been a very goof placement.  Her classwork and homework are challenging, and I spend several hours a week supporting her on this (your child may not need that level of support, though).  School staff are very involved and responsive to parents concerns/questions.  My daughter is also in orchestra and Brewer's music program is a big asset to the school. Brewer is my neighborhood middle school, so I didn't stress too much about my daughter being accepted.  I know several of her fifth grade classmates who live out of the Brewer area who got in, one through the appeals process.  But others didn't.   I strongly recommend visiting your first 3 choices to get a feel for the climate and "vibe" of the school.

    Thank you for your feedback. Great to hear classwork is challenging at Brewer and that staff is available and supportive (that was my sense too). :)

  • Hello, 

    Our situation is slightly unconventional: my little sister (age 12) will be coming to live with me for the coming school year. This means that we haven't been involved with the local school system or its processes. I live in the Oakland Grand neighborhood, and it looks like the official public school for her would be Westlake. I am trying to figure out whether to enroll her there or what other options we have. I grew up attending charter schools and have been very happy with the education I received, however I'm not familiar with the charter schools in the greater Oakland/Berkeley area (I'm sure they're very popular/hard to get into). 

    I would love to get some advice from the network as I'm trying to get an overview and am a bit overwhelmed. 

    Thank you so much for your help. 


    Most schools have already closed enrollment, but its worth knocking on some doors to see what might be available. Charters with middle schools:

    Urban Montessori Charter School

    East Bay Innovation Academy

    Lighthouse Charter School

    Also you can check out Brewer Middle School - its public and they may accept out of neighborhood kids.

    Best of luck.

    Hi! I am not as familiar with charter schools as my kids have gone through Oakland public schools only. Registration does happen at the beginning of the year, so there may be some issues with open space at schools both public and charter. I have a kid entering 6th grade and he is going to Claremont Middle on College Ave next to BART station. I am not sure if they have any opening. My oldest who attends Oakland Tech HS went through Claremont Middle as well. The new principal is fantastic, it is a smaller school (which is great for my family) and there is an amazing group of parents and teachers there. It is worth checking out. Have you been to the school district office yet? They may have an idea of openings, but you can also contact the schools you are interested in directly.  You might also look at to check out public and charter schools. It doesn't give the whole picture, but might be able to help  you make the choice that is the best fit for you sister. Good luck with your search! Lisa

    My daughter goes to Edna Brewer Middle School (off Park Blvd, not far from the Grand Lake area). It's one of Oakland's better rated middle schools. Great music program, solid academics, and my daughter likes her teachers.

    We had a foster daughter ins special ed at Westlake and it was an okay experience. I think there is no way to know whether it is a good fit for you unless you visit and you can't do that until fall.

    My best advice is to enroll her where you can, but be aware that at the beginning of the year, some people have accepted spots at multiple places or things change for them, so there are often openings after the year starts. Many kids don't report that they won't be attending school and sometimes it doesn't get registered with the district that the pupil isn't showing up. Some people may not liek the school that they start in and move, I've heard that called "the shuffle." It is certainly not reliable, but I have gotten great school placements for foster kids in November by getting inside information directly from the school administration. Is your sister in foster care? If so, OUSD does have a foster care liasion that might be able to pull some strings for you, but unfortunately probably can't create a spot for you that is actually full. He may have some power to get you higher priority or do some of the legwork for you at the district level.

    Do your best to figure out 1) what your first choices are and 2) what acceptable choices are. Get on waiting lists now, but you will want to do another round of contact with both the district and the individual schools both the first week of school and potentially a few weeks after that.

    Good luck. Just know that even though your situation is somewhat unusual, many of us don't know exactly where we are going to land. It is stressful, but lots of people are on waiting lists and you never know where spots will open up, especially if you are willing to move her after a few weeks.

Archived Q&A and Reviews



Middle School after Montclair Elementary?

Aug 2015 

Hello, I am fortunate enough to be in the Montclair Elementary School district and am happy to have my child attend shortly. Being a type A parent, I am already concerned with middle school. I am open to Montera only if the test scores/API rises. If this does not happen, I will try to swing private. If I go the private route, does anyone know how hard it is to get in at the middle schools at that level- are there new spaces open/class expansions in anticipation of these new students? I am considering schools like Head Royce, Bentley, Prospect Sierra etc. Also, any experience with how well Montclair students do on the ISEE (Independent School Entrance Exam)? Thank you for any information you can provide. Anon

Great question- Montera has definitely had its ups and downs. If you are a type A parent like me, you probably won't want to send your child there. Many of the teachers are great, but the level of instruction (My child in 6th grade had other kids that didn't know how to read and kids at her level that tested at the senior year of high school for reading ability in a 36 child class— our teachers would bemoan this all the time, since the school doesn't group the kids by ability), a library that parents valiantly fight to keep open by staffing it themselves, a gutted math program as of a few years ago (before, many parents would bypass private so their kids could do the excellent math program), leadership that seemed only focused on the kids at the very bottom instead of ALL kids (getting a bit better with new principal), and the overall messiness of that school got us down. That said, a large contingency from Montclair Elementary is attending this fall, hoping they can make it better. I see hope there.

Your child should have no challenge getting into private if they are a good student (in other words, it won't be Montclair holding him or her back). They all open up spaces for middle school. We see kids each year from Montclair get into all of the privates, as well as the charter schools. They do fine on the ISEE (no matter what, they'll need to study on the side- it's that kind of test-- we have friends at Head Royce that did test prep for months so they could do well enough to attend another school for middle school). Our child was accepted at every private they applied to (including ones you mentioned), and the schools seems to really like Montclair Elementary kids, since so much is done at the school not just for academic intelligence, but also emotional intelligence and enrichment. Good luck!

One more the time 5th grade rolls around, your child will also let you know by their interests, abilities, and social needs, etc. what school is the best fit- could be Montera, a private, a charter, or home-schooling -- fellow parent

Now take a deep breath and read the blog by Oakland mom on Oakland public schools and school ''fit'' in general. My experience as a public school parent is the same as hers, but she says it better. Local mom

As a parent volunteer for admissions at one of the highly regarded schools you mentioned, I would advise transferring in fourth or fifth grade if you decide to go the private route. It is just so difficult to get in a middle school otherwise. Some years there are only a few spots.

Oakland Middle Schools? NOCCS, Claremont, EBIA 

Nov 2015

We're trying to pick an Oakland middle school, and weighing options for our anxious, hard-to-transition son. We are looking at NOCCS, Claremont and EBIA. After touring all, they seem similar in terms of electives (not a bunch), so we're really looking at:

+ social/emotional learning and support (which seems important for middle);
+ social justice/cultural diversity;
+ academic rigor; and
+ providing readiness for high school.
Assuming we could get a spot at any, I'm curious about your assessment of these schools on these qualities. Especially interested if you moved your kid from one of these settings to another one, and why--and if your kid is already in high school, how prepared they were. And, if you have thoughts/feelings about what you think is most important for middle school experience, we'd love to hear that too. Thanks! middle schooling
I can offer some advice about NOCCS for middle school. First the good news: NOCCS always goes through its waiting list for middle school. So, if history is any indication, you will get a spot there for your child (if you don't mind waiting until the end of summer). Also, adults at NOCCS are very emotionally supportive of the kids so I think sensitive kids have a relatively easy time with the transition. Now for my concerns: It sounds like you have a very academic child. Look into the school's math program. They are currently not preparing students for Geometry in high school like most of the other local middle schools; and many people are unhappy with the computer-based math curriculum they use. The school's ability to present ''academic rigor'' and to differentiate levels of academic challenge/support seems to vary from year to year depending on who's teaching. This applies to your other concerns as well. The school seems to be in a constant state of flux which affects their ability to provide a cohesive education and to predict what any given year at the middle school will be like. I hope that's helpful. I'm interested to see whether other NOCCS parents respond. Good luck with your decision!

We have three years’ experience at Claremont. Our first year at Claremont was bumpy, but the second year was a huge improvement, so much so that we didn’t consider sending our now 6th grader anywhere else. Now, our third year, is mostly smooth and our two children are happy. Just last night my 6th grade daughter and I were laughing about how terrified she was of starting middle school, as compared to now, how content and relaxed she is.

So now for your specific questions. As far as the social/emotional learning, it’s definitely incorporated into the curriculum, but not nearly as strongly as it was at our elementary school. However, each year brings improvement. This year, they have a new thing called Advisory, grouped by grade and gender (smallish groups, like 18-20, I think). It’s about half an hour per day and it’s all about team-building and school culture. The kids love it. As far as your question about social justice/cultural diversity, Claremont is very diverse and unlike our elementary school, getting more diverse. In this case, it means there are more white and brown students and fewer black students, and soon I think we’ll be at the sweet spot of true Oakland diversity, with no single dominant group. I am on campus frequently and love seeing all cultures of Oakland represented. The teachers are also a diverse group; among my two children’s teachers, there are black, white, Asian, Pacific Islander, and Latina teachers, and almost half of them are male, which is a refreshing change from elementary school. There's a huge range of economic diversity as well, with very poor kids coming from all over Oakland, and many middle- and upper-middle class kids who live in Rockridge (whose families, I am happy to say, donate a lot to support the school).

In terms of social justice, discussion of it is woven through the curriculum. Last night there was a schoolwide event for historical literacy (including free dinner!) and one of the activities involved reading about the International Declaration of Human Rights (I may have the exact name wrong) and matching parts of it to photos and news clippings and indicating if it was in alignment with the Declaration or against it.

As far as academic rigor and readiness for high school go, the academic rigor is decent, and stronger in some areas than others. They offer advanced math to 8th graders, but I’m not sure why not to 6th and 7th graders as well. This is probably something that changes year to year. The science teachers at Claremont are rock stars—all three grades, but I have no complaints about Language Arts and Social Science either. My 8th grader’s friend told me that the new 8th grade English teacher’s class is “kind of hard,” and I’m happy to hear that. All the kids I know who’ve gone on to high school from Claremont are doing just fine. Claremont kids are getting into Paideia and the Engineering Academy at Oakland Tech, right alongside their peers who went to private middle schools. The teaching staff this year at Claremont is top-notch. This wasn’t necessarily true the last two years, but somehow the small group of weaker teachers left at the end of last year, including some with tenure—really not sure how they made that happen!

There is also a brand-new, completely revamped after-school program at Claremont and the offerings are amazing—movie-making, parkour, cross-country, and rock-climbing, just to name a very few. Both of my children have made a lovely circle of friends, whose parents are pretty great as well. This year’s 6th grade cohort seems especially strong. My kids walk to school and walk to friends’ houses after school. Claremont is not a perfect school, but every aspect of it has made huge leaps in improvement over the last few years. You say your kid is prone to anxiety. I would say my kids are shy and both were very nervous about attending Claremont, but now both are happy and can’t imagine being anywhere else. I could add a lot more, but this got way longer than I intended! Oakland mom

Montclair jr/high school: public, private or move?

May 2013

My husband and I have two small children under 5 and are starting to think about long term schooling plans. We live in Montclair - our elementary is Montclair which we have only heard wonderful things about and would certainly look forward to sending out kids there. However, it seems like things get dicey at best with Montera middle school and Skyline High. I've read all old BPN posts, and both schools are ranked pretty poorly in state rankings. My question is - where do (or have) other Montclair parents sent their kids to middle and high school and how did it work out? Did you keep them in the public system in Oakland, go private after elementary school or move? We are considering all 3. Private school is so horribly expensive that at that point we would save money by just moving to Orinda and sending our kids to public school. Making a school change at 6th grade can be tough, so if we are going to move we would rather do it now so our kids have the benefit of going all through school with their friends (we also don't want to dump more money into our 1920s house on the necessary improvements it will need in 5 years if we are just going to move). The problem is my husband and I love Oakland, the culture and diversity. We have gone to a number of open homes in Orinda, and frankly, hate how white and privileged it feels. Very curious to hear from other parents in Montclair (or who used to live here and move) on what you did for post elementary schooling and what your experiences were. Thanks so much! Always so grateful for BPN community and all the wonderful advice I've received over the years. Montclair Mama

I wouldn't move or go private for middle school. Our child is in 6th grade at Montera, after having attended Montclair. It is a California Distinguished School, and the test scores are not so bad at all. I am not so big on paying attention to test scores. Instead, I care about how happy my daughter is and if she is learning. Well, she is thriving. The work is challenging, and interesting. For the core academics, the school is ahead of the curve in working toward the common core standards. In brief, that means more emphasis on thinking instead of rote work and it is something all states (except for Montana and Texas) are moving toward. Her social studies class covers ancient history, and right now it's all about ancienct Greece- they are learning about the Greek gods and creating designs to incorporate what they have learned. My daughter has come out of her shell in math this year, and her teacher is giving her more advanced math to supplement what is standard for 6th grade. English covers a lot of writing, and they are reading some great novels and evaluating them in class. Science is great too. There is about 1+ hour of homework each night, and she works hard at it. I was VERY worried to send her to Montera because of all one heards about OUSD, etc., especially as a graduate of the esteemed (but not deservedly so, IMO) Orinda schools, but am now embarassed to have been so. It's a gem. Yes, it's a public school and all that entails, but there will always be issues whereever you go. One more thing...we have seen a few folks leave private schools for Montera, and it seems they are thriving as well. I do hear that 7th grade hasn't been as strong as 6th, but I also hear that the principal is working on this. I ask my daughter every day if school is ok, and she loves it. Couldn't ask for more. Happy at Montera

We were in the same predicament last year except our kids were only 3 and 1. We were happy with Thornhill and the thought of our kids going there. However, we had the same qualms about Montera and Skyline. I, myself, was born and raised in Oakland and am a product of both Montera and Skyline. It had its share of violence when i was there less than 20 years ago and I heard it got worse after I graduated. But I love the culture, diversity, people of Oakland and have so much pride from being from there. We had every intention of raising our future kids there when we bought our home in Oakland after getting married. But we got fed up with mayoral ineptitude and the sharp rise in crime and violence. And the more we thought about it, we felt like taking the kids away from their close friends around the time they were Middle school-aged would be traumatic. We started looking in Piedmont and Orinda in hopes of better schools and police response. My first choice was Piedmont due to its geographical location, but the home prices were outrageous for the condition of the homes. We ended up finding a home we loved in Orinda. I had so much anxiety that I was making the wrong decision because, I too, never wanted to raise my kids in such a homogenous community (we are of a minority ethnicity). However, once we moved here, all worries were wiped away. We were blown away by how welcoming, friendly, and nice all the families are around here. Orinda was named the 2nd most friendliest town in America by Forbes last year and I definitely believe it after being here for almost a year now. Yes, it is very ''white'' but I feel like most people are here via San Francisco, Oakland, educated, and cultured. As long as we do our part to teach our own kids about culture and diversity, I feel like they will be fine. We still eat, shop, go to preschool in Oakland so they are immersed in the culture there. This is just our experience and how it's worked out for us. I hope this will help you feel better about the decisions you make for your own family. Good luck! Kris

