Pediatric Audiologist

Archived Q&A and Reviews

Pediatric Audiologist for 3rd grader's unilateral hearing loss

April 2016

Looking for a Pediatric Audiologist (or adult audiologist) to help us navigate unilateral hearing loss for my 3rd grader. Recommendations appreciated,as is any information or tips from families who have tried or currently use the CROS, Steamer Pro, or FM devices etc in the home or class room setting. Renee

UCSF Benioff Children's Hospital. You can request a referral to Oakland or Walnut Creek location. Walnut Creek is usually calmer and has shorter wait times, but both have great staff.

I highly recommend Jason Carr, Pediatric Audiologist at UCSF Benioff Children's Hospital. Jason is fun, energetic, knowledgeable and relates really well to kids. My son was diagnosed with a unilateral moderately severe sensorineural hearing loss at age 5, has had a hearing aide with an FM device in the classroom since Kindergarten and has done really well with that. bela

The Director of Audiology at UCSF Benioff Children's Hospital Oakland says that CROS hearing aid devices can be extremely helpful for children in the classroom and in noisier environments. In our audiology clinic at UCSF Benioff Children's Hospital, we've fit many school aged children successfully with these types of devices. In addition to the hearing aid, your child should receive preferential seating in his/her classroom (with the better ear directed toward the teacher) and have the option of using a FM system in the classroom. Both the preferential seating and the FM system can be requested through your child's IEP (Individual Educational Plan) assessment. If you have further questions, please don't hesitate to contact our Director of Audiology at Susan