Personal Assistants

BPN Subscribers: Looking for a household assistant? see the Household Services Listing 

Parent Q&A

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  • Hi other busy parents!

    I’m a surgery resident, mom to a toddler and starting a business so am basically BEYOND overwhelmed. I am looking for someone like a personal assistant to come 1 day per week to help keep my life on track- that will vary from day to day but generally could involve laundry, cleaning up and putting things away, grocery shopping, meal prepping, and running errands.

    Can anyone recommend someone and also I’m wondering how much on average services like this cost?

    Ok thanks!

    When my kids were really little and my job it’s most demanding, I had a trusted housekeeper/ weekly cleaner, still do, but during that period I had her come twice a week with the second time focused on laundry (again) and straightening for a shorten time period. This isn’t the assistant route but I mention it because it would cover some of the needs you mentioned. It was valuable to me to build on something that was working and with someone I trusted. Eventually we went back to one day a week. 

  • Hello 

    I am looking for an assistant who will edit my correspondance and marketing.
    I will be paying per hour. I need someone to be available to work when the correspondance is needed and it can be every day, weekends included.

    Do you have any experience in this matter? Where did you find your assistant and how much are you paying them ?

    Thank you in advance for your assistance.

    I would check out websites like FIVER or Upwork! You can hire contract people to these sorts of tasks for you and it's pretty affordable! I've used FIVR for website edits, marketing materials, etc. 

    Use Chat GPT (or one of the many other AI tools available now). It's a phenomenal editor (I've used it to write numerous cover letters, etc.) and if you do a bit of research on how to direct it and refine what it produces it should be able to do this with no problem and for free! 

  • Our family is looking for a part-time Household Manager. We have been unsuccessful finding a reliable person on and trialed a higher end recruiting agency, but our styles were not compatible. Has anyone had any success with finding a good match?

    Any feedback on the job description to ensure clarity with applicants of expectations is appreciated:

    We are a casual, low maintenance family with very busy work schedules and are looking for assistance in maintaining our home. We have 2 independent teenagers. A good candidate would be an empty nester or parent with school age children who has experience with managing basic day to day household/family needs. We are looking for a person who lives in/near the South Berkeley area, is reliable and organized.

    Regular responsibilities:

    - General availability for miscellaneous and unexpected needs at home

    - Overseeing of household on-site activities (i.e. package deliveries, monitoring/scheduling service providers- housekeeper/lawn/dog walkers, routine replenishing of things like dog food/supplies, noting/resolving of repairs, general personal/grocery shopping, daily light cleaning/organization, personal chores/errands, possible light dinner prep, mail pick up, etc)

    Hours: 20h/week

    Pay: starting $50/h

    - 20h can be achieved through >15h/week on-site + remaining h either on-site or on-call

    - On-call = available to help as needed within 30 min of request (i.e. package deliveries, last minute errands, etc) 

    I think people wouldn't like the 5 hours of "on call" of being available within 30 minutes. That seems like a big ask.

    Household manager is also a job title not typically seen around here - you might have better results if you curate the assignments to be in line with "personal assistant" and set regular hours. (say, 6 hours per day on 3 days per week to be mutually agreed on, or whatever)


    I think the job sounds fine except for to be available within in 30min. Being available witjin 30min does not sound low maintenance. Are they excepted to be available within 30min during the 5 hours on call only? I would just say have set hours then. Even if that is 15hours on site and 5 hours remote work. Or saying some hours remote work. If you are flexible with the hours I would say 20hours mutually agreed upon weekly schedule. I agree with previous comment, personal assistant is better title. Personal assistant to low maintenance family.

