Seeking a Daycare or Preschool in Martinez

Parent Q&A

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  • We are new to Martinez and are searching for a quality preschool program for our child who turned 3 in January.

    So far we have looked at Forest Hills Alhambra Preschool, St. Catherine of Sienna Preschool, Creekside Montessori, and KinderCare Martinez. We are also interested in Martinez Early Childhood Center, but we would need a fee-for-service spot and we will not know if there are any openings until June.

    Of the four we’ve toured, Forest Hills and St. Catherine’s seem like the best available options for our family. Does anyone out there have any experience or impressions of either of these preschools? Or is there another recommended program in town that we’ve missed in our search? Ideally we’re looking for a program within Martinez that is open M-F with at least 9-3p hours. Thank you!

    Hello, I am also new to Martinez and did the whole childcare circuit search for my now 2yo. We toured Forest Hills as well. There are a couple of Martinez Mama Facebook groups and a Bay Area Childcare Facebook group. A lot of people recommended Sunshine House to me, they are only 2+ and my girl was 18mo at the time so we didn't go there. We ended up going to KidzPlanet on the Martinez/Pleasant Hill border and its soooo Awesome! I can't say enough good things about them. 

  • Hi!

    I'm looking for a preschool/day care  for my 3 year old that is health conscious and serves organic food. I'm open to various philosophies but feel very strongly about clean, non-toxic food. Any suggestions for the Martinez area? Anything in Briones? Small home-based preschools are an additional plus!

    thank you for your time, it is greatly appreciated. 

    No responses received.

  • Hello wise families,

    My husband and I are considering a move from Rockridge to Martinez (close to Pleasant Hill). My daughter was signed up to start a small Waldorf home preschool in Berkeley this fall but if we move, sadly, we will need to choose a closer one. When searching online for preschools in the Martinez/Pleasant Hill/Walnut Creek area I am only finding large institution type preschools. Is there anyone in this community who lives out there and can direct me to some smaller sweet home programs you are aware of? (She'll be 3 in January 2018:)

    Thanks in advance!


    I live in Pleasant Hill and my 3 year old attends Alice's Montessori.  Of course if you are looking only for Waldorf this isn't for you, but if montessori is something you are considering, I would highly recommend.  They have 2 locations (Walnut Creek and Pleasant Hill), both of which have about 40 students age 2-5 any given day.  Both locations are converted houses so they are small and intimate.  We have loved our time there. 



    I know of this preschool:

    It is Waldorf and I have heard good things about it. My daughter is not old enough yet but it is a school that we will definitely consider. 