Both of my kids went to Oakland public elementary (Joaquin Miller, not Montclair) and both are now at Montera and we are very happy there. There is a very large group of kids who went to Montclair and at least in the current 6th grade class I think Montclair and Joaquin Miller are the two schools that sent the biggest groups of kids to Montera. We are happy both with the excellent education they are receiving and with the way the school is run. There is a significant core of high achieving students and some really great teachers. We also have a great new principal who is committed to addressing the achievement gap and making sure that every child at Montera is succeeding. We live in Oakland, and chose not to move to someplace like Orinda, for exactly the reasons you mention. There are certainly challenges that kids will experience at Montera that they may not experience at a private school or a school in a place like Orinda. They are going to meet kids from very different backgrounds and they are going to encounter some kids with behavior problems. I think the school does a good job of dealing with those problems when they arise and in my experience they are not common. We think that some challenges are a good thing for our kids. We considered private school for middle school and have no regrets about not doing it. My son will be going to Oakland Tech next year, having been admitted to Head-Royce and deciding it was not for him. Skyline also has some great programs and we know many people whose kids have been successful there. I would urge you to talk to people who have kids at Montera for information about that school as there are plenty of false rumors to be had from those who don't. Good luck. Montera Parent

Sigh. It is very hard to hear the phrase ''We love Oakland's culture and diversity'' invariably followed by the interest in what other Montclair families choose. I encourage you to get more information and make your own decision!

Please remember that the diversity in Oakland very much includes socio-economic circumstances. My daughter went to a sought-after 'hills' elementary school and it was jaw-dropping to witness the white flight after 5th grade (private school or move.) In some ways, it is the ultimate chicken or egg scenario--when the children of well educated, fully enfranchised families leave the system, the school doesn't have the parent engagement it needs to thrive, the kids often test lower at CST time so the school rating goes down, and on and on it goes.

My daughter was one of very few kids from her 5th grade class to go on the public middle school as it seemed like everyone early on--as early as you seem to be--made the decision that they wouldn't be staying in OUSD after elementary school. Her teachers are great. There are surprisingly many super-involved parents who have provided for a lot of programming that would be otherwise not available. But let's be truthful, the school has all manner of real Oakland families in its community. Parents that are seriously young and definitely never went to college. Kids that each nachos and soda for breakfast on the bus. Home situations that include unsafe neighborhoods and under- or unemployed family members. These families don't get involved because they don't know what that looks like. So their kids aren't as connected to the school and have a tougher time. And they don't do as well on standardized tests which make the overall scores low. But these kids are just as wonderful as your two sweet children and need the support of their whole community to make a well-rounded school.

If you honestly hate how white and privileged it feels to flee through the tunnel (or to private school,) I encourage you to start early in supporting Montera. It's never too early get involved as a volunteer or fundraising donor. In my experience, it has been the best transition to middle school for those parents that had a realistic understanding of what kids that age are like (ugh--they swear and act rowdy) and how things work. In the sheltered environments of our wonderful hills elementary schools, it can seem like such a drastic change. But for our daughter, it has been great to watch her make friends with a truly *diverse* group of kids as well as thrive in her classes. While I am not a cheerleader for OUSD, I do think there are some great things happening in the schools that do not get recognized. Good luck with your choices. Anon

I have a lot to say, but will try to be succinct. I'm not in Montclair, but am in Oakland and have two, soon to be three, kids in OUSD. You're right, kids in Oakland scatter when it comes time for middle school. My son is a 5th grader at the best elementary in Oakland (I say that tongue in cheek, because I think a lot of people think that about their school). He's going on to our local middle school which has a bad reputation and low test scores (okay, it's Claremont). BUT, he is a middle-class white kid who is a decent, but not great student AND he has enough of his cohort going with him, that I'm feeling pretty good about the decision. When my son started kindergarten, I told my husband in no uncertain terms that we would not stay in Oakland for middle school, but now here we are. I've spent the last few years getting to ''know'' Claremont, signing up for newsletters, touring, talking to current parents and students.

Also, the Claremont of 6 years ago, when we first enrolled in OUSD was very different from the Claremont of today--like I said, I had totally written it off. So I would encourage you to remain open-minded about OUSD middle school and high school. At least one of our 5th graders is heading on to Montera in the fall, feeling like it's a solid choice. Other students from our elementary are there now and are very happy. There is a HUGE amount of peer pressure among middle-class parents in Oakland when it comes to middle school. I'm trying to teach my kids how to stand up to peer pressure, so I guess I had better walk the walk! Be brave, be open-minded, think for yourself! And BTW, why Orinda? That's a whole other topic that I won't get into here. OUSD mom x3

We are having the same dilemma. We are in a rental in Montclair while we sell our home in a different part of Oakland, to start the process of either buy in Montclair or through the tunnel within the next 8 months or so. Like you I have reservations about going to ''the other side''. My heart is here in Oakland. My community is here. My son is already in a great Montclair Elementary School that he LOVES. I have reached out to a couple friends who are now in Orinda or Moraga after making this same decision. I would be happy to forward their emails to you if you would like. And I would love to chat with you more via email. In my ideal world- you would stay, I would stay, all those considering would stay and make all the effort in the world to make the public high school better when we get to that point w/ our kids. I work in a public school (different district)- and I know there is only so much parents can do... but if there was a way to guarantee we have enough of us willing to make the effort- I would be all for it. BUT- I flip flop every couple days about which way we should go with our next home purchase. :/ I feel your pain. Please feel free to email me directly. kellita71 at yahoo. still debating too

Never again will we ever move to Orinda. I read your message and had the exact same thoughts in 2010. At the time I had a 3 yr old and 5 year old. We own our home in Montclair. We decided to rent out our home and rent in Orinda for awhile and once we found a place we liked would consider selling our home and buying out there. My boys were the only black boys in their classes. None of the neighbors came to met us. We had used a real estate agent to find our rental so all of our paperwork went through her. My husband and I are both professionals with good jobs. On paper you can not tell the color of our skin. After we moved in and met the landlord, she told the real estate agent that she regretted leasing to us. She constantly harassed us. We had an extremely unpleasant experience in Orinda. It is white and from my experience is not welcoming to others that are different. We are thankful to still own our home in Oakland and would rather pay for private school than live in a hurtful homogenous community. Glad to be out of Orinda

I'm the mother of a 6th grader at Montera this year. I just want to add some recent ''numbers'' to the discussion about OUSD middle schools because I think these have either dramatically changed over the past 5 years or the rumors of flight from OUSD middle schools have been exaggerated. Of the 60 fifth graders at Montclair Elementary School in 2011-2012, only 2 went on to private schools, one moved (not to Piedmont or Orinda or Marin, by the way), 4 went to other OUSD schools (e.g., art and performance), and the rest all went to Montera. So only ~3 out of ~60 Montclair Elementary families made the decision to leave OUSD at the middle school level. This means that in the the transition to the larger middle school, the children have a significant cohort of friends, and a lot of the parents already know each other, facilitating building community at the middle school level overall. Montera mom

Just moved to West Oakland, need good school for 7th grade

Feb 2012

please help, this is time sensitive. my 12, almost 13 year old son is extremely smart, has the TAG/GATE award, and has always attended the best school we can find for him. we recently moved back to the bay from hawaii, and due to our financial circumstances, have taken a room in west oakland. we have no car and shoddy bikes. i have called OUSD, i have called every charter school in range, and i have looked into online education. i applied him to stanford online but it is financial aid for one course at a time, and books are $500-600/per. he gets excellent grades, loves to learn, and works very hard. we have made huge sacrifices for his education, and this is the first time we have just hit a wall. i have been all over the BPN (was a member before) and not found much current info addressing this issue. my stress level is through the roof.

can anyone PLEASE refer us to at least a decent online school for the remainder of his 7th grade? he is highly motivated. we have gone with a K12 online before and it was awful, he needs challenge. the charters may or may not have room next year. at this point all i can think to do is to homeschool and have him test out at the end of the year, but neither of us want to do this, he wants to be in school.

intense frustration that there are so many kids who DON'T want to learn taking class space away from kids who DO. repeat: transportation an issue. please do not advise we move to alameda or albany, we do not have the luxury of choice. thank you in advance for considerate advisement. frustrated in west oakland

You have a few options, other than online school, which I don't believe is the best option. There is a KIPP middle school in West Oakland which is highly regarded. You can try contacting them and explaining your circumstances. Also, for the remainder of 7th grade, try to apply for an inter-district transfer to Hayward or San Leandro. I know many students from Oakland who attend public schools in these cities without any problems with district boundaries. There is also a Montessori charter school in Hayward that has high test scores, I believe it's called Golden Oak Montessori. If you contact any of these schools/districts and explain your situation, they should be very helpful.

Finally, try and contact some private and parochial schools. They may have scholarship and financial aid money. I did a quick search and also found a website that gives scholarship funds to kids who want to attend private schools.

Good luck. Tenacity and persistence will pay off in the end. Your child will have a school to attend! anon

It sounds like you are open to homeschooling. Hickman is a homeschooling charter. They have a library and materials available and will pay for some classes. They also offer classes on Wednesday in Berkeley.

Hickman Charter Annex 546 9th Street, Oakland, CA 94607 (510) 893-1011

EPGY math and language are inexpensive if you do it through open enrollment (around $125 for a year). Also, Kahn academy is completely free. As are many college level classes on OpenCourseWare.

Another option that may be close to you is the Oakland Math Circle.

If you are BART accessible you can easily get your child to Quantum Camp classes in downtown Berkeley. I believe they offer financial aid.

You can always file a private school affidavit and homeschool your child and put together your own curriculum . You don't have to have him enrolled in any online school.

If you decide to homeschool AOHL (alameda oakland home learners) has parkdays on Thursdays. You can meet people and get a lot of info on resources.

Also,have you looked at American Indian Charter? They have a remarkable number of kids scoring very high on SAT talent searches. good luck

Dear stuck, I understand your frustration. I don't have any good suggestions for you for an online school, but there is a charter school you should look into called COVA . If you can't start there this spring, think about it for next fall. You could get there from West Oakland by taking BART to Fruitvale station and then a bus runs from there up to Redwood Road. The reason I think COVA would be good for your son is because it is able to accommodate very gifted kids through a partnership with the Peralta junior college system. COVA kids go to Merritt College and take some classes there, receiving both high school and college credit for them. The director of the school is committed to getting kids an education that is at the right level for them. To succeed in it, your son should have the maturity level to handle self-directed work. Kids who take classes at Merritt still participate in regular school activities, particularly music and enrichment classes, so this would also fit your son's desire to attend school with his peers. Just a suggestion, take a look at it: Good luck!

AC Transit's 62 bus route runs from the West Oakland BART station and passes within a few blocks of two OUSD middle schools: Edna Brewer and Roosevelt. Both have better test scores than West Oakland Middle School (FWIW), with Edna Brewer far and away the best of the 3. Edna Brewer is our local middle school and I have heard positive things about it, relative to other Oakland middle schools. My daughter has a few years to go before middle school, so no personal experience, but you can find reviews on BPN. Carrie

I teach at St. Martin de Porres Middle School on Peralta and 10th. Nearly every child in the school (something like 90%) get financial aid of some sort or another - BASIC, FACE or school aid. We are a Catholic school, though most of our students are not Catholic. 40% of our students are Latino/a and 60% African American.

The school is fairly structured, and I would say traditional and effective. Kids typically graduate from SMDP and go to various Catholic High Schools in the area (St. Mary's, Bishop O'Dowd, Salesian, St. Liz)

It's worth taking a look and seeing if it is a good fit. The academics are solid, and the school is a warm, nurturing, safe place.

In any case, take a look at the website and call for a tour if interested. Myriam