    If it's a correct statement, I would clarify that the the 30 minute availability would be within a set of 5 hours that you expect the person to be available (for example, you would not need to come in on Thursday mornings from 9-2 but you would need to be available if we needed something on Thursday from 9-2).  Seems like also a job for someone working as a part time legal assistant or part time office assistant and you could classify it that way.  I would not put the phrase 'miscellaneous and unexpected needs at home' in the ad as it makes it almost impossible for the job seeker to know if they do or do not want to do this job. Also, you may have luck making it a temporary summer position. 

    the only thing I find a little confusing in your job description is the on call part. I think applicants may worry that you expect them to be on call always but are only going to pay for 5 on call hours. If that is not your intention, maybe just say 20 hours/week, flexible schedule (or list any specific hours/days you need), and then negotiate the on call part later as an extra perk for them. If always-on-call is your intention, I think that you probably need to pay a lot more!

    The list of responsibilities seems like a lot, and not super well defined. As an applicant, I'd be worried about a piling-on of tasks that I hadn't agreed to do, or about being able to complete more in 20 hrs than is reasonable. 

    Someone said 5 hours on call would be undesirable, but if you're paying $50/hr for that on call time I can't imagine why it would be a problem as long as it's a regular time they can plan around. Having 5 floating hours that you can use within 30 minutes notice any time would not be reasonable, so I assume that's not what you were proposing. 

    You asked for feedback on the job description -- I think you might be having trouble finding someone because of that "on-call" within 30 minutes requirement. Given that your job is 20 hours a week, most people would be balancing that job with other work and/or family obligations. Some people might be able to work additional time with a day or two's notice, but 30 minutes doesn't seem reasonable. Maybe you actually need a full-time housekeeper.

    Hello! Here are my thoughts/ questions/ red flags I would have as an applicant:

    • What is meant by on call? Clarify exactly what you expect here - 24/7? M-F only? Weekends/ Holidays? I think this role will be hard to fill if you want someone to be on call whenever. People with children will likely not be interested.  
    • Noting/ resolving repairs: how will I know what needs to be repaired? Am I expected to fix things or just arrange for others to do so? I would recommend reducing your expectation here to something like “calling tradespeople to arrange for minor household repairs”
    • Monitoring service providers: am I watching the lawn guy work? What does this mean. Red flag: the feeling I get here is that I (hypothetically as your employee) will be monitored by you constantly and that will be unpleasant.
    • Dinner prep: this is a little tricky because it sounds more like a “nice to have” than a “need it,” but will you be disappointed if it isn’t done?” Same with “light cleaning/ organization.” It’s pretty tricky for someone to come in with zero knowledge of what you need/ want and organize the house. 

    Overall, it sounds like you are looking to pay someone quite a high hourly for the domestic work that you do. This could be a great fit for the right person as long as you ease them into it. The problem I see is it’s going to be hard to find someone who can do everything that you currently do to a standard set by you and know that it needs to be done. 

    I think you’ll be more successful finding someone if you reduce the scope of your job description and make it very specific, then hire someone you vibe with that seems reliable. Start them at 35/ hr and give them raises as you add in some of the responsibilities listed above. If they are not willing or able to do it all, oh well, at least you have taken some tasks off of your plate. Good luck! 

    Agree with ECMom2, it seems like set hours would be helpful and something like occasional "on call" time if available that they would be paid for. I was thinking household or personal assistant, I think it also couldn't hurt to be a bit more specific about what the needs are for the teenagers (i.e., pick-up, overseeing homework/tutors) and having clear expectations about what you really need the most help with and making sure the person has time to do those tasks (as you know shuttling kids around is so time consuming). I think the salary you are offering is very generous

  • Personal Assistant help

    Sep 30, 2022

    Hello - we are a dual-career family with two young children and finding that we don't have enough time for all of the personal "stuff" in our lives - for example, we can't take a vacation because we don't have enough time to PLAN a vacation, I have a stack of returns collecting dust that I haven't had time to get to, etc. 

    Has anyone hired a part-time personal assistant or virtual assistant? If so, would love your perspective on what worked/what didn't. 

    Thank you!

    I recommend TaskRabbit, they're online. They charge a percentage per hour fee but usually, your helper will work with you one-on-one once you've met. I've met two wonderful helpers through this site. Best of luck